

Lindsey delivering guest lecture at front of classroom and pointing to the board showcasing Mollies

Our Travel and Tourism and Business students were fortunate to receive a guest lecture from Lindsey Williams, who is the Head of Sales at Mollie's - a dynamic Motel and Diner that operates in Oxfordshire, Manchester, and Bristol. Recently awarded as the 'Best Budget Hotel' in the Sunday Times Best Places to Stay, Mollie's is currently seeking to expand into new markets, which our learners learned about during the lecture.

Lindsey provided our students with valuable insights into the hospitality industry, sharing her personal journey and experiences working at Mollie's. The Travel and Tourism and Business courses at Weston College cover a broad range of topics, including accommodation and marketing within the industry, and Lindsey shared her practical advice for those seeking to pursue careers in these areas.

Mollie's is an innovative company that is constantly seeking new ways to enhance their services. Our students were privileged to gain a sneak peek into some of the exciting initiatives on the horizon, from Sunday Sleepovers to Staycations.

You can find out more about our courses for 16-19 year olds, by clicking here.

Georgia stood in front of engine, smiling

Weston College has launched a new scholarship, for Engineering learners, in partnership with the Luke Wheaton Trust.

The scholarship, which is available for one student, per year, is open to any apprentice studying on a Level 2, 3, 4 or 6 Engineering apprenticeship at Weston College.

The scholarship was introduced to honour the memory of former learner Luke Wheaton, one of Weston College’s most inspiring apprentices working with Wessex Water.

Each scholarship is worth £4,000, with students receiving £1,000 per year for up to four years. The scholarship is renewable annually, subject to progress being made as agreed in partnership between the College and the apprentice’s employer.

The first scholarship has been awarded to degree apprentice, Georgia, who impressed judges in her application, with her love of engineering and desire to succeed.

Georgia said of the scholarship: “I was so happy when I found out that I had been awarded the Luke Wheaton Legacy Trust Scholarship.

“The scholarship will support my education and help me to buy textbooks for my course in aerospace engineering. I will also put some of the scholarship money towards buying a laptop to help make better notes in my lectures so that I am well organised, and I would like to buy a Raspberry Pi to practice coding and further my knowledge of Python.”

Georgia went on to add some information about her apprenticeship: “I have really enjoyed my apprenticeship so far, as I have been able to meet apprentices from other companies as well as learning important skills about engineering and sustainability.

“I have enjoyed learning about different materials, their testing and application to different aircraft parts.

“When I complete my degree apprenticeship, I would like to further this understanding and research into material properties and look at cost effective and sustainable solutions to use in the aerospace industry.”

Jo Philpott, Vice Principal at Weston College, said: “Luke was a fantastic learner, and we really wanted to support other apprentices starting their journey into the engineering industry, in his honour.

“After receiving lots of applications, we are thrilled to offer the very first scholarship to Georgia, who is an apprentice with the Ministry of Defence.

“This scholarship will help Georgia’s development by paying for new equipment and also assisting with travelling.

“We are excited to see how this assists Georgia on her engineering journey.”

You can find out more about apprenticeships in engineering at Weston College, by clicking here.

Weston College A Level Media trip to Harry Potter Studios

Our A Level Media learners recently got to immerse themselves in a spellbinding world on a trip to the Harry Potter Studios where they had the chance to see the process of a Hollywood-style feature film production from beginning to end.  

Throughout their day they were able to observe the original sets and props used in the series, get on the Hogwarts express train on Platform 9 ¾ and waver through Diagon Alley. Some learners even got the chance to ride a broomstick, like the original cast did, allowing them to explore the use of a greenscreen in film production. 

Ethan, Lecturer in Media, told us: “It really benefitted the learners, affording them the opportunity for inspiration in order to prepare for their upcoming coursework.” 

Overall, the learners thoroughly enjoyed their experience uncovering the behind-the-scenes secrets of the movies’ on-screen wizardry whilst bringing back lots of takeaways which they can apply to their studies. 

