

A new and bespoke residential training facility for people on the autism spectrum has now been opened by Weston College, the first of its kind in the UK. 

The centre has been created out of the former Bay View Hotel along Weston-super-Mare's seafront, at a cost of approximately £1.5 million, and is now called Weston Bay. The aim of the facility is to provide training in Life and Social Skills and independent living skills for those on the autism spectrum. 

The centre is seen as a welcome development for parents of young people who want them to be educated in North Somerset and not at a specialist 'out of county' college. 


Weston Bay has eight bedrooms and four flats, allowing residents to get used to living away from home, manage tasks including cooking and developing their social skills. Length of stay ranges from one night to three months, depending on individual requirements, and all residents are students on Weston College courses. 

Some of these students are hoping to go on to university, but aren't confident about their ability to deal with the Social and Life skills required for living away from home. Weston Bay's individually-tailored programmes allow each student to develop their independence according to their particular needs. 

The centre itself has been refurbished to a standard suitable for people on the autism spectrum, including subdued lighting, analogue and digital clocks on the walls and minimalist decoration which promotes a low arousal environment. 

Two main rooms downstairs are multi-functional for both leisure and learning use, and each student has their own bedroom. There is an IT suite for evening study, four kitchens and a laundry and a programme of activities throughout the week. 

Weston College has an excellent reputation for its work with students with LDD. It has just received a prestigious Beacon Award for its work in the field and it is the only centre in the UK which offers their support staff a career structure which involves specialism to graduate level. In 2010 OFSTED's Special Education Needs and Review Team stated Weston College has an ‘exceptionally well qualified team’.

The College began its provision for students with learning difficulties or disabilities in 1981, with just eight enrolments.

Now there are 980 Further Education students and 57 Higher Education students receiving various levels of learning support at the College. Provision for students with learning difficulties or disabilities is classed as 'Outstanding'.

College Principal and Chief Executive Dr Paul Phillips said: “Weston College is seen as a centre of excellence for LDD provision and we pride ourselves on our professional approach. This new provision will enhance our reputation in this field enormously, and will offer a ground-breaking model of support that other colleges will surely follow.”

Rachael Bastin (Co-ordinator) said: “Weston Bay presents a challenging new venture; totally innovative in its approach to working with individuals on the autism spectrum, in a general College of Further Education. As a staff team we are excited and motivated by the results we are seeing on a daily basis. Students and their parents are keen to work in partnership with us to make a success of this provision which is aspirational for autism”.

Earlier this year the Ambitious About Autism charity highlighted a lack of accessibility to Higher Education among autistic adults. Only one in four school leavers with autism go on to further education, and 15 per cent of adults with autism have a job.

The charity's chief executive, Jolanta Lasota, said: "Less than one in four people with autism currently access further education, which is a waste of their potential and puts a strain on families. Many parents feel they are staring into a black hole when their child approaches school leaving age, because the options for further education are so limited.

“We want to give them the opportunity to be part of their community, to stay close to family and friends and enter meaningful employment."

The charity, which Weston College works closely with, has now launched a campaign - 'Finished At School' – that aims to secure more and better educational options for all young people with autism aged 16 – 25 to enable them to develop skills, gain employment, live more independently and ultimately to live the life they choose.

For more information about the new centre for people on the Autism Spectrum contact 01934 411411.

Three lecturers have become Weston College’s first graduates from a Master’s degree delivered in partnership with the University of the West of England (UWE).

Mark Harvey, James Hazzard and Gill Cook were all presented with the award of MA in Education at a graduation ceremony held at UWE.

The first 60 credits (PGCert stage) of the degree were delivered through tutorial sessions at Weston College, with candidates completing the rest of the award through taught sessions at UWE and independent research.           

Mark, who is the Programme Coordinator for degree courses in Uniformed and Public Services, said: “The course fitted well around my work commitments and has enhanced my knowledge. The support from Weston College gave me the confidence to engage fully in the course and embrace the challenges it held.”

James, who teaches further education (FE) and higher education (HE) courses in Sport and has recently taken on a role in HE Quality and Curriculum, said: “The College encouraged and supported me to complete the MA in Education, which was tailored to meet the needs of a full-time employee, focusing on twilight lectures and flexible tutorial meetings. The one-to-one support at the College was outstanding and really helped me to develop the skills to enter the research project phase of the course.

“The course has allowed me to develop research skills that are transferable to a number of areas within the profession, as well as developing knowledge enabling me to further support Higher Education learners at Weston College.

“The course was very challenging but ultimately rewarding, and the skills I have acquired have encouraged me to potentially progress onto Doctorate research and become involved in teaching the MA programme at Weston College and UWE.”

Gill, who is the Programme Co-ordinator for degree courses in Animal and Equine Management and a Tutorial Champion for the Business, Management and IT Faculty, said: “The MA has enhanced my ability to support students through the research process and allowed me to expand my teaching to research-based modules within our Foundation Degrees.

“It has also supported my tutoring at FE level and supported my role as Senior Tutor to guide and advise the Faculty on the most effective way to use tutorial and support systems.

“The course was really enjoyable and the support from Weston College tutors was excellent.”

The degree is now open for applications from suitably qualified members of the public wanting to study the first stage at Weston College. Please contact the Higher Education team at Weston College to find out more:

WESTON College Higher Education media students premiered their films at the Watershed cinema in Bristol last week (Thursday June 9th).

The aspiring filmmakers from the College’s Film and Media Arts Production foundation degree, which is run in partnership with Bath Spa University, presented 14 short films to an audience of more than 100 people at the venue on Bristol’s Harbourside. 

The eclectic mix of traditional, experimental, corporate and documentary flicks included ‘Ghosts’, a collaborative effort by all of the second year students, and ‘That’s Life’, which was shot by the first year students on their residential trip to Granada, Spain.

Samuel Wiggins, who directed ‘Ghosts’, said: “Working on a professional set of such a big size and scale was new to us all, but it was such a rewarding and enjoyable experience. We’re all really pleased with the film.”

The event was also organised and promoted by the multi-talented students.

Emily Eades, who led the organising committee, said: “Everyone came together really well to work on staging the showcase.

“The response was better than we could ever have hoped for, and we’re grateful to everyone who came along to share our memorable evening with us.”

As well as counting as coursework towards their degrees, the students will be submitting the shorts to competitions and festivals and also using them to support their applications to join professional shoots in the coming months.

Jimmy Hay, the coordinator of the FdA Film and Media Arts Production course at Weston College’s Loxton Campus, said: “As lecturers, we were incredibly proud to see the films being played on the big screen at a cinema as prestigious as the Watershed.

“We have a really strong group of students and the quality of the films they’ve made this year is a testament to the amount of work and dedication they’ve put into developing their craft and how effectively they’ve worked together as a team.”

The programme also included ‘The Fatal Deal’ by Miguel Fonseca and Jessie Clayton; ‘Choco Factory’ by Tanicka Fenty; ‘The Ring’ by Miguel Fonseca; ‘The Truth Is In The Groove’ by Becki Couch; ‘Jooxter’ by Seb Harris and Poppy Mobsby; ‘Under The Bridge’ by Emily Eades; ‘8 Mil Memories’ by John Peeke; ‘Play Dead For Me’ by Alex Shepherd; ‘Moth’ by Harley Sanderson; ‘The Different Sides of Helsinki?’ by Lizzy Holbrook; ‘Below The Neck’ by Samuel Wiggins; and ‘INTIMAE’ by Seb Harris and Poppy Mobsby.

You can view the showcase trailer by visiting:

At Weston College we get a lot of questions from members of the public who want to improve their hair and beauty knowledge. In the first of a two-part hair and beauty advice special we ask Jessica Stagg, former Weston College student and owner of Essential Beauty and Aesthetics, for answers to some of the most frequently beauty questions…

Click here for part two!

How can I tell when makeup expires?

