

T Levels Logo

Just a few years ago, we launched the exciting T Level provision, designed to seamlessly integrate classroom learning with invaluable real-world experience.

As T Levels continue to transform vocational training across the UK, you're likely brimming with questions about what these qualifications truly entail for you and how the industry placement works – from finding the placement to the types of tasks you will complete.

To give you the inside scoop, we spoke with Sandra Bull (SB), Assistant Principal and T Level Lead at Weston College, and Paul Korb (PK), Health and Safety, Compliance and Sustainability Manager at Rotamec, who welcomes T Level learners each year.

Together, they delve into the details, highlighting the immense benefits and diverse opportunities that T Levels offer.


How does the Industry Placement fit into the overall T Level programme?

SB: Each curriculum area designs their delivery with several selected employers as part of our Career Excellence Hub. They use them and the qualification spec to ensure that the placement is built in at the most appropriate time for that industry sector.

This may alter with each curriculum, for example Education and Early years have a national shortage of room staff so our learners assist via weekly placements.

In Digital we have employers happier to give projects so this specific division offer placements in blocks so that learners can see a project move from its start to completion.

PK: Bringing T Level students into the Rotamec business gives our staff a great opportunity to practise their mentoring skills.

Young people bring fresh ideas and new ways of thinking that can help our existing staff think differently about the way they do things. In addition to this, it allows the business to assess suitable candidates for an apprenticeship position, a try before we buy scenario.

How will my child find an employer to complete an Industry Placement with – do they need to apply and complete an interview?

SB: We have a team of experienced staff to assist when finding the correct placement. This team will make contact with your child once they are enrolled to the course and between them and the tutor you will have all the guidance and advice required to select the best option.

Most industry placement will require the learner to have an interview, and this is a great way to find out their expectations and if that fits your child’s career aspiration.

PK: Going into any workplace for the first time can be very daunting, especially for youngsters.

Rotamec has a robust partnership with Weston College. Because of this, Rotamec wishes to ensure that your child feels at ease coming into our workplace and settles into the business in no time.

The college will arrange everything for your child and will communicate its plan for the placement with us. Prior to attending the workplace, the college will ensure that your child is ready for the placement.

Can you provide an overview of the type of tasks my child will be doing during their Industry Placement?

SB: The Placement Officer and Tutor attached to your industry will explain what tasks may be required to complete and how this will fit into the overall qualification specification leading to the achievement.

PK: Each placement will be different depending on the course your child is on. Rotamec ensures that the activities undertaken during the placement, under pins the course.

Therefore, we will ensure that the placement has a blended learning outcome for your child. There may be some tasks that your child will undertake, but this is essential to give the child the chance to experience a normal working day that may be varied.

How many hours per week/term will my child be expected to work during their Industry Placement?

SB: The overall expectation generally is around 315 hours over the year (for some sectors this will be higher for example Engineering and Early years) so this can be split into even blocks across the two years or their will be an expectation to attend weekly. During your child’s interview for a T Level this will be explained to them linked to their pathway and sector.

PK: The placement could vary for each cohort. For T Levels, the work placement will be a minimum of 45 days. However, if your child wishes to attend additional days, we will ensure arrangements are made with the college to accommodate this. School holidays are very popular for the learners to do extra days.

What are the benefits for my son/daughter in completing an Industry Placement?

SB: Placements give valuable work experience, which are very important when it comes to building up a CV. It reflects the learner’s ambition, their work ethic and reliability.

On top of this, several T Level learners in the past have gained degree apprenticeships with the organisation that they completed their placement with, so this is certainly a big benefit of the T Level.

PK: Focusing on professional skills, T Levels have been designed with leading employers to give you the knowledge and skills you need to progress into work, further study or an apprenticeship.

T Levels combine class-based learning with an industry placement, giving you the chance to get hands-on experience and learn what a real career is like while you continue your studies.

What kind of supervision and support will be provided to my child during their Industry Placement?

SB: Each placement has a dedicated manager or mentor who will be involved with regular reviews between the learner and the college tracking progression and areas to develop.