Police Officer arrests man on the road outside of his car

Becoming a Police Officer can be a highly rewarding career choice if you’re interested in serving the community and upholding the law. It is a demanding and challenging job that requires dedication, skill, and a deep sense of commitment.

In this article, we will discuss why you would want to join the Police Force and how we can help you achieve it!

There are many reasons why someone may choose to become a Police Officer. For some, it is a lifelong dream that they have had since childhood. Others may be drawn to the job because of a desire to make a positive impact in their community or to help those in need. Whatever the reason, becoming a Police Officer is a noble profession that requires a high level of integrity, compassion, and bravery. They also work closely with the community, building relationships with residents and businesses to help prevent crime and maintain a safe environment.

There are lots of job opportunities in the UK, with 45 different geographical forces.

You might now be wondering how to become a Police Officer, and how can Weston College help… we offer several courses, which can act as the starting point of your journey, or your next steps.

Our courses are part of our Career Excellence Hubs, which gives you unrivalled access to employers, whether that be for industry insight talks, work experience or trips.

Here are some of the courses we would recommend:

Public Services Courses

We offer several Public Services courses, across different levels, which will build your skills and knowledge, ready for a career in the Police Force.

Each course is slightly different, but they are all taught by people with industry experience and include regular talks from local Police Officers. These courses are a great way to start your journey into the Police Force, click here to see our Public Services courses.

A Levels

A Levels are another route that you can take to join the Police Force, as once completed you can progress onto a degree. Courses such as Criminology, Law and Sociology are recommended, as they will give you a understanding of what the law is and also give you insight into the thoughts and behaviour of society.

Click here to see our A Level offer.


University Centre Weston (UCW) offers a Level 6 in Uniformed and Public Services, which will give you specialised knowledge and skills in areas including organisational leadership, causes of crime and social conflict, partnership working and emergency planning, and prepare to progress to a range of roles within the uniformed and public services.

Click here to find out more about the course.


If you'd like to find out more about a career in the Police, come along to one of our open evenings and chat to the team, they will be more than happy to help!

Tom Hook at his fashion presentation

Tom Hook, a second year A Level learner, held his very own fashion show to showcase his talent and vision in fashion design. 100 exclusive guests were invited to view his work, including Principal and CEO, Sir Paul Phillips, and the Chair of the Governors, Andrew Leighton-Price.

Tom, who studies Fashion & Textiles A Level, alongside Media Studies at the college, explained the process and inspiration for the evening:

“My 2023 Evening Presentation was six months in the making; 183 days work. The process consisted of thorough research that was to eventually inform my designs. Each of my garments had to be produced under safe conditions (by myself), not comprised in quality of materials, nor manufacture. The mantra I decided upon in spite of a growing taste for cheap, on trend pieces was that ‘Classic endures: beautiful clothes need not to abide trends.”

The collection totalled 15 looks styled with accessories, the clothing itself being purposely simple in concept, yet up to date with current fashion trends including the Y2K parachute cargo pants and crop-top silhouette.

The models who exhibited Tom’s designs were all peer learners, as well as makeup artists and costume assistants who were also on hand throughout the evening to aid the smooth running of the event.

The evening was described as ‘ravishing’, with nothing but positive feedback from both those involved and attendees. Nicola Stent, Tom’s fashion lecturer, commented: “It was a pleasure to see how impressed the audience were with his first collection, and I feel blessed to be part of his exciting journey.”

“My course has helped me in understanding the importance of research, has developed my sewing skills and techniques including corsetry construction present in my gold lamé finale dress. A Level Media helped me to be able to promote the event and in formatting the invitations, fashion programmes, and production set design.

“My lecturer Nicola Stent supported me a great deal in believing in my vision (even when I had doubts), and in arranging logistics. The staff at the college reinforce the organisation’s wider goal in ‘Creating Brighter Futures’, their facilities and resources unable to be faulted.”