Many people don’t know this essential beauty tip, and the answer is more simple than a lot of people think!

Almost every product you use has an expiry date, and using the product when it has gone off can damage your skin or affect results. Look for a symbol on the back of the makeup which looks like an open jar. In it, there should be a number which indicates how long the product will last after it has been opened.

How do I remove gel nail polish?

Removing gel nails is easy, all you need is acetone, cotton balls, a high-grit buffer, a nail file, and aluminium foil cut into squares big enough to wrap around your fingertips.

First, use the file to break the seal of the gel polish, making sure that you don’t file too deep as this could damage your nail. Cut the foil into 10 three-centimetre wide squares.

Next, soak a cotton ball in acetone and place it on your fingernail and wrap the foil around your fingertip to hold the cotton ball in place. Wait 15 minutes and the gel nail should flake off easily. Use a buffer on your nails to remove any residue.

You could become an expert in gel nails as little as three months with one of Weston College's nail technology part-time courses. Click here to find out more!

How should I clean makeup brushes?

To properly clean your makeup brushes you’ll need a shallow bowl, gentle shampoo, a sink and a lint-free cloth. Begin by running your brushes under lukewarm tap water to remove any remaining makeup. Focus on cleansing the bristles but try to avoid the handle as the heat of the water may loosen the glue over time.

Fill the bowl with lukewarm water and put a small amount of shampoo in it. Swirl the tip of your brush in the water and then swirl the brush in the palm of your hand to work up a lather. Rinse the brush under running water when you’re satisfied that the brush is clean, and then leave to dry!

How can I earn money with my beauty skills?

If you’re talented in makeup, nail art or massage you could earn money in the beauty industry as a beauty technician. Getting qualified and learning new skills is important, and I started my career by taking a beauty therapy qualification at Weston College. I then worked in salons for five years, and opened my first salon Essential Beauty and Aesthetics in Weston-super-Mare in 2016.

Weston College has courses for all ages and abilities, including part-time courses designed to fit around your schedule.

There are nearly 20,000 people employed in the beauty industry in the Bristol and Somerset area. The average starting salary in this sector is £15,000, however more qualified and specialist beauty therapists can earn over £20,000 per year.

Find out what courses we have on offer by clicking here!

Mind Matters is a weekly informal session highlighting the importance of looking after your mental health.

We are providing advice on anything from low mood to anxiety. They are run by the specialist mental health team here at the College and are for any students looking for support about an issue either inside or outside of the College, ask for advice or questions, or just to pick up some information.

You can also self-refer for support here as well as sign up for or forthcoming sessions on self esteem and anxiety, or to be a Time to Change Ambassador.

Mondays 9.30am to 11.30am

Knightstone Campus LibraryPlus

Loxton Campus Bistro

Weston College business student Bella Febry went out of her way to apply to complete her internship with international oil and gas company ‘OiLSERV’ in Dubai. 

James Foster, Executive Vice President at OiLSERV, said: “We tried our best to challenge her, and give her experience of what it is like working in a fast paced service industry – where we deliver operations 24/7, 365 days a year across multiple countries and time zones. The intent of the program was to help her understand how all elements of the organisation have to work together to be successful. 

“She worked exceptionally hard, learnt quickly, and integrated into all of the culturally diverse teams she worked with. Our teams enjoyed working with her, it was a pleasure for us to have her here.” 

At the end of her placement Bella was asked to do a presentation on her time with OiLSERV to the various teams she had worked with. Following this she received a glowing letter of recommendation from the company, which they say she ‘fully deserved’.

Bella is in the first year of her BTEC Extended Diploma in Business Studies here at Weston College. By completing this invaluable work experience she has gained skills in HR, finance, IT, supply chain, law, marketing, sales, and project delivery. 

When reflecting on her time with OiLSERV, Bella told us: “It was an amazing, once in a lifetime opportunity. I was really pleased when I read the feedback. It’ll definitely help my CV and future career prospects. I think it will make me stand out.” 