PK: Each candidate is assigned a mentor during their placement. We offer a variety of experience across all departments within the business, and each of the mentors will ensure the safeguarding of the students and support them in the learning, experience and safety.

How will my child's progress be monitored and evaluated during their Industry Placement?

SB: Targets will be set by the learner and the tutor, but also with the mentor and our placement team as required, to ensure progression is measured and at a level that suits their abilities and assessment schedule.

PK: As a business, we have created a learning plan that will support the students during their placement with us.

The learning plan not only assists the mentor in ensuring that the student gets the most out of their experience, but it further ensures that the business covers all the relevant subjects covered on the student’s course.

Are there opportunities for my child to continue working with the company after completing their Industry Placement?

SB: Absolutely and for many this is why they have chosen the T Level route. The programme gives you time and the employer time to find out what options would best fit you into the company as your skills and work behaviours develop. It also gives learners the time to work out if the company is the right fit for them, once they have completed their course.

PK: The placement not only benefits the student during their experience with us, but it further allows the business to assess and find the ideal candidate who wishes to pursue a career in our industry. It allows us to “try before we buy” and we will offer an apprenticeship at the completion of their course.

Not only does this benefit the business, but it also allows the student to sample our business and decide if this is a career path they wish to pursue.

What safety measures are in place to ensure my child's wellbeing during their Industry Placement?

SB: Each placement is required to work with the Placement Officer providing insurance and safety measures. The placement will provide learners with an induction to the environment and their placement officer will be the main contact if something is not correct.

PK: The safeguarding of all our staff and especially your child is paramount to us. As a business we have a rigorous Safety Management System to ensure that the students and staff are kept safe. Every staff member and student have a safety induction on their first day in the business. Further safety briefings and training will be provided during their placement. No student is left unattended, during the working hours.

Will my child have the opportunity to work on real projects or tasks relevant to their T Level course during their Industry Placement?

SB: Yes, most placements work on projects that are happening in the workplace now, so it gives the learner a true reflection on what the expectations are if they were to join them as a team after completing the T level.

PK: Initially in the first few days, the business will supply training units for the candidates to train on. After a few sessions with the mentor, if they deem the candidates competent enough, they will allow the candidates to work on live projects.

Will my child have a designated mentor or point of contact at the company during their Industry Placement?

SB: Yes, a designated Placement Officer and a Personal Tutor who they will see very regularly.

PK: Every student is assigned a mentor that will oversee their work placement. They will also provide feedback to the students and college on their progress. This will identify their strengths and weaknesses that will help the student to develop.

How does the Industry Placement align with the specific pathway or specialisation my child is pursuing within their T Level?

SB: For most T Level routes, you can have two placements in the programme. For many this may result in one for the first year linked to core elements of delivery, with a change over the summer period (as you enter into the second year) to a placement more specific to the chosen pathway.

PK: Our business ensures that the lesson plan aligns itself to the specific pathway that the student is on. Sometimes the student may learn additional skills. This is modelled to give the student the maximum experience during their placement.

Can you provide examples of past successful Industry Placements and the impact they've had on students' education and career paths?

SB: We have had a lot of success stories from across our T Level provision. We have seen learners gain scholarships for university, gain their dream degree apprenticeship, and have the doors opened to an exciting career.

A few success stories include:

Lauren studied our Health T Level and found her placement really challenging initially but she was supported throughout her placement, where she impressed so much that on completion she gained a job with that employer.

Maria studied a Digital T Level and completed her placement with Zig Zag Education, where she was working on developing websites. Since completing her T Level, she has gone on to gain a role with Hinkley Point as a Delivery Management System Coordinator.

Ben completed his construction T Level last year, and on the back of his success was offered a degree apprenticeship with the organisation he completed his placement with.

Alex was on our Digital T Level programme where he completed his placement with SenseIT, and he has now progressed on to a Digital Technology Degree Apprenticeship with Airbus.

PK: Rotamec has some staff who started their placements with us, and applied for an apprenticeship after they left school. Once they had completed their studies, they spent 3 years developing their skills and are now managers of their departments.

The business has also been recognised within our industry and the various colleges for the contributions to the skills and training of the students and has won various awards. This was all based on the successful accomplishments and the positive impact the students have had on our business.

As an employer, what is the best thing about Industry Placements from your point of view?

PK: Every student that attends our business, could be the future engineer for our industry. They could also be the next supervisor, foreman, or manager. If the student has the attitude for the job, we will assist the student to develop their skills and development. The students assist with the day to day running of the business and has really had a positive impact.


A big thank you to Sandra and Paul for their contribution.

If you would like to find out more about T Levels, then please click here.

Candidates sat at the front of room answering questions


Weston College hosted a hustings event today (June 24th), in the Conference Centre, featuring the five local MP candidates vying for election on July 4th.

The event, which was open to all Weston College and University Centre Weston (UCW) learners, attracted over 100 attendees, providing a vibrant forum for political discussion and debate.

The five candidates participating in the hustings were: 

  • Dan Aldridge from the Labour Party
  • Thomas Daw from the Green Party 
  • Patrick Keating from the Liberal Democrats 
  • Richard Pearse from Reform UK 
  • John Penrose from the Conservative Party

Each candidate took the stage to introduce themselves and present their vision for the future of Weston.

Their speeches covered a wide range of issues, reflecting the diverse concerns of the electorate.

The presentations were followed by an interactive Q&A session, where students had the chance to pose their questions directly to the candidates. Topics discussed included public transport, crime, racism, and the rising levels of poverty—issues that resonate deeply with the local community.

Antonia Travers, Head of Personal Development and Student Voice at Weston College, praised the event, stating: “The event today was a huge success, proving to be very informative to our learners – many of whom were undecided on who to vote for before the event.

“It provided a unique opportunity for our students to engage directly with the candidates and gain a better understanding of their policies and priorities.

“The participation of the student body in events like these highlights the vital role that young voters play in shaping the future of their community and country.

“A huge thank you to each of the candidates for coming in and speaking to us. We look forward to working with each of the candidates over the coming months.”

As the election date of July 4th approaches, it is crucial for all eligible voters to remember to cast their ballots and bring their ID to the polling stations.

Stay informed, get involved, and don't forget to vote on July 4th. Your voice matters!

Patrick addressing the Hustings


Thomas Green addressing the audience and introducing himself


Dan Aldridge answering an audience member's question


Richard Pearse talking to the Hustings crowd


John Penrose introducing himself to the audience



Do you feel like you have missed your chance to go to university? Maybe you didn't get the necessary grades first time around, or maybe you feel it's too late? You can still go to university, at any age, by studying an Access to HE course!



It is a part-time course for adults to get the skills and qualifications to apply for university. Whether you are interested in animal science, sport, medical or social sciences, nursing and midwifery, law and criminology or computing, we have a course for you.



A degree can improve your employability and teach you a variety of skills that employers are looking for, such as analysis, research, managing time and budgets, networking and writing and communication skills. Having a degree also means you're more likely to get a higher-paid job.



Student Finance England will ‘write off’ the loan you take to pay for an Access to HE course, provided you go on to successfully complete a university-level qualification. Plus, if you are looking at the getting a nursing qualification you can apply for a £5,000 a year maintenance grant/bursary.

Here are some snippets of what our Access to HE learners have to say about the courses...


richard with microscope


"I wanted to enter into a veterinary nursing programme but required higher-level qualifications. The Access course provided me with equivalents to the required A Level science subjects without having to attend daily classes."

"Through the course, I achieved the maximum number of distinction points and managed to secure a placement in Veterinary Science at the University of Bristol. I’m now on my way to becoming a veterinary surgeon. This wouldn’t be happening without the Access course."





"The course reaffirmed my knowledge but also taught me much more about relevant legislation and up-to-date study material."

"It provided a definite connection between the work I do and the learning, allowing me to feel more confident within my practice."

"If it hadn’t been for my lecturer believing in me and encouraging me, I would never have felt confident enough in my abilities to pursue the master’s degree which I love.”

"If it hadn’t been for my lecturer believing in me and encouraging me, I would never have felt confident enough in my abilities to pursue the master’s degree which I love.”





"Being able to complete this course has increased my skill set and will benefit my work in the future."

"The welding facilities are fantastic, with modern welders, equipment, and PPE comparable to my current workspace – so highly relevant."

"I have been able to make contacts through this course with other individuals who work in complementary areas – these contacts are already proving fruitful."





"With aspirations to become a qualified beauty therapist/masseur, I saw Weston College as the perfect avenue to advance my career,"

"The programme is well-structured, the faculty are knowledgeable and supportive, and the resources available are excellent. Take advantage of networking opportunities, seek out internships or work placements, and don't hesitate to ask for help when needed.”



Click here to find out more about our Access to HE Courses!

Staff gathered together in front of Knightstone celebrating the matrix accreditation

Weston College has successfully been awarded the matrix Standard, demonstrating outstanding information, advice and guidance (IAG), to learners of all levels, from across the College.

The matrix Standard is delivered by the Growth Company on behalf of the Department for Education, and is the international quality standard for organisations that delivers IAG.

The accreditation report recognised how impactful the IAG is at Weston College, stating:

Feedback from the full range of Weston College students demonstrated how IAG is making a difference to their learning, work, career and life goals. All students described a student environment where they felt safe and able to be themselves. IAG delivery is viewed as pivotal to students being ‘ready to learn; ready to work and ready for life’, with these desired outcomes informing the overarching staff approach.

This is reflected across the whole college, with interviews being conducted with members of staff from areas such as: College Information Services, Adult Recruitment Team, Apprenticeship Recruitment Team, Additional Learning Support, Welfare and Pastoral Support, Specialist Mental Health Team, and the Careers and Employability Team. 25 learners were also interviewed as part of the process and various external stakeholders.

The report showcased how dynamic the IAG is at Weston College, always looking to improve and remain relevant to the changing needs of learners:

Over the last three years Weston College has proven to be agile and responsive to reflect the changing education and skills landscape and the needs of its community. For instance, an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) programme for students aged 16-18 has been introduced whilst the growth of modular and smaller qualifications reflect key industrial sectors’ expectations. The IAG offer too has changed to ensure it remains relevant to the broad range of student needs. With a high profile placed upon student centred support, the senior leadership team has continued to ensure that Student Support Services remains well-resourced and is managed with a clear vision.

Vice Principal for Student Experience and Communications at Weston College, Ben Knocks, said: “We are thrilled to have been awarded the matrix Standard, which reflects our unwavering commitment to providing exceptional IAG to our learners.

“This accreditation is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our staff across all departments, ensuring that every learner feels safe, supported, and prepared for their future. I am really proud of what we do in this field and having now held the standard for over 12 years, shows that never stand still and continue to evolve and enhance our IAG services to meet the needs of our students and the wider community.”


Staff gathered together in front of Knightstone celebrating the matrix accreditation
Award winners at Business Awards

Weston-super-Mare's prestigious Winter Gardens venue played host to the highly anticipated annual Weston College Business Awards last night. 

The event brought together 250 distinguished guests for an inspiring celebration of learners and local employers who have worked closely with the college to offer work-placed opportunities to people taking their first steps in their career. 

The Winter Gardens was transformed into a hub of excitement and anticipation as attendees, including prominent figures from the local business community, educators, and local dignitaries, gathered to honour the outstanding achievements and commitment of individuals and businesses alike. 

This year we have revamped our awards and rather than separating out learner and employer awards, we celebrated partnerships – with both the learner and employer being recognised for the same award.   

The event was hosted by Bristolian Actor and BBC Radio Bristol Host, Joe Sims.

Interim Principal, Jacqui Ford commented: 

It was fantastic to celebrate and showcase not only the exceptional talent and dedication of our learners but also the invaluable support and collaboration of our esteemed employer network, at the Weston College Business Awards. 

"The overwhelming number of nominations we received is a testament to the high standards and relentless commitment demonstrated by our learners. Each learner showed exceptional drive and ambition, making us immensely proud of their accomplishments. 

"Equally, our partnerships with key employers have proven to be vital for the growth and prosperity of our local community. It is through their unwavering support and collaboration that our learners can excel and thrive in their respective fields.  

"Congratulations to all the winners and nominees. Your hard work, dedication, and passion have truly set you apart. We are honoured to play a part in your journey and celebrate your successes with you." 

Winner of the Luke Wheaton Engineering and Automotive Partnership Award, Damien Pearcey from AmeyBriggs, commented on the evening: “Just to be nominated and shortlisted for these awards has been an achievement in itself, it’s been a fantastic opportunity from day 1 right up to today and i couldn't be more thankful to the college and AmeyBriggs. From here on out the sky is going to be the limit!” 

Additionally, Darcey Winter from North Somerset Council won the Business, Finance and Professional Services Partnership Award commented:  "To come to something like this tonight, it feels really nice to be recognised within the workplace and see all the other Weston College learners. I have my parents here, my colleagues and my apprenticeship assessor and it has been really nice to bring everyone together! 

Additionally, employers were acknowledged for their unwavering commitment to fostering a culture of learning and providing valuable opportunities to their workforce. 

Winners of the Into Work Partnership Award, Elborough Care Services, said: “We are so thrilled that we have won the into work partnership award tonight at the Weston College Business Awards. We are so proud of Josh and feel very lucky to have him in our team!” 

A huge thank you to our headline sponsor CJ Hole and sponsors, Honeyfield Property Services, DPL Partnership, Mindful Education, Image Sign Systems, Pace, Michelmores, Mendip Activity Centre and Skylight. 

A huge congratulations to all of our finalists and winners!  

Learners and employers in simulation suite.

Over 20 enthusiastic Level 2 Health & Social Care learners and industry employers met at our Health and Social Care careers event on Wednesday.

The event was designed not only to showcase the learners' skills and aspirations but also to foster meaningful interactions between learners and potential employers, laying the groundwork for future collaborations and employment opportunities!

The day began with a unique reverse careers fair, where learners presented their skills, experiences, and career ambitions directly to visiting employers through their creative work stands and CVs.

Employers engaged in one-on-one conversations, gaining firsthand insights into what the learners get up to and their future aspirations, learners were also able to speak with people within the industry to find out about their career journeys.

Participants then moved to the simulation suite, where learners demonstrated their practical skills in a controlled, real-world healthcare setting. Employers also experienced an interactive virtual reality (VR) session, showcasing the high standards of the Health & Social Care program.

The students conducted themselves in a professional manner, were eager to speak with the employers, and were especially proud to show off the incredible simulation suite. It was an all-round great event with learning opportunities for both employers and learners!

If you want to find out more about our Health and Social Care courses, click here:

Newton Room Grand Opening - Ribbon Cutting

North Somerset has become home to a new Mobile Newton Room located at our South West Skills Campus.

The mobile classroom with three table-top flight simulators will be used to teach students STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) concepts with a specific aviation theme. 

The facility will provide a unique and unforgettable experience for visiting students and teachers providing them with the opportunity to explore, use high-quality equipment, collaborate, discuss, and have fun with STEM subjects.

The Boeing-supported Mobile Newton Room is engineered by the non-profit foundation FIRST Scandinavia, which will see Weston College offer a career relevant “Up in the Air with Numbers” Newton-module. Three-hour flight specific lessons run by teachers and flight instructors will target 18 students per session for a 12+ age group and will help to inspire and build STEM-related careers within the UK’s important South West aerospace hub. 

Councillor John Crockford-Hawley, The Mayor of Weston-super-Mare, officially opened the Mobile Newton Room, joined by representatives from local government, Boeing apprentices, students from the college, and local education and community groups. 

The concept, which originated in Norway, sees North Somerset as the latest in a network of Boeing-sponsored Newton Rooms across Europe. The UK’s first Newton Flight Academy was opened in Scotland at Glasgow Science Centre in 2022 followed by Newton South Yorkshire which opened in Rotherham in January 2024.

I am very proud of our UK-based Newton collaborations to date and want to emphasise the importance of like-minded partners such as Weston College and FIRST Scandinavia in nurturing the next generation of scientists, engineers and aviators,” said Maria Laine, president of Boeing in the UK, Ireland and Nordic region. “Boeing is currently exploring the provision of apprenticeship courses with Weston College, and this Newton Room will ignite the start of an important partnership between our two organisations to support our future talent pipeline.

The Mobile Newton Room builds on Boeing’s long-standing presence in the UK’s South West region and the recently opened Boeing Bristol facility, home to Boeing Defence UK and a workforce of over 700 employees. 

Alex Warner, Deputy Principal, Curriculum of the Weston College, said “We are thrilled to host the Mobile Newton Room at Weston College and as the lead college of the West of England Institute of Technology, this initiative aligns perfectly with our commitment to providing innovative and engaging STEM education. By collaborating with Boeing and FIRST Scandinavia, we are not only enriching our students' learning experiences but also contributing to the development of future talent in the aerospace industry. We look forward to seeing the positive impact this unique educational opportunity will have on our students and the wider community.” 

Per-Arild Konradsen, CEO and founder of FIRST Scandinavia, added “Boeing and Weston College are excellent partners for bringing the Newton Concept to Weston-super-Mare. We feel honoured to work with institutions that share our values and passion for inspiring and preparing young students with quality STEM education. With the Mobile Newton Room experience, we hope to give a great STEM learning experience with our concept to teachers and students visiting.”

The Mobile Newton Room will be open between June 10 to June 28.  For schools wishing to book please follow this LINK.


The Crown Electric playing at the Aston Villa Stadium

Weston College proudly announces that Ewan, a distinguished student and former bassist for the band The Like-Minded, has been officially recruited as the deputy bassist for Alex Lipinski's celebrated band, The Crown Electric. 

Ewan, whose exceptional bass skills and stage presence have been honed during his time at Weston College, made a remarkable debut with The Crown Electric at Villa Park. His performance left a lasting impression on the audience, underscoring his talent! 

Weston College is immensely proud of Ewan's achievements. Ewan's journey from a student musician to playing with The Crown Electric is a testament to his hard work and the supportive environment we strive to provide at Weston College. We are thrilled to see our students making significant strides in their future careers and contributing to the vibrant music scene!  

The Like-Minded, a project among Weston College students, have a following for their distinctive style and exciting sound. Ewan's transition to The Crown Electric marks a significant step in his musical journey, promising exciting developments for both him and the band. 

For more information about studying music at Weston College, click here!

To find out more about Alex Lipinski and his music, click here

LGBTQ Rainbow flag waved at a pride march

June marks Pride Month, a time for celebration, awareness, and continued allyship. We proudly stand with the LGBTQ+ Community, acknowledging both the progress made and the ongoing challenges that need to be addressed. 


Pride Month is a vibrant celebration of love, identity, and diversity. However, it is crucial to recognise that LGBTQ+ lives are still in danger. As highlighted in the research conducted by Libby (our Teaching, Learning and Assessment Manager) in her doctoral research proposal, "During pride month, the UK is bombarded by messages from well-meaning companies and individuals of ‘love is love’ and ‘don’t hide your pride’; yet they fail to address or acknowledge the core issue facing the LGBTQ+ community: LGBTQ+ lives are in danger.” 


At Weston College, we are dedicated to supporting our LGBTQ+ students, staff, and the wider community. We do this by listening, creating safe spaces and constantly re-evaluating our practices and training to ensure it is up to date and progressive. Our strong links with the North Somerset LGBT Forum provide a great place for local meetups, support groups, and coffee drop-ins at their venue on 68 Meadow Street in Weston-Super-Mare. These connections are vital in creating a sense of belonging and support within our community. 


This month, we are raising awareness and showing our allyship through several exciting events. We are proud to present the upcoming queer musical 'Everybody's Talking About Jamie,' a powerful story that champions diversity and acceptance. Additionally, we are hosting a Pride Prom for learners on June 21st at Loxton Campus and a Pride Silent Disco for the entire community on the same day. These events aim to celebrate diversity, encourage inclusivity, and provide a safe and welcoming space for all. 