Since the age of 14, Tom has aspired to attend Central Saint Martins or Glasgow School of Art, both internationally renowned for their fashion courses, with his dream being to walk the same corridors as McQueen and Galliano once had. In ten years' time, he hopes to be working within the fashion industry at some capacity, depending on the opportunities that come his way.

He concluded: “I would like to thank the college for its constant support and all that it does for its students as well as its contribution towards the wider local community.”

Learner in Grove restaurant

My name is Ben Hoskin, and I am the Chief Operating Officer of Regency Purchasing Group. I’ve worked here since 2009, and was appointed into this role in 2022. I also lead the UK’s largest network of field-based procurement managers.

For 20 years, Regency Purchasing Group have been helping businesses across the UK reduce their costs by leveraging the value of their collective spend. We work with over 170 local and national suppliers to support more than 5,000 businesses delivering savings of between 8-14% across all buying categories. However, we do so much more than just saving businesses time and money…

As sustainability continues to grow in significance on the global agenda, we’re helping more and more organisations align their procurement to unlock supply chain sustainability benefits and reduce the impact on social, environment and economic factors.

We will be working with Weston College, in particular the Hospitality and Catering department and the Grove, to review their supply chain and identify ways in which the college can decrease emissions to achieve their ambition to become Net Zero.

We’ve already completed a full purchasing audit which has presented over 11% of cost savings, and next we’ll be reviewing waste and recycling processes and contracts.

We’ll also be introducing our market-leading technology solutions to provide the college with full control of their purchasing, as well as providing staff and students with access to MenuIQ, our menu, allergen and nutrition management system. The functionality within this system will allow students to effectively develop their menus, manage menu costs and understand the importance of allergen and ingredient management and compliance. The MenuIQ platform has been built by an in-house team of software specialists and as part of the partnership with the college, we intend to invite students to provide user feedback which will be considered for future development and new feature releases.

For the college, there are multiple drivers for why this is will create a positive impact, including cost reduction through reduced energy costs, reduced over-specification, reduced consumption, reduced wastage as well as reduced social and environmental compliance costs.

Sustainability also comes with risk reduction benefits – it reduces the potential negative financial impact on brand value from using unsustainable products or working with suppliers using unsustainable practices, as well as non-compliance with environmental regulations.

There will also be opportunity for the college to increase revenue by charging more for eco-friendly products, as well as possible income streams from incentivised recycling and waste management programmes.

Net zero is the best way we can tackle climate change; the actions we take in the next 10 years to limit emissions will be critical to the future of the planet, so it’s hugely important that businesses and individuals work together to reduce the carbon we produce.

As a national business with roots in Weston-super-Mare, we’re delighted to be supporting such a progressive local business. I am confident that our partnership will go from strength to strength, leaving no stone unturned.

- Ben Hoskin, Regency Purchasing Group

Vet checking a small dogs pulse

Working with animals can be a dream for many people, and one way in which you can achieve this, to become a vet.

In the UK there are over 29,000 veterinary positions, with vets earning an average salary of £47,000 a year!

You might now be wondering how you can become a vet… we’ll tell you how.

In order to become a vet, you will need to complete a veterinary degree approved by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS).

Entry to these courses is highly competitive, so it is important that you stand out from the crowd, with great results and relevant work experience. Here are some of the options that you can take, to progress onto an approved degree.

Animal Management

Animal Management is perfect for animal lovers who want to develop their animal care skills to work in the industry.

Animal Management courses offer a balance of practical work and theory, that will provide you with the opportunity to work with a wide variety of animals. You will gain detailed academic knowledge and understanding of all aspects of animal science, management, behaviour and husbandry through theory-based and practical sessions.

You will also have the opportunity to gain valuable work experience, working with a local organisation to build your knowledge and practical skills.

Click here to view our Animal Management courses.

A Levels

A Levels are the most common route to university. They offer a more academic route, but thanks to our Career Excellence Hub, you will have unrivalled access to employers, where you can gain work experience, attend masterclasses and hear from industry insiders.

The subjects that universities will want you to study varies, but typically the science-related subjects are required.

Click here to view our A Level courses.

Access to Higher Education

Access to Higher Education (HE) is a great way for people over the age of 19 to gain the qualifications needed to progress on to a degree.

At Weston College, we offer an Access to HE Diploma in Animal Science, which is taught flexibly over 10 hours, per week.

The course is a great way to gain the qualifications needed for university and covers a wide range of topics, such as: zoo enclosure management, behaviour, exotic animal husbandry, vet nursing, welfare, conservation, behaviour, biology, chemistry.

All learners receive tutorial sessions and also complete independent study units in study skills sessions.

Click here to view the course details.


If you'd like to find out more about a career in animal management, come along to one of our open evenings and chat to the team, they will be more than happy to help!

visit somerset at weston college

The college works very closely with a huge range of businesses over North Somerset and there has been a strong link with Visit Somerset. As tourism remains the biggest employment sector for our coastal region, Visit Somerset have been hugely supportive of the college through engaging with many of our learners to provide work experience, apprenticeships, and even full-time employment. Maisy Hatcher, Social Media Manager, and Libby James, Digital Assistant, currently studying through Weston College on their Apprenticeship at Visit Somerset, took the opportunity to visit the college and gain further insight into the inner workings of education, and to collaborate with marketing to create content!

Toby Jones, Digital & Content Marketing Manager, and ex Weston College Apprentice took the opportunity to share his experience of the Visitor Economy through his role at Visit Somerset by delivering a industry led session with the current Travel and Tourism Students. The session covered sources of tourism for the region and invited conversation around looking at new ways to entice visitors to the region. Working in teams offered the opportunity for collaborative work with Toby.

It gave John Turner, CEO of Visit Somerset, the opportunity to pitch ideas to the students and challenge them to interview for work placement opportunities. Many businesses look for that extra pair of hands during the busiest periods and create a pipeline of potential employees. Visit Somerset will work with learners to introduce them to tourism businesses needing extra hands.

John commented, “Ensuring that we are giving the next generation every opportunity to succeed in this new world where everything is changing so fast, is core to Visit Somerset’s strategy. We believe that helping to empower students is crucial in their development, whilst giving them valuable vocational work experience. Business leaders have a duty to ensure either internally or externally they support younger cohorts all of which is hugely rewarding, whilst delivering better returns, morale, and customer service values”

Weston College’s mantra is ‘careers, not courses’ and working with John and the team on an exciting placement opportunity not only prepares them for working lives after college, but allow exploration of careers available post study. Gaining hands-on experience through industry placements can enhance success in the job market.

Maisy and Libby will be looking to get involved with the students, and sharing their experience of their apprenticeship, by setting up a ‘Dragon’s Den’ style pitch for students. They will showcase the impact they have made at Visit Somerset through the three successful apprenticeships, and include how they are looking to support industry placements for 2023 and beyond.

"At Weston College, it is always a thrill to see Apprentices who are flourishing in their career journey, investing back and mentoring. It shows real growth and testament to the commitment to their apprenticeship" said Principal and CEO, Sir Paul Phillips. "We are thrilled that Visit Somerset will be able to offer and promote meaningful industry placement opportunities in the tourism sector, and we are confident that our students will thrive in these challenging and rewarding environments."

For more information about supporting an industry placement and what opportunities are available for your business through Weston College, please contact the Industry Placement team at, or call 01934 411641.

Statue of Liberty

Last month, some of our incredible staff (Hannah Carstensen, Business & Tourism Lecturer, Dan Pratlett, Business Lecturer, Tracy Taylor, Faculty Hub Coordinator, and James Lockyer, Apprentice Support Worker) took a group of 34 Business and Travel & Tourism learners to New York City!

The group visited the city for five days, managing to fit in as many activities as possible, including Liberty and Ellis Island, a Wall Street and Financial District Tour, Ground Zero and the 9/11 Museum, a boat tour, 5th Avenue, Central Park, High Line, and the Empire State Building.

The visit has been the faculty’s first international trip since the Coronavirus Pandemic, and Dan Pratlett commented that it was fantastic to see all the learners being able to experience this incredible opportunity.

