
Courses for 16 to 18-year-olds


With hundreds of unique, exciting and inspiring programmes to choose from, everything you need to create your brighter future is waiting for you at Weston College.

From the minute you walk through the door, the experience and the environment that we create is all about maximising your potential. It’s about preparing and motivating you for a fresh and focused career pathway.

Every Weston College student becomes part of one of our exciting new Career Excellence Hubs. This means you will take part in a study programme with lots of career boosting benefits, all with the aim of help you to go further, giving you the opportunity to become career ready with the skills, knowledge and expertise you need to be successful in your next step and reach your ultimate goal - whatever that may be!

Whether you are looking for the next step after school or the next step in your career, we're bound to have a programme for you. Take a look below at the different types of qualifications available for school leavers and young people between 16 and 18 years old.

Did you know we also run English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)?

Start your brighter future by selecting a subject you're interested in below, and don't forget - you can apply online and it only takes 5 minutes!


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Qualifications Explained

At Weston College we know that everyone learns differently. That’s why we deliver a variety of different qualification types - to give you the chance to learn in the way that suits you the most.

A Levels

A Levels develop the knowledge, skills and study habits to excel at university, as well as the attributes recognised by employers. Your academic studies will be complemented with enrichment opportunities such as trips, mentoring and work experience, providing the perfect springboard for your future career. A Levels are assessed through exams at the end of two years of study. Most learners study three subjects - some choose four.


Check out A-Levels Here


With an apprenticeship you’ll go straight into the workplace and be shown clear routes to progress straight into employment within a specific occupation. You can achieve nationally recognised qualifications, earn a wage, and gain skills that will see you get ahead. On average you will spend 20% of your learning time in the college and 80% within the workplace..


Check out Apprenticeships Here

Professional and Technical Qualifications

Professional and technical qualifications are designed to provide you with the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to gain employment within specific industries or occupations. They provide a balance between theory and practical skills development. They are suited to those who want to get hands-on experience within a particular vocational area. These programmes include work placements. Assessment is more varied and will include exams, coursework and practical work.


Traineeships are a great way for 16 to 24-year-olds who haven’t yet gained the skills and experiences necessary to apply for jobs and apprenticeships. They are taught mostly in the workplace and include a mixture of personal and social development, and employability skills. The aim of a traineeship is to train you within a company so that you are more likely to be offered an apprenticeship or a job.


Check out Traineeships Here

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T Levels give you the chance to learn what a real career is like while you continue your studies. T Levels have been designed with leading businesses and employers to give you the knowledge and skills you need, including a minimum of 45 days on an industry placement – this means you will spend 80% of your learning time in College and 20% within the workplace.


Check out T-Levels Here


We are all about CAREERS NOT COURSES and pride ourselves on being able to offer a huge range of programmes to ensure you develop the skills and knowledge employers and universities are looking for. As the only education provider in North Somerset that enables you to work your way up from an entrylevel programme to a degree, we’re here to help you choose the right programme for you.

We can help you choose your study programme or apprenticeship by accessing the following support:

School Liaison Team

Working with local schools we help you find out about college life and programmes of study, and we provide you with advice and guidance about what programmes will best suit you. We will either visit your school, attend careers fairs and parents’ evenings or coordinate campus and virtual events such as our taster days, holiday workshops and tours.


We put on a number of events over the year, which will be a mixture of face-to-face and virtual events. These provide you and your family with the opportunity to explore our facilities, speak to our lecturers, find out about the support on offer and choose the right programme for you. Our events also give you the opportunity to engage with a number of employers to find out about careers in their industry and why they value the calibre of candidates that come from Weston College.


  • On our website you can access a wealth of career guidance, such as:
  •  All the programmes you can study.
  • What our alumni have gone on to achieve.
  • Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) that will help explain what relevant careers and jobs are available, including salaries.
  • NEW – Subject careers roadmaps, so you can map your journey with us and ensure it will get you into your chosen career. Also, check out Career Coach - this provides you with the opportunity to:
  • Take an assessment that matches you with careers.
  • Explore broad career pathways that match your strengths and interests.
  • Compare careers within a pathway - including salaries, required education and more.
  • Explore our programmes that will set you on the path to your desired career.
  • Take a career assessment - and receive an in-depth report that can help you identify the best programme and career path for you!

We’re here and happy to help – if you would like more advice and guidance, contact our school liaison team by emailing - they you can arrange a one-to-one careers appointment with our specialist staff.


Olly Murs stood with three females dressed as Miley Cyrus on stage

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{f3106dd7-35fb-4b51-bceb-b2b13599ecb4}{110}" paraid="488283141" xml:lang="EN-GB">Weston College music alumni Kezia Povey was recently a contestant on ITVs singing performance show “Starstruck”, hosted by Olly Murs.&nbsp;</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{3a8cd2a0-01aa-47a6-b435-7eb0a1fad73a}{171}" paraid="1714679730" xml:lang="EN-GB">In the vein of “Stars in their eyes”, <a href="…; sees members of the public transformed into famous music icons, performing their classic hits to impress a panel of star-studded judges and&nbsp;win a cash prize. &nbsp;</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{060c1007-a664-4264-85e4-5a02fb38e264}{25}" paraid="611545994" xml:lang="EN-GB">Since finishing her <a href="… 3 Extended Diploma in Music Performance and Production</a> at Weston College, Kezia has been writing and releasing music whilst&nbsp;singing&nbsp;at a local holiday park.&nbsp;</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{060c1007-a664-4264-85e4-5a02fb38e264}{25}" paraid="611545994" xml:lang="EN-GB">&nbsp;</p>

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<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{060c1007-a664-4264-85e4-5a02fb38e264}{25}" paraid="611545994" xml:lang="EN-GB">&nbsp;</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{67cd87af-45b0-4889-9de4-3abaad5bba6d}{234}" paraid="916373830" xml:lang="EN-GB">The 19-year-old singer added: <em>“I was approached on Instagram during lockdown last year as I post lots of singing vids on my social media. I then did a zoom audition which led to a producers audition in London. I wasn’t sure of the format or what the show was about - just that it was going to be an ITV prime time singing show! So I knew it would be a good opportunity.”&nbsp;</em></p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{50d6a188-7dd3-46ef-b0eb-e1820b58c3b4}{191}" paraid="296609118" xml:lang="EN-GB">After this lengthy audition process, Kezia’s sensational singing skills earned her a slot on the show where she became American pop super-star Miley Cyrus. Kezia shared the stage with two other Miley mimics, each embodying a different era of her career whilst sporting the singer’s signature raspy vocal style.&nbsp;</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{532d36f0-6e87-4a49-910f-6d67cc61679b}{173}" paraid="1876306281" xml:lang="EN-GB">Kezia continued: <em>“Miley has a very distinct voice - funnily enough I have done a couple of Miley covers before, including one for a college project and have been told I have a similar sound to her. I have been told I look like her too!"&nbsp;</em></p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{532d36f0-6e87-4a49-910f-6d67cc61679b}{173}" paraid="1876306281" xml:lang="EN-GB">&nbsp;</p>

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<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{532d36f0-6e87-4a49-910f-6d67cc61679b}{173}" paraid="1876306281" xml:lang="EN-GB">&nbsp;</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{15a1abf7-549b-457e-8a7c-3b3af6af8428}{250}" paraid="1296954630" xml:lang="EN-GB">The show featuring Kezia aired on ITV’s prime-time slot on Saturday March 26th. &nbsp;</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{1af1288d-c73e-4bdd-b553-d15dc461f2e8}{238}" paraid="218419795" xml:lang="EN-GB">Although the talented trio just missed out on the final spot, the Cyrus singers were highly commended for their performance of "Midnight Sky" by judges Sheridan Smith, Adam Lambert, Beverley Knight and Jason Manford for their extreme talents in bringing the pop-star to life.</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{1af1288d-c73e-4bdd-b553-d15dc461f2e8}{238}" paraid="218419795" xml:lang="EN-GB">&nbsp;</p>

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<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{fe80d8d6-9d8f-4c17-8dc2-e1b856374d2c}{185}" paraid="605753745" xml:lang="EN-GB">Somewhat unsurprisingly, this is not Kezia’s first time singing on TV as she also appeared in ITV’s X Factor in 2018 when she was just 15, making it through the auditions with 4 “yes’” from the judges.&nbsp;</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{6d0f35d2-ed9d-44b0-9bdb-1678e8157ff1}{122}" paraid="2113095842" xml:lang="EN-GB">Speaking about her return to national television, Kezia said: &nbsp;</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{853ae852-9a99-4e56-b21b-f101b2e255ae}{86}" paraid="1231022117" xml:lang="EN-GB"><em>"The whole experience was great. I’ve loved my TV&nbsp;appearances, it’s a very surreal experience, especially meeting the judges. &nbsp;</em></p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{4a14c427-6bd8-42bf-a840-74a12333af3c}{234}" paraid="1231117804" xml:lang="EN-GB"><em>"Talking to Olly Murs was also amazing, he’s so nice and really puts everyone at ease. Knowing he’s been through being judged on a tv show too is really reassuring.&nbsp;&nbsp;</em></p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{4a14c427-6bd8-42bf-a840-74a12333af3c}{234}" paraid="1231117804" xml:lang="EN-GB">&nbsp;</p>