As we celebrate Pride Month, we stand with our LGBTQ+ community in solidarity and reaffirm our dedication to making Weston College a place of safety, support, and empowerment for all. 


Below are some College and external events you can get involved in this LGBTQ+ Pride Month: 


Our Events: 

LGBTQ+ Prom: 

Pride Silent Disco:

‘Everybody’s Talking About Jamie’:


Local Events: 

Beautifully Proud Exhibition:

Bristol Pride:

  • Multiple events running between 29th June and 14th July 
  • Read more here 

Broadoak Academy’s Festival of Culture:

  • Broadoak Academy playing fields 
  • Saturday 15th June 
  • 11am – 4pm 

Marketing and Communications

The marketing department is responsible for promoting Weston College to the public, by promoting the Colleges courses, achievements and events.

Our aims are to attract learners to study within the Weston College Group, build and grow the College’s brand and highlight its reputation, and promote the College Group’s success, student progression and outstanding support for our learners.

The marketing department manages the College’s websites and official social media accounts, runs advertising campaigns, creates press releases, and manages many of the College Group’s events, such as Graduation, the Celebration of Success and the Business Awards.

We produce a wide range of publications including our full-time, Higher Education and part-time prospectuses, course leaflets and posters, and other documents such as the College’s annual report, magazines and newsletters, course brochures and the student handbook.

Weston College is committed to providing accurate and timely information for local, regional and national media, and the general public.

The marketing team is available between 8.30am and 5pm, Monday to Thursday and 8.30am to 4.30pm on Fridays. You can get in touch with us by emailing

All of our press releases are uploaded to the news section of our websites. News from the academies we sponsor, including the North Somerset Enterprise and Technology College, can be found on the news section of the Inspirational Futures Trust’s website. News pertaining to our Higher Education Provision can be found on

The marketing department produces most imagery and film in house, and keeps an extensive archive of the photographs it takes. If you would like a copy of an image featuring you or a member of your family, please contact us at

Our photos of graduation and many other events can be found on the College’s Facebook page. High quality images can be found on the College’s Flickr account.

Weston College is able to accommodate many requests to provide locations for film and photography. The College has a range of attractive, modern and adaptable facilities which can be viewed on our youtube channel.

We also are able to provide heritage facilities such as the Victorian Hans Price designed Conference Centre and, from September 2017, the 1927 Winter Gardens Pavilion.

For booking details, contact

For enquiries about sponsoring key events such as Celebration of Success, Business Breakfast, Business Awards and Graduation, please contact the marketing team by email at

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Marketing Permissions

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By submitting this form you are consenting to Weston College recording and processing the personal information on this form, for any purposes of the college associated with the provision of advice and guidance to potential students on the range of courses available to them, college facilities and any other associated information. In accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, the information will only be used for the above mentioned purposes.

You will need to complete a full enrolment form prior to starting your course.

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One Message, Different Voices

Take a look at this powerful film made by the staff of Weston College to show how important it is for everyone from different backgrounds to be included. The film shares heartfelt stories and interviews with a diverse group of staff, showing how accepting different identities and backgrounds can make a big difference. Its purpose is to encourage viewers to think about their own biases and work towards making our community more welcoming to all. We invite everyone, regardless of their background, to join us and be a part of our journey toward a more inclusive future.

Halo workplace logo

Our workplace champions the right of staff to embrace all Afro-hairstyles. We acknowledge that Afro-textured hair is an important part of our Black employees’ racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious identities, and requires specific styling for hair health and maintenance. We celebrate Afro-textured hair worn in all styles including, but not limited to, afros, locs, twists, braids, cornrows, fades, hair straightened through the application of heat or chemicals, weaves, wigs, headscarves, and wraps. In this workplace, we recognise and celebrate our colleagues’ identities. We are a community built on an ethos of equality and respect where hair texture and style have no bearing on an employee's ability to succeed.