

Paul French smiling at the camera at an event

For over 30 years, Paul French has been an integral part of the Weston College community, contributing his passion, expertise, and unwavering dedication to the success of both students and colleagues alike. We wanted to take a moment to reflect on his remarkable journey and the invaluable impact he has made.

Career journey: Paul's journey at Weston College began as a Photography and Print Technician, but his versatility has seen him transition into his current role as a Creative Arts Lecturer and Personal Tutor, embracing the diverse opportunities the College has offered him over the years.

Dedication and love for the job: What has kept Paul rooted at Weston College for so long? Paul tells us he thrives on the immense diversity of his role, the camaraderie with his colleagues, and the sheer inspiration drawn from the students who continually surprise and delight him. Despite the challenges, Paul finds every day to be a new adventure, never lacking in excitement.

Paul’s memorable moments: From daring abseiling stunts to unforgettable classroom antics, Paul's journey has been filled with memorable experiences. However, he told us his greatest source of pride lies in witnessing the success of Weston College's learners as they embark on their own journeys to greatness.

The culture: Paul describes Weston College as a place where a community is built on a shared belief in the success and well-being of others. Having experienced the College as a student himself, Paul is deeply influenced by the supportive culture that encourages both personal and professional growth.

A student-centric approach: At the heart of Paul's enjoyment lies the students, who are the driving force behind everything Weston College does. Their presence infuses purpose and meaning into Paul's work, making each day a rewarding experience filled with valuable lessons. 

What sets Weston College apart: For Paul it’s beyond its scenic coastal location, Weston College stands out for its culture of collaboration and support among staff members. Paul highlights the willingness of colleagues to go above and beyond to ensure student success, fostering an environment of continuous growth and development.

Paul’s words of wisdom: Reflecting on his journey, Paul offers invaluable advice to any new staff considering joining the College: expect the unexpected, embrace lifelong learning, maintain a sense of humour and patience, seek support during challenging times, and above all, approach teaching with the utmost care and dedication.

As we celebrate Paul's long-term service at Weston College, we extend our deepest gratitude for his unwavering commitment to excellence, his passion for education, and his profound impact on the lives of students and colleagues alike. Here's to many more years of inspiration and success Paul!

If you are passionate about education and are looking for an opportunity to join the staff team at a leading college, then look at the latest job vacancies available at Weston College here. You can find all the latest job opportunities that Weston College has to offer, with a commitment to providing quality education for learners and a focus on continuous professional development for staff, Weston College is an excellent place to work and grow in your career.

John Penrose, Andrew Leighton-Price and others stand by a sign saying UCW 'TEF Gold'

As part of ‘Love our Colleges Week’, Weston College as the lead partner for the West of England Institute of Technology, showcased its state-of-the-art ‘Networking and Cyber’ Lab on Friday, allowing learners to practice networking, and to finesse their skills within cloud computing and virtualisation. The impressive hands-on digital facility, is based within the College’s University Centre Weston campus, (which was awarded TEF Gold status in 2023, placing it within the top 20% of degree provision in the UK - one of only six colleges nationally to achieve the status).

In line with industry, the Lab is Cyber Essentials Plus accredited, with its own independent line which has created an isolated network environment. Twenty four learners work within the Lab at any one time, and the development of this industry led space has enabled a highly immersive Networking and Cyber pathway for the College’s hugely successful Digital and Technology Solutions (DaTS) degree apprenticeship programme.

Employer partners who utilise the DaTS apprenticeship to boost their workforce pipelines include Airbus, the Ministry of Defence, MBDA, Babcock, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, EDF Energy, Synoptix, L3Harris, National Grid, and QinetiQ. The WEIoT will also be partnering with Boeing to deliver their future DaTS programmes - a solution to their workforce development requirements, ultimately boosting the pipeline of people working in science and technology jobs.

Seeing the Networking and Cyber’ Lab for the first time was Weston’s MP John Penrose, who added "It’s great to see how Weston College and its University Centre have developed such an impressive technology and digital facility, using Government funding from the West of England Institute of Technology. It’s the latest example of Weston College improving local skills so employers want to set up shop here, and students have a great choice of high-skill, high-paying careers too". 

If you are passionate about education and are looking for an opportunity to join the staff team at a leading college, then look at the latest job vacancies available at Weston College here. You can find all the latest job opportunities that Weston College has to offer, with a commitment to providing quality education for learners and a focus on continuous professional development for staff, Weston College is an excellent place to work and grow in your career.

Celebration of Success Winners group photo

On Thursday 29th February, Weston College celebrated the incredible achievements of over 40 students at its annual Celebration of Success event. The event hosted at the Winter Gardens Pavilion, recognised the dedication and outstanding achievements of students from all ages and disciplines. 


Overall view of our celebration of success event in the winter garden ballroom


The students were nominated by college staff and winners were selected by the College's Principal and Assistant Principals.  

Weston College teaches over 30,000 students a year across all levels from school leavers and a diverse range of courses for adults to re-train and upskill. 

As part of the evening, guests were treated to a delicious 3 course meal, made by the College’s Hospitality and Catering students as well as performances from University Centre Weston’s (UCW) BA (Hons) Musical Theatre students. 

With the prestigious ceremony underway, one-by-one, the winning students were announced and took to the stage with a resounding applause from family, friends, and special guests. They were presented with their award by Chair of Governors, Andrew Leighton-Price. 

With thanks to our sponsors Honeyfield Property Services, DPL Partnership, CJ Hole, Mindful Education, Pace Agency, Image Sign, Skylight Property and Uncle Paul’s Chilli Farm. 

As the main event sponsor Honeyfield Property Services’ Director, Jon Patch presented certificates to our Principal Gold Award Winners for Under 19 and Adult Student of the Year, to Baylee Burrows and Bosang Humphrey. 

Access to HE Student of the Year and Adult Student of the Year, Bosang Humphrey commented: 

"Winning this award is like a motivation, life is full of challenges and when you put in that effort and your effort is recognised, that's like a stepping stone and you realise yes I can do this. Just think about if somebody else can do it, then I can also do it. When you change one life, many lives are changed as a result, so I really appreciate this award” 

The evening continued with several awards to recognise the teams of Business learners that took part in the Weston Hospicecare Business Enterprise Challenge.  

This challenge saw local business mentors advising and investing in the young entrepreneurs to set up their own business ventures and to generate profits that were donated to Weston Hospicecare. The College presented Weston Hospicecare with a cheque for an amazing £ 6771.75, all of which was raised by the learners during this incredible challenge. 

all of our celebration of success winners posing for a photo

As well as recognising students, six members of staff also picked up an award for their exceptional service through the Tony Suner and Heather Wood Memorial Awards. The recipients of these awards have collectively dedicated over 180 years of service to the College, embodying the spirit of commitment and making a lasting difference to the students and their colleagues that they have helped along the way. 

Weston College’s Interim Principal, Jacqui Ford commented:  

“Tonight, we gather to celebrate the remