Safeguarding our students, staff and visitors is an important issue to us.
Safeguarding our students, staff and visitors is an important issue to us.
Safeguarding means:
- Promotion of your health and development
- Ensuring your safety and care
- Ensuring you are offered the best life chances
- Protection from abuse and neglect
- Protection from Peer to Peer abuse including Sexual Abuse, Sexual Violence and online sexual harassment
- Prevention of bullying and harassment.
The term 'safeguarding' embraces both child and adults at risk, protection and preventative approaches to keep our students, staff and visitors safe. Safeguarding encompasses students’ health and safety, welfare and well-being.
Weston College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk, and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We have developed a Safeguarding Policy and Procedure that aims to meet this commitment.
Our policy covers:
- Abuse and neglect
- Prevention of discrimination
- Anti-bullying and harassment
- Addressing attendance issues
- Supporting health care plans for students with specific medical needs
- Safety and security.
Abuse or neglect is when someone does or says something which harms you. Abuse or neglect can be a single one off act or something that happens over weeks, months or years. It can be accidental or deliberate.
Abuse can come in many different forms and includes, but is not limited to:
- Physical abuse
- Financial or Material abuse
- Emotional or Psychological abuse
- Neglect
- Sexual abuse, Sexual Exploitation, Peer on Peer sexual abuse, Sexual Harassment or Sexual Violence including online
- Discriminatory abuse
- Domestic abuse
- Modern slavery
- Grooming
- Child Sexual Exploitation and Child Criminal Exploitation
- Female Genital Mutilation
- Radicalisation to support terrorism, terrorist activity or non violent extremism
If you, as a student at the College have any concern about your wellbeing, safety or rights, then you should:
- Talk to your tutor
- Talk to a College welfare officer
- Contact the Safeguarding team by calling 01934 411464, emailing safeguarding@weston.ac.uk or via the form below.
Stop Terrorists & Extremists Online Presence
Useful Information
Click the link below to read our latest Safeguarding (inc PREVENT) Policy.
For information on the guidance we also use for keeping our students safe, please below:
Keep children safe in education
If you are a parent / carer, or a member of the public, and are concerned about the welfare, safety or rights of a student at the College, then you should contact one of the designated safeguarding officers - see below.
Tel: 01934 411531
Mobile: 07788 607480
Email: safeguarding@weston.ac.uk
Mobile: 07866 816 246 - This number is for safeguarding purposes ONLY. Please contact 01934 411 411 for facilities enquiries
Email: safeguarding@weston.ac.uk
Mobile: 07866 816 271
Email: safeguarding@weston.ac.uk
Mobile: 07866 816245
Email: safeguarding@weston.ac.uk
Mobile: 07866 816 243
Email: safeguarding@weston.ac.uk
Mobile: 07866 816 262
Email: safeguarding@weston.ac.uk
Mobile: 07866816246
Email: safeguarding@weston.ac.uk
Tel: 01934 411 781
Email: safeguarding@weston.ac.uk
Tel: 01934 411 672
Email: safeguarding@weston.ac.uk
Another aspect of safeguarding is the PREVENT duty, which requires the Further Education sector to have "due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism", supporting terrorism or being drawn into non-violent extremism. The overall duty for England and Wales can be found here.
There is a duty to ensure that those identified with vulnerabilities are given appropriate advice and support.
The Government has defined extremism as "vocal or active opposition to fundamental British Values", which include:
- Individual liberty
- Rule of law
- Democracy
- Mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.
This includes not discriminating against those with protected characteristics (Equality Act 2010), namely:
- Age
- Disability
- Gender reassignment
- Marriage and civil partnership
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Race
- Religion and belief
- Sex
- Sexual orientation.
Under the PREVENT duty, Weston College has a designated Single Point of Contact, who is Fiona Waters, the College Registrar.
College staff have been briefed on the range of vulnerabilities that would indicate that an individual may need support. Although having one or more of those characteristics will not necessarily drive someone to become a terrorist, support terrorist activity or non-violent extremism, it is a possibility, and staff are being urged to be vigilant and to refer any concerns to a safeguarding officer.
Weston College also regularly monitors and reviews internet use of staff and students against safeguarding and Prevent categories.