The feedback from the learners who went on the trip has been nothing but positive, with one learner saying: “It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity, with everything included in the trip you’re getting far more than what you paid for. It’s great to socialise with new people and explore a new environment too!”

A year 3 UCW Business and Management learner said: “The trip was a perfect blend of tourism, heritage, and culture! The structure of the trip allowed flexibility around a set activity program allowing the chance to visit the must-sees with group benefits, whilst, letting us explore our own interests in NYC (mine was food and the Natural History Museum)! Basically, a very good trip!”

As well as fantastic comments from the learners, some parents also reached out to thank the teachers and the College for the trip: “I just wanted to thank you all so much. My daughter had an amazing time in New York. I hope they behaved! Memories that will last a lifetime!”

Another happy parent wrote: “We appreciate the amount of time and effort that goes into organising trips with young people. My daughter really enjoyed the trip, and we are very proud of her for taking part with such a mature attitude towards the whole experience.”

We are so proud to be able to offer incredible opportunities such as these to our learners. Click here if you would be interested in learning more about Business or Travel and Tourism courses.

Marketing and Communications

The marketing department is responsible for promoting Weston College to the public, by promoting the Colleges courses, achievements and events.

Our aims are to attract learners to study within the Weston College Group, build and grow the College’s brand and highlight its reputation, and promote the College Group’s success, student progression and outstanding support for our learners.

The marketing department manages the College’s websites and official social media accounts, runs advertising campaigns, creates press releases, and manages many of the College Group’s events, such as Graduation, the Celebration of Success and the Business Awards.

We produce a wide range of publications including our full-time, Higher Education and part-time prospectuses, course leaflets and posters, and other documents such as the College’s annual report, magazines and newsletters, course brochures and the student handbook.

Weston College is committed to providing accurate and timely information for local, regional and national media, and the general public.

The marketing team is available between 8.30am and 5pm, Monday to Thursday and 8.30am to 4.30pm on Fridays. You can get in touch with us by emailing

All of our press releases are uploaded to the news section of our websites. News from the academies we sponsor, including the North Somerset Enterprise and Technology College, can be found on the news section of the Inspirational Futures Trust’s website. News pertaining to our Higher Education Provision can be found on

The marketing department produces most imagery and film in house, and keeps an extensive archive of the photographs it takes. If you would like a copy of an image featuring you or a member of your family, please contact us at

Our photos of graduation and many other events can be found on the College’s Facebook page. High quality images can be found on the College’s Flickr account.

Weston College is able to accommodate many requests to provide locations for film and photography. The College has a range of attractive, modern and adaptable facilities which can be viewed on our youtube channel.

We also are able to provide heritage facilities such as the Victorian Hans Price designed Conference Centre and, from September 2017, the 1927 Winter Gardens Pavilion.

For booking details, contact

For enquiries about sponsoring key events such as Celebration of Success, Business Breakfast, Business Awards and Graduation, please contact the marketing team by email at

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One Message, Different Voices

Take a look at this powerful film made by the staff of Weston College to show how important it is for everyone from different backgrounds to be included. The film shares heartfelt stories and interviews with a diverse group of staff, showing how accepting different identities and backgrounds can make a big difference. Its purpose is to encourage viewers to think about their own biases and work towards making our community more welcoming to all. We invite everyone, regardless of their background, to join us and be a part of our journey toward a more inclusive future.

Halo workplace logo

Our workplace champions the right of staff to embrace all Afro-hairstyles. We acknowledge that Afro-textured hair is an important part of our Black employees’ racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious identities, and requires specific styling for hair health and maintenance. We celebrate Afro-textured hair worn in all styles including, but not limited to, afros, locs, twists, braids, cornrows, fades, hair straightened through the application of heat or chemicals, weaves, wigs, headscarves, and wraps. In this workplace, we recognise and celebrate our colleagues’ identities. We are a community built on an ethos of equality and respect where hair texture and style have no bearing on an employee's ability to succeed.