A student at Weston College’s Sixth Form has won a district award at a Young Enterprise event, and will progress to the regional finals.

Ilja Voroncovs, who studies A Levels in Psychology and Sociology and an Extended Certificate in Applied Science, recently took part in the Young Enterprise programme and was nominated by his tutor for a Journey Award. 

The Journey Award is for students who took part in the Young Enterprise Company Programme, and have progressed particularly well not necessarily just within the project itself. 

Elinor John, Lecturer in Photography and Employability Co-ordinator at the Sixth Form, said: “I nominated Ilja due to his increased confidence over the programme. Ilja was extremely shy at the beginning of the course, but flourished as a result of the opportunity with the Young Enterprise. 

“Ilja’s confidence went from strength to strength, and he was really deserving of that recognition. The most rewarding aspect was that not only did his team, business advisors and I see the growth in Ilja, but he recognised it in himself.”

The Young Enterprise programme challenges teams of students to start a business from scratch, selling a product of their own design and making a profit. It requires them to work as a team, alongside real business advisors who help to guide and mentor them.

Wayne Richards, Head of the Sixth Form, said: “The Young Enterprise programme gives students the opportunity to get a feel for real-life business, and start to explore the different aspects of creating and running their own business. 

“We’re so proud of students like Ilja who really challenge themselves, and end up progressing not just within the College but personally, too, as a result of the project. We encourage all our students to grow and develop in any way they can and we’re really proud of what Ilja has achieved.”

Cameron Gelder who won his heat

A Weston College student overcame a number of professional artists to finish second in a prestigious live painting competition.

Cameron Gelder, 19, won his ‘heat’ and only narrowly missed out on winning the final of Art Battle Bristol at the city’s Marble Factory.

Cameron and fellow Weston College student Lewis Bateman, 17, were among 12 artists, including professionals, to compete in the event.

Each competitor was given 20 minutes to produce a work of art in front of an audience of 250. Spectators then vote on their favourite painting, with each work auctioned off at the end of the event.

Cameron and Lewis, who both study the Level 3 Art and Design course, made a big impression on the audience, which included their classmates and tutor, Nicola Stent.

“Cameron and Lewis did themselves and the College proud,” said Nicola.

“They engaged with the crowd and produced some excellent pieces of work under real pressure.

“Cameron really showed his ability to improvise, using his bank card to create an effect on his first painting!

“After finishing first in his heat, he was within five votes of winning the final.

“All three of the students’ pieces sold at the auction, with one of Cameron’s fetching £80.

“Their classmates got involved as well, and gave Cameron and Lewis lots of support.

“The event also provided the students with some great opportunities to network with professional painters, graffiti artists and architects.”

Cameron was pipped to first place by Jody Thomas, a Bristol-based professional graffiti artist who began painting with Banksy.


Cameron Gelder with his heat winning piece.

Art Battle

Volunteering award

I have been part of St John Ambulance and air cadets for many years and I have achieved so much as an air cadet developing skills in many areas and gaining these qualifications along on the way

  • Level's 1 & 2 & 3 First Aid (Including AED - Automated External Defibrillator)
  • Leadership Level's 1 & 2
  • Communication with the Deaf and Blind
  • Prior Award (24 Different Qualifications in St John Ambulance - Bronze, Silver, Gold)
  • Peer Education which has enabled me to teach my peers and other young people Basic Life Support.

As an air cadet I reached the rank of NCO (Non-Commissions Officer - Corporal) in my Worle Cadet Unit. I am now a St John Ambulance Adult in the Clevedon St John Ambulance Unit.

My volunteering work also involved fundraising for multiple different charities including The Great Western Air Ambulance Charity (GWAAC), Lighthouse Charity and now The Grand Appeal (Bristol Children's Hospital).

I am currently the Development Worker for the Eagles Non-Profit Trust and the Team Leader for the brand new Eagles South West Project.

We run a project known as the Eagles South West Project which is part of the Eagles Non-Profit Trust. We have various Mini Projects including Charitable Fundraising which cover's the work of various charities including; The Grand Appeal - Bristol Children's Hospital - which I am very keen to support because I had Cardiac and Orthopaedic Surgery there. I work with an Orthopaedic Surgeon in the hospital studying Health and Social Care, Level 3 to go onto do Paramedic Science at University.

Within the project we work with various charitable organisations that support people that are homeless and in need within our local area of WSM and surrounding areas. This is known as The Eagles Homeless Outreach - we work with Winter Warmth, Feed the Homeless WSM and Bristol and Somewhere To Go, for which we are planning an Easter Homeless Donation to support them.

We then have a third and final Mini Project Category known as 'Company and Project Partnerships'. We are currently supporting the 'Plastic Pollution Action and Awareness Project'. We are working closely with the Project Manager to plan on how we can support them with events to help the environment including Litter Picks and Fundraising Events for their Project and running Awareness Campaigns.

Another mini project we are planning on running is a brand new idea that we are just setting up at the moment known as 'Donate For Defib (W-s-M) Project' and this will be fundraising for local Difibulators in the local area, so we are looking forward to starting that very soon.

Marketing and Communications

The marketing department is responsible for promoting Weston College to the public, by promoting the Colleges courses, achievements and events.

Our aims are to attract learners to study within the Weston College Group, build and grow the College’s brand and highlight its reputation, and promote the College Group’s success, student progression and outstanding support for our learners.

The marketing department manages the College’s websites and official social media accounts, runs advertising campaigns, creates press releases, and manages many of the College Group’s events, such as Graduation, the Celebration of Success and the Business Awards.

We produce a wide range of publications including our full-time, Higher Education and part-time prospectuses, course leaflets and posters, and other documents such as the College’s annual report, magazines and newsletters, course brochures and the student handbook.

Weston College is committed to providing accurate and timely information for local, regional and national media, and the general public.

The marketing team is available between 8.30am and 5pm, Monday to Thursday and 8.30am to 4.30pm on Fridays. You can get in touch with us by emailing

All of our press releases are uploaded to the news section of our websites. News from the academies we sponsor, including the North Somerset Enterprise and Technology College, can be found on the news section of the Inspirational Futures Trust’s website. News pertaining to our Higher Education Provision can be found on

The marketing department produces most imagery and film in house, and keeps an extensive archive of the photographs it takes. If you would like a copy of an image featuring you or a member of your family, please contact us at

Our photos of graduation and many other events can be found on the College’s Facebook page. High quality images can be found on the College’s Flickr account.

Weston College is able to accommodate many requests to provide locations for film and photography. The College has a range of attractive, modern and adaptable facilities which can be viewed on our youtube channel.

We also are able to provide heritage facilities such as the Victorian Hans Price designed Conference Centre and, from September 2017, the 1927 Winter Gardens Pavilion.

For booking details, contact

For enquiries about sponsoring key events such as Celebration of Success, Business Breakfast, Business Awards and Graduation, please contact the marketing team by email at

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Marketing Permissions

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One Message, Different Voices

Take a look at this powerful film made by the staff of Weston College to show how important it is for everyone from different backgrounds to be included. The film shares heartfelt stories and interviews with a diverse group of staff, showing how accepting different identities and backgrounds can make a big difference. Its purpose is to encourage viewers to think about their own biases and work towards making our community more welcoming to all. We invite everyone, regardless of their background, to join us and be a part of our journey toward a more inclusive future.

Halo workplace logo

Our workplace champions the right of staff to embrace all Afro-hairstyles. We acknowledge that Afro-textured hair is an important part of our Black employees’ racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious identities, and requires specific styling for hair health and maintenance. We celebrate Afro-textured hair worn in all styles including, but not limited to, afros, locs, twists, braids, cornrows, fades, hair straightened through the application of heat or chemicals, weaves, wigs, headscarves, and wraps. In this workplace, we recognise and celebrate our colleagues’ identities. We are a community built on an ethos of equality and respect where hair texture and style have no bearing on an employee's ability to succeed.