

Megan Thomas from Hinkley Point C delivering a guest lecture

We caught up with Megan Thomas, who is the Education and Outreach Lead at Hinkley Point C, to find out about the work they do with us.

The Hinkley Point C project is the first new nuclear power station to be built in the UK in over twenty years. It is currently in the construction phase, but once live it will provide power to 6 million home across the UK.

My role is to inspire, engage and educate young people across the South West to consider a career at the project. We have a huge range of opportunities and career pathways on the project, and I'm always looking at how I can get new talent involved!

We have worked closely with Weston College for many years; especially as they sit within the 90-minute radius of the Hinkley Point C site. Weston College have brilliant facilities with a huge offer and a team of dedicated and reliable staff.

We are part of the Careers Excellence Hubs, which I think are a brilliant initiative to bring business into the curriculum, and show students the reality of the industry they are studying.

I believe it is vital for students to have engagement from business throughout their studies whilst at College, and this is what we have been able to provide Weston College students with.

We have worked closely with the curriculum areas that link directly into the project, and have given these students a full careers workshop on the opportunities available once they complete their studies. I always bring members of Team HPC with me when I present to students, so we can really bring the project to life, and the students can ask the raw and real questions they want to!

For me, we are always looking to bring new people onto the project so getting in front of the young people who are about to begin their career journeys is brilliant.

Megan Thomas, Education and Outreach Lead, Hinkley Point C Project

A big thank you to Megan and Hinkley Point C, for all they do in supporting Weston College learners.

Find out more about our courses for school leavers, by clicking here.

Accelerate logo - Be Competitive, Be Digital, Be Green, Be Inclusive

In February 2022, Weston College developed and launched Accelerate; a 7 month intensive skills and training programme for businesses and individuals to access in for free in North Somerset. As the project draws a full close one year later, it has been revealed that not only did the Community Renewal Fund reached it target objectives, but Weston College succeeded with the allocated part of the programme.

Together with North Somerset Council, The Food and Drink Forum and The Hive - Business Support Centre, Weston College received a share of funding from a £2.8m government initiative, which was part of the UK Community Renewal Fund.

Working together, the partners developed Accelerate – a unique umbrella of fully rounded support opportunities for not only working individuals and business wanting to upskill or start a business but also to for individuals looking for help to get back into work and access key support. Accelerate was one of four projects that delivered skills, community, business, and employment opportunities.  

In total, Weston College alone reached 322 unique businesses from February to September 2022, culminating in a reach of over 1100 individuals in total. A large portion of those businesses reached were North Somerset SMEs, of whom hire under 250 employees and quite often struggle to access funded training courses.

Of the 1100+ individuals that were reached in just over 7 months, 200 participants engaged in life skills support following the Brighter Futures jobs fair which welcome local businesses looking for talent and supporting job seekers.

Skills Sessions included CV support, resilience in employment, and appropriate employment related behaviour training. The event helped all attendees with application support and job opportunities. Accelerate also developed a packed monthly calendar of free and accessible workshops for businesses and individuals to access that covered key skills requirements. Successful workshops included Managing Teams and Mentoring, Navigating Difficult Conversations in the Workplace, Marketing and Branding, Sustainability support, Canva Essentials, Disability Confident Employment, Leadership Skills, Microsoft, Excel, Diversity and Inclusion and British Sign Language (amongst much more).

The project also enabled the development of a business community hub at Spacebar, a dedicated workshop style space located in the Sovereign Centre. Spacebar is still used weekly for all partners, for free, to offer business advice, promote volunteering opportunities in the region and access further training and outreach to those seeking employment support or specialist advice for refugees in the region.

Even though Accelerate, as a funded project, has now closed, the community of business support remains strong. All North Somerset business, of all industries and sizes are welcome to join the Accelerate LinkedIn group and take advantage of continuing support. Weston College continues to be a reliable resource for business support across recruitment, apprenticeships and more and is working hard with businesses to support learners into industry and enable business to access training, secure talent and thrive.

Weston Hospicecare accepting cheque

Learners from our Business Career Excellence Hub have raised an incredible £5,170 for Weston Hospicecare, through the Business Enterprise Challenge.

Now in it’s second year, the Business Enterprise Challenge sees Business students split into18 groups, and tasked with raising money for Weston Hospicecare. Each group are given a Business Mentor, as well as a £50 donation for a start-up budget. The challenge is to turn their £50 into the most profit, with all proceeds going to the charity.

