YOUR FIRST DAY (2024/25)
Whether this is your first year at Weston College or you are a returning student, the information below will give you an overview of all the important information you need to start the new year.
Each year we start out with an induction that helps both new and returning learners get used to the College environment and start the academic year in a positive manner. For new students it’s important to have time to adjust, get to know people, understand how everything works, as well as find your way around. It is also a great way to ensure you are on the programme to achieve your career goals. Our induction helps you to do just that!
What will my induction programme include?
- Your induction programme is designed to prepare you for the programme you will study and life at College or with your employer if you are on an apprenticeship.
- You will be provided with a range of course related information including the different elements of your programme you will study, your timetable, a skills map, and an overview of your assessment requirements.
- It will include a range of activities that are course related, team building with your peers, ensuring you are clear on the behaviours and expectations while in College as well as health and safety, safeguarding and online safety.
- Your induction programme will develop your skills and confidence in using Microsoft Teams so that you can participate in the online and digital learning elements of your programme.
- After your first face-to-face day, induction activities will continue. This will include further face-to-face days, or you might be required to complete some online activities. The exact details of your full induction programme will be provided to you on your first induction day.
- Campus Freshers’ Fair – where you will find out about all the exciting things that come with being a Weston College learner.
What do I need to bring?
All learners will need to bring the following, though please see below any specific requirements for your programme:
- Pen and paper
- Lunch (or money to buy lunch), drinks bottle, drink and snacks
- Last school report (if you finished year 11 in 2024)
What you need to do before your first day
The below are some key activities that you will need to have completed before your first day. For any help with the below, please contact your personal tutor via Teams.
- Download the MyWeston app via the App Store or from Google Play.
- Download the Microsoft Teams app via the App Store or from Google Play.
- Log in to Office 365 with your college email and log-in and download your FREE Office 365 software.
- If under 18 get your parents to complete the parent permission slip for trips and work experience and bring it with you on your first day.
- If you are going to travel to college by bus, make sure you have purchased the necessary bus pass. All information can be found here.
Where do I need to go?
All learners who study with us in September 2024 will automatically become part of their subject area’s Career Excellence Hub, receiving unrivalled career benefits unique to Weston College that give you the opportunity to become career ready, get ahead and stand out from the crowd!
For all learners continuing from Year 1 to Year 2 of your programme simply select your Career Excellence Hub from the dropdowns below and you will see all the first day information for the programmes within that specific Career Excellence Hub. If it is your first year on your chosen programme, please click here to see information on your first day.
- Animal | Animal Level 3 Y2 | 16-Sep-24 | 9:00am | 412 | Knightstone Campus
- Animal | T Level Animal Y2 | N/A | N/A | Knightstone Campus
- Art & Design | Level 3 Art & Design Year Two | 11-Sep-24 | 9:30am | A01 | Loxton Campus
- Art & Design | Level 3 Graphic Design Year Two | 11-Sep-24 | 9:30am | Year 2 Graphics Studio | Loxton Campus
- Art & Design | Level 3 Fashion Year 2 | 11-Sep-24 | 9:30am | Fashion Studio | Loxton Campus
- Business | Level 3 Business, Year Two | 6-Sep-24 | 10:00am | 409 | Knightstone Campus
- Business | Level 3 Travel Y2 | 6-Sep-24 | 10:00am | 417 | Knightstone Campus
- Business | T Level Business and Leadership Y2 | 6-Sep-24 | 10:00am | 410 | Knightstone Campus
- Construction | T Level Construction Yr 2 | 11-Sep-24 | 9:00am | FTEC102 (TBC) | South West Skills Campus
- Creative and Digital | Level 3 Media Year 2 | 9-Sep-24 | 9:30am | A108 | Loxton Campus
- Creative and Digital | Level 3 Photography Year 2 | 9-Sep-24 | 9:30am | A136 | Loxton Campus
- Creative and Digital | Level 3 Computer Game Animation Year 2 | 9-Sep-24 | 9:30am | A126 | Loxton Campus
- Digital | T Level (Year 2) | 6-Sep-24 | 9:30am | 512 | Knightstone Campus
- Digital | BTEC Level 3 eSports (Year 2) | 6-Sep-24 | 9:30am | 515/516 | Knightstone Campus
- Early Years and Education | Education and Childcare T Level Y1 | 17-Sep-24 | 9:00am | G64 | Knightstone Campus
- Engineering & Green Skills | T Level Engineering & Manufacturing - Design and Development Y2 | 9-Sep-24 | 8:00am | TEC012 | South West Skills Campus
- Engineering & Green Skills | T Level Engineering & Manufacturing - Manufacturing Process and Control Y2 | 9-Sep-24 | 8:00am | TEC012 | South West Skills Campus
- Health | Health Science T Level Y2 | 6-Sep-24 | 9:30am | HALSC reception | HALSC, Loxton Campus
- Health | Level 3 Health & Social Care, Year 2 (Extended) | 6-Sep-24 | 9:30am | HALSC reception | HALSC, Loxton Campus
- Performance | Level 3 Music Year 2 | 6-Sep-24 | 9:30am | Loxton M05 | Loxton Campus
- Performance | Level 3 Performing Arts Year 2 | 6-Sep-24 | 9:30am | Performance space
Dance 2 | Loxton Campus
- Public Services | Public Services Level 3 Year 2 | 9-Sep-24 | 10:00am | Sportshall, 7th Floor | Knightstone Campus
- Sixth Form | Sixth Form Year Two | 4-Sep-24 (Digital) & 5-Sep-24 (On site) | 9:00am | Sixth Form Common Room | Loxton Campus
- Sport and Fitness | Level 3 Sports Therapy & Exercise Science, Year Two | 6-Sep-24 | 9:30am | HALSC reception | HALSC, Loxton Campus
- Sport and Fitness | Level 3 Coaching & Physical Education, Year 2 | 6-Sep-24 | 9:30am | HALSC reception | HALSC, Loxton Campus