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<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{4a14c427-6bd8-42bf-a840-74a12333af3c}{250}" paraid="66223417" xml:lang="EN-GB">&nbsp;</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{4a14c427-6bd8-42bf-a840-74a12333af3c}{250}" paraid="66223417" xml:lang="EN-GB"><em>"This show was all about having fun, transforming in to your idols and just an all round feel good Saturday night family show. I learnt a lot from the vocal coaches and of course the choreographers about working the stage and making the most of the performance."&nbsp; &nbsp;</em></p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{947e62fc-4caa-4acf-aa66-8f89922aba7e}{81}" paraid="1433002401" xml:lang="EN-GB">Starstruck has now concluded and had a staggering 4.7 million viewers, warranting its renewal for a second season. <a href="">… can watch her full performance on the show here</a>.&nbsp;</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{e45e08a1-713f-496c-a164-07a7ff4d7165}{236}" paraid="2017495819" xml:lang="EN-GB">Previously studying at Priory School, Kezia joined the Weston College Music department and quickly impressed peers and staff with her epic vocal abilities as she studied the <a href="… 3 Extended Diploma in Music Performance and Production</a>. &nbsp;</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{d80da0cb-3056-445f-ad53-85cd24d302ca}{80}" paraid="1577608085" xml:lang="EN-GB">She added: <em>“My experiences at Weston college helped me learn the kind of direction I wanted to take with music. It gave me great experiences working with other musicians and using the great facilities that are within the music department at Loxton Campus.&nbsp;</em></p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{cce1a62e-2543-41a2-8b9f-434e4bcf94c7}{151}" paraid="1647720792" xml:lang="EN-GB"><em>I loved my time at Weston college, performing with the other musicians on the course was my favourite part and doing gigs with a live band is still my favourite type of performance."</em></p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{cce1a62e-2543-41a2-8b9f-434e4bcf94c7}{167}" paraid="1771369074" xml:lang="EN-GB">A well-deserved recognition for such a talented young person with a bright future ahead! We’d like to with Kezia the best of luck as she continues writing, releasing and recording music regularly in London.&nbsp;</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{cce1a62e-2543-41a2-8b9f-434e4bcf94c7}{167}" paraid="1771369074" xml:lang="EN-GB">Click to:</p>

<li lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{cce1a62e-2543-41a2-8b9f-434e4bcf94c7}{167}" paraid="1771369074" xml:lang="EN-GB"><a href="… Kezia's latest single "So Lovely"</a></li>
<li lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{cce1a62e-2543-41a2-8b9f-434e4bcf94c7}{167}" paraid="1771369074" xml:lang="EN-GB"><a href="… our range of music courses</a></li>
<li lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{cce1a62e-2543-41a2-8b9f-434e4bcf94c7}{167}" paraid="1771369074" xml:lang="EN-GB"><a href="… about the Music degree course taught in Weston-super-Mare</a></li>

Chefs prepare meal

<p><img alt="Prayag delivering guest lecture" data-align="right" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="757c4d50-3ac1-4f7d-af38-abcf873acebc" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/Prayag%201.jpg" />Two guest chefs made an appearance this March to teach our Hospitality and Catering learners a range of exciting and innovative new cooking skills. Linking up with people from industry is an important factor in our Hospitality Career Excellence Hub.</p>

<p>First up was Prayag Rajpura, head chef of Lympsham Pavilion. Prayag’s lesson focussed on demonstrating the use of spices, seeds, and herbs to create high protein, intensely flavoured dishes. These meals were also either vegetarian or vegan, a key demographic in today’s hospitality industry, for example the chickpea curry which was served with chutneys and pickles.</p>

<p>From the business side of hospitality, Prayag also taught about sourcing ingredients, costing products and how to make smart business decisions as a chef to ensure good revenue and profits.</p>

<p>Prayag has helmed several restaurants in Weston, including vegan pop-up restaurants and local community café the Stable, which provided thousands of free school meals to households in Weston during the first Covid lockdown.</p>

<p>The second guest chef to make an appearance was Dave Newman, the Patron chef of the Ginger Pig Kitchen who made a sticky toffee pudding blended with ‘porkcorn.’ Dave was able to demonstrate cooking technology to the learners when using his Thermomix to make the pudding element of the dish.</p>

<p>This recipe used gluten free flours since Dave has his kitchen aim to produce foods for all dietary requirements, highlighting that more customers can be reached, and a restaurant can gain higher customer satisfaction by replacing allergens.</p>

<p>Dave garnished the pudding with a popped pork fat known as pork corn to add flavour. Speaking about pairing flavours, he went on to add a rich butter scotch sauce and salted caramel ice cream to add a modern twist.</p>

<p>Dave has broad experience producing a uniformed product which can cater to most diets, having previously led his own course of a Brit awards banquet!</p>

<p>A big thanks to both of these chefs for coming and speaking to our learners, the skills they gain from this will be excellent.</p>

<p>If you want to find out more about our Hospitality and Catering courses, click here: <a href="… and Catering | Weston College</a></p>

Leila teaching a class

<p><em>Leila Morne is an Advanced Autism Practitioner and Lecturer in Autism at Weston College. Leila plays a key role in Weston College’s Centre for Excellence in special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and explains how the college is supporting students with autism to transition into higher education.</em></p>

<p>The number of university students with autism is increasing every year, but we know some autistic students find aspects of the university experience challenging.</p>

<p>Not only can this have a negative impact on individual students, their studies and their quality of life, but also on wider society and the contributions of this type of neurodiversity. The world needs different types of thinkers!</p>

<p>Our programme therefore aims to prepare them for a successful transition, as there is more support that is needed beyond the academic preparation needed to secure a place in higher education.</p>

<h2>A smoother transition</h2>

<p>Leaving home, family and all that is familiar and safe can be daunting for most young people. However, for individuals on the autism spectrum, university entrance may seem like an impossible dream or a predictable nightmare.</p>

<p>At Weston College, we acknowledge that excellence in academia will not automatically mean success at university for students with autism. They may not even feel confident enough to apply in the first place.</p>

<p>The difficulties associated with an autism diagnosis can mean that accepting a place at university is often a highly anxious journey into the unknown. An effective means of reducing anxiety and ensuring success is through experiential learning.</p>

<p>An autism specific ‘dual curriculum’ can help students to gain the necessary skills and understanding for meaningful participation in university life.</p>

<h2>Immersive learning experiences</h2>

<p>The college has developed and invested in a new initiative that focuses on preparing learners with autism to successfully progress into higher education (HE). We provide an immersive experience where students can live in a HE halls of residence, alongside HE learners, as a transitional year.</p>

<p>Students engage in exciting opportunities to gain relevant, age appropriate, real-life experiences which stretch and challenge them. They are encouraged to develop the independence, social and communication skills needed.</p>

<p>The programme is largely experiential with students learning new skills by ‘doing’ tasks rather than listening to someone telling them how to do a task. Some of these include:</p>

<li>Independence training: shopping, cooking, washing, ironing and cleaning</li>
<li>Money management</li>
<li>Study skills: use of library; organisational skills; VLE</li>
<li>Digital technology: accessibility, chat bots and apps</li>
<li>Social skills training: range of activities in the local and surrounding areas</li>
<li>Visits to universities and cities</li>
<li>Application process and UCAS</li>
<li>Student finance application</li>
<li>DSA/University disability teams</li>
<li>Keeping safe socially, personally, and online</li>
<li>Using public transport</li>
<li>Driving lessons</li>
<li>Employability training for part time / temp jobs whilst at university</li>
<li>Individualised programmes</li>

<p>We make sure that programmes are tailored to the individual student’s needs - many involve new experiences and unfamiliar environments. Ensuring our staff have access to high quality training and SEND practices is so important in order to deliver tailored support programmes for our students. We support and provide staff with opportunities to gain relevant qualifications ranging from Level 2 to Masters Level. All Specialist Practitioners hold a relevant degree in their chosen specialism.</p>

<p>In most cases, these experiences are supported by young people trained as peer mentors by highly qualified Specialist Autism Practitioners. These experiences can include a range of different things from going out in the evening to pubs or clubs, joining sports’ clubs or gyms and accessing local community facilities. Students who find it challenging to cope with the social aspects of university life, are facilitated in doing so.</p>

<p>It is so important that these skills are taught to ensure successful transition to university, future employment and that individual aspirations are achieved. As I’ve seen for myself from our students, the results can be absolutely life changing!</p>

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Important Notice

Please be aware that due to a recent announcement by the Department for Education, the list of available courses for the academic year starting in September 2025 may not be finalised until December 2024. This follows the launch of a government review of qualifications, including BTECs and other applied general qualifications. The purpose of this review is to assess how best to improve the quality of the overall qualifications landscape and ensure that all young people and adults have high-quality options that meet their needs and may mean that some qualifications under review may not be available from September 2025.

We encourage you to still apply for the courses you are interested in now, and we will provide further updates as soon as the review is complete and the course offerings for 2025 and beyond are confirmed. We will communicate this to all students who have applied by this stage, and also provide updates on our website and social media channels. We understand this uncertainty may be disruptive and appreciate your patience and understanding during this period of Government review, please be reassured that we are planning for all outcomes and are in no doubt that whatever the results of the review, we will be able to provide you with the right qualification and pathway to support you with your career goals and next steps.