Each group of learners have created their business plan, which includes sourcing products, developing their pricing strategy, coming up with a marketing plan and then selling their product or service.

The groups ran their businesses from October to January, and included companies that created ‘Christmas Treat Baubles’ for pets, sustainable eco-friendly biodegradable ‘Self Care Packages’ and an events management business.

Dean of Faculty for Professional Studies Access to HE & Animal Science at Weston College, Helen George, said: “We are so proud of what our learners have achieved as part of this challenge. Over the course of the challenge, we have seen learners grow in confidence, increase their understanding of running a business and build vital skills that will support them throughout their future careers.

Most importantly learners have raised a lot of money for Weston Hospicecare, which has been the driving force behind the success we have seen to date.

Thank you to our Business Mentors who have provided such valuable advice, guidance and feedback to the learners. We really appreciate their support.”

Each group of learners presented their experiences to a judging panel, as well as sharing how much they raised, which resulted in four award winning groups:

  • Fundraisers Achievement Award – Isabelle, Abi, Elena, Lauren, Inga, Lloyd, and Wiktor
  • Best Presentation Award – Nicole, Ella, Olivia, Milly, Eva, and Amanda
  • Product Innovation Award – Paige, Martyna, and Eloise
  • Employer Engagement/Networking Award – Thomas, Charlotte, Grace, Harry, Reg, and Daniel
  • Overall Winners Award – Jodine, Melwin, Harry, Samuel, Maddison, and Denver.

Philppa Haynes, Founder of Insight 101 Brand Strategy Consultant, and mentor to our overall winners, said: “I’ve always been impressed by the commitment of Weston College to its students. The Enterprise Challenge Awards, sponsored by Weston Hospicecare, is yet another feather in their cap. As a mentor for the winning team which raised over £1000, I’m so proud of the students. Guts, determination and a little bit of flair were very much key to their success.”

Ben Whitwell, Creative Director Benji Graphics, and also a mentor, said “This was a really great project to be involved with, not only did it raise a fantastic amount for Weston Hospicecare, but it gave us a chance to work with really passionate and enthusiastic students from Weston College. It was really rewarding seeing their project through from planning through to sales and great to see them rewarded for all their efforts. I’ll be back next year, and I’m coming back to win with my team!

If you would like to find out more about studying a business course at Weston College, click here.

Samantha Barnett smiling

When I left school, I worked in my local council’s environmental health department admin team over the summer before completing my A-Levels. I got a job as an estate agent but sadly the office I worked for closed during the financial crisis of 2008. I found myself suddenly out of work until I spotted an advert for maternity cover in the support team in Environmental Health at Mid Devon District Council.

I loved working as a Business Support Officer on the front line of the service taking calls, helping the public with such a wide range of interesting enquiries, from swarming bees to smoky bonfires; pub kitchen complaints to mouldy houses; and working to support the officers across all the environmental health disciplines in their roles. As I had a background in housing, I concentrated on support for the EH officers working in Private Sector Housing. It was really satisfying to be part of the team that made a difference for people that live in poor housing or needed an adaptation so they can safely access their homes. The knowledge and enthusiasm of the EH officers was infectious.

After having my children, I completed the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) training, became a member of the CIEH and started becoming more involved in casework. My hard work paid off and I was promoted to Private Sector Housing (PSH) officer. However, I still wasn’t a qualified Environmental Health Practitioner and was eager to learn more. Then I spotted an advert in Environmental Health News (EHN) for the apprenticeship degree and found out my employer was happy to support me on the course.

I am now in my second year of study and love how much more confident I am at doing my job already. I work four days a week and attend lectures once a week at the University Centre in Weston, or sometimes I join the lectures online. I keep in touch with my fellow students during the week and we’re always on a WhatsApp chat to run ideas past each other. The flexibility is great having the option to study from home, and my manager is so supportive.

It has been a challenge learning to be a student again; getting to grips with homework and fitting in time to research and write assignments, but I am fortunate enough to have a supportive husband and family around me. I have also found that my two children have benefitted from seeing mum study; we sit down together to do our homework!

software engineer typing on computer

In 2018 I decided I wanted to complete a Digital and Technology Solutions BSc (Hons) Degree Apprenticeship, to further my development and provide me with a valuable next step in my career.

I had already completed a Level 3 apprenticeship, and was working as a Software Developer at NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (NHS SCWCSU). My employer was really supportive, and I started my apprenticeship working with them for the first two years, before moving to the UK Hydrographic Office.

The apprenticeship really supported me in my development, and gave me a lot of highlights. It is difficult to give one overall highlight, so I’ll give two.

Firstly, the people. It was interesting meeting lots of people from varied backgrounds and ages that had decided that this was the rout for them, and I’ve made some lasting friendships from the apprenticeship.

Secondly, the opportunity to play with different technologies to what I’d use day-to-day in work. The programming assignments really gave me latitude to experiment in a way I otherwise wouldn’t find time for.

I completed my apprenticeship in the summer, and now I’m a Software Engineer working for, the parent entity of Just Eat and, solving interesting authentication and authorization problems at scale.

If you’re considering an apprenticeship, then you should do it. It will be difficult at times, and stressful at times, trying to balance work and degree work, but it’s worth it in the end. For me, the sense of accomplishment alone was worth it, but the degree without any debt hanging over you is also very nice and opens up new doors for you.

Hugo Woodiwiss

Find out more about our degree apprenticeships, by clicking here.

Suse Rolfe by coast

I was happily working in radio when I stumbled across the advert for an Environmental Health Apprentice, if I’m honest, I hadn’t even considered a career in the field. I did lots of research before I applied for the position and knew I would absolutely love it! I work in the Environmental Protection Team at North Devon Council, while I study, part-time at UCW. The course takes 4 years, studying one day a week and working the rest, and I find that balance is just right!

My role within the council involves dealing with Environmental issues, such as fly-tipping, littering, abandoned vehicles, dog control, stray dogs, and much more. I am out daily in North Devon and get to appreciate the beauty of where I live, alongside educating people to keep it that way! Education and awareness are a big part of my role, and mostly, the public receives this well. No two days are the same, and I love the variety.

Studying alongside the job can be hard work, you must be prepared to commit some spare time, but once you find the balance that fits your life, it becomes manageable. The apprentice opportunity is a pathway to a promising new career, studying as an older student sets a great example to my children, that it’s never too late to pursue a goal. Many people associate apprenticeships with people of school or college leaving age, but they are available for everyone. I can earn as I learn and have the support of my colleagues to help with anything I need.

If you’ve ever considered taking the apprenticeship route, I would highly recommend it. The skills you gain while working, complement the learning criteria, and by the time you graduate, you will have years of experience in the field, which will help you to hit the ground running. I haven’t looked back, and I’m so pleased I applied when I did!

Firefighter with firetruck

My name is Alex and I am undergoing an apprenticeship in Operational Firefighting.

Becoming a firefighter is something that I always wanted to do, so I decided to apply, and I did this through the Avon Fire and Rescue Service website.

It wasn’t an easy process, but it was rewarding as you went though and completed each step.

The college were really supportive through the process; I received frequent emails, they provided me with vital information and were very quick at replying to any questions I had. Now on station, I have a line of contact to the college through my assessor.

There is a lot to learn when becoming a firefighter, so having a large educational institute like Weston College involved gave me confidence in the education and training I would receive, and ultimately allow me to be successful in this career.

This apprenticeship has allowed me to gain real world experience and give me insight into what life is like as a firefighter. Something that I have really appreciated is the experience I gain from firefighters on station.

There are challenges too, with the most challenging part being the wide range of techniques and equipment we have to learn in order to be effective in the many types of incidents we attend.

If you’re considering an apprenticeship then I think you should go for it! They are a mix between real world practice, as well as engaging in some theory from lectures and lesson style learning. There is a demand for being physically practical as well as being able to computer-based college work.

Apply to become a Firefighter through an apprenticeship, by clicking here. 

Accountant working at desk

Our collaboration with AAT provides the perfect blend of learning, between Online and On-Campus, to allow you to gain your qualification in Accounting. Another great delivery of this course is through the Apprenticeship, where you'll spend time both in the classroom and in the workplace. This flexible approach means apprentices can choose how, when and where they want to study.

We heard from Michelle, who completed the AAT Apprenticeship, and told us about her experience!

Why did you decide to study an AAT?

After my daughter was born (I was 28 at that time) I had an opportunity to work as an accounts assistant carrying out basic bookkeeping. I knew if I wanted further my career in the accounting industry I would require a qualification. Weston College was offering Level AAT courses which I attended during one day each week. I completed Level 2,3 and 4 at Weston college with the encouragement from my tutor, Sarah. Even during the pandemic, Weston college helped support us with online sessions.

Did your employers offer you the opportunity to complete an apprenticeship or was this something you decided to complete?

It was my own decision to pursue the AAT qualification as I had self-doubted and low self-esteem when it came to my education. But, I knew there was more for me out in the world and AAT would open so many doors for my future.

How did you find the apprenticeship?

From the support & encouragement from both my tutor Sarah and class friends it felt like a great achievement. I’m really proud to have completed my AAT however it was down to my hard work and dedication. I also have made friends for life through the classes.

How long did it take to complete?

I completed level 2,3 & 4 over 3 years.

How often did you have to complete apprenticeship work?

I juggled all my study time around family life, especially considering I had a new born, and it was tough. I spent the majority of my evenings and weekends revising, but I made sure to make time. Each AAT exam will test your knowledge and it’s not just multiple selection boxes, AAT want you to know the understanding behind the question and how you have come to the decision you’ve made. Working in an accounting environment, it’s really important you have the understanding and knowledge to be able to advise and back up your decisions with the correct information.

How have you utilised the skills you developed during the apprenticeship?

All the skills that I developed on the course have been utilised, from double entry bookkeeping, payroll, Excel and accounting software.

Since completing the apprenticeship, has it helped you to progress your career?

Since completing my AAT, and becoming MAAT, all thanks from the support of Weston College, I have set up my own bookkeeping practice called Michelle Clarks Advanced Bookkeeping Services, as well as working for a really cool accounting firm in Weston Super Mare called “Neil’s Data Consultancy”. Having the support from not only an employer and as well as being my own boss, I have the best of both worlds that works for me. I enjoy meeting new clients and being able to encourage them to grow their own business.

Were there any specific highlights of the apprenticeship?

Attending my Graduation at Weston College was the biggest highlight and made me reflect on the hard work I put in to the AAT course. Wearing the gown and having a day of celebration felt amazing. Weston College went above and beyond for our graduation, celebrating everyone’s achievements.

What would you say to someone considering following in your footsteps?

Do it, don’t hold back. I recommend the apprenticeship to anyone to gain their AAT qualification at Weston College, it can open so many career paths for your future.

Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you can’t achieve your dreams. If the dreams for your future don't scare you, they aren’t big enough!


If you're interested in learning more about AAT qualifications, click here!


Celebration of Success booklet on table

Weston College celebrated the achievements of over 40 students at its annual Celebration of Success event. Hosted at the Winter Gardens Pavillion, the awards ceremony recognised the commitment and outstanding performance of students from all ages and disciplines.

The students were nominated by college staff and winners were selected by the college's Principal and Chief Executive.

Weston College teaches over 30,000 students a year across all levels from school leavers and a diverse range of courses for adults to re-train and upskill.

As part of the evening, guests were treated to a delicious 3 course meal, made by the College’s Hospitality and Catering students as well as performances from University Centre Weston’s (UCW) BA (Hons) Musical Theatre students.

With the prestigious ceremony underway, one-by-one, the winning students were announced and took to the stage with a resounding applause from family, friends, and special guests. They were presented with their award by Chair of Governors, Andrew Leighton-Price.

With thanks to our sponsors Honeyfield Property Services, Ashton Gate, PACE Agency, Puxton Park, Image Sign and Mindful Education.

As the main event sponsor Honeyfield Property Services’ Director, Jon Patch presented certificates to our Principal Gold Award Winners for Under 19 and Adult Student of the Year, to Ruby Gane and Robert Aldous respectively.

Whilst at the college Robert was offered full time employment at Mercedes Sytner. He commented:

“Its heart-warming to know you’ve been nominated by members of staff, and they can acknowledge and see the progress you’ve made.

“This award has really boosted my confidence and self-belief and tonight is a massive achievement for everyone who has been pushed to their full potential and achieved greatness. I think that is a big testament to Weston College”

Teresa (Counselling Student of the Year) commented:

“This award means everything. I have never won an award in my life and I don’t think I’d be able to get to how far I have come and get to this point without Weston College and the support from my tutors” 

Weston College Group Principal and Chief Executive Sir Paul Philips commented: 

“Tonight is a celebration of the success of our learners and those who have supported them. From 30,000 learners, getting to this stage is no mean feat.

“The talent of my Governors and staff, and the excellence of our learners, all point to brilliance. Witnessing first-hand this talent of my learners and staff makes me incredibly proud, not just for their success but for the dynamism and entrepreneurship of everyone across the organisation."

The evening continued with several awards to recognise students that were shortlisted for the national Association of Colleges (AoC) awards; Teryena Hobbins was nationally shortlisted for AoC Adult Learner of the year, Jack Kimmins was shortlisted for the Higher Education Student of the Year and Paige Crocker was shortlisted for the Student Green Commitment Award.

As part of curriculum Weston College students get the opportunity to be involved with WorldSkills competitions, this year two learners made the finals and achieved Silver and Bronze (Skylar Beacham and Lottie Trueman respectively).

The evening continued with several awards to recognise the teams of Business learners that took part in the Weston Hospicecare Business Enterprise Challenge. This challenge saw local businesses advising and investing in the young entrepreneurs to set up their own business ventures and to generate profits that were donated to Weston Hospicecare, the College presented Weston Hospicecare with a cheque for the total money raised by all the Business Learners, for an amazing £5751.

A huge congratulations to all our winners!



Marketing and Communications

The marketing department is responsible for promoting Weston College to the public, by promoting the Colleges courses, achievements and events.

Our aims are to attract learners to study within the Weston College Group, build and grow the College’s brand and highlight its reputation, and promote the College Group’s success, student progression and outstanding support for our learners.

The marketing department manages the College’s websites and official social media accounts, runs advertising campaigns, creates press releases, and manages many of the College Group’s events, such as Graduation, the Celebration of Success and the Business Awards.

We produce a wide range of publications including our full-time, Higher Education and part-time prospectuses, course leaflets and posters, and other documents such as the College’s annual report, magazines and newsletters, course brochures and the student handbook.

Weston College is committed to providing accurate and timely information for local, regional and national media, and the general public.

The marketing team is available between 8.30am and 5pm, Monday to Thursday and 8.30am to 4.30pm on Fridays. You can get in touch with us by emailing

All of our press releases are uploaded to the news section of our websites. News from the academies we sponsor, including the North Somerset Enterprise and Technology College, can be found on the news section of the Inspirational Futures Trust’s website. News pertaining to our Higher Education Provision can be found on

The marketing department produces most imagery and film in house, and keeps an extensive archive of the photographs it takes. If you would like a copy of an image featuring you or a member of your family, please contact us at

Our photos of graduation and many other events can be found on the College’s Facebook page. High quality images can be found on the College’s Flickr account.

Weston College is able to accommodate many requests to provide locations for film and photography. The College has a range of attractive, modern and adaptable facilities which can be viewed on our youtube channel.

We also are able to provide heritage facilities such as the Victorian Hans Price designed Conference Centre and, from September 2017, the 1927 Winter Gardens Pavilion.

For booking details, contact

For enquiries about sponsoring key events such as Celebration of Success, Business Breakfast, Business Awards and Graduation, please contact the marketing team by email at

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One Message, Different Voices

Take a look at this powerful film made by the staff of Weston College to show how important it is for everyone from different backgrounds to be included. The film shares heartfelt stories and interviews with a diverse group of staff, showing how accepting different identities and backgrounds can make a big difference. Its purpose is to encourage viewers to think about their own biases and work towards making our community more welcoming to all. We invite everyone, regardless of their background, to join us and be a part of our journey toward a more inclusive future.

Halo workplace logo

Our workplace champions the right of staff to embrace all Afro-hairstyles. We acknowledge that Afro-textured hair is an important part of our Black employees’ racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious identities, and requires specific styling for hair health and maintenance. We celebrate Afro-textured hair worn in all styles including, but not limited to, afros, locs, twists, braids, cornrows, fades, hair straightened through the application of heat or chemicals, weaves, wigs, headscarves, and wraps. In this workplace, we recognise and celebrate our colleagues’ identities. We are a community built on an ethos of equality and respect where hair texture and style have no bearing on an employee's ability to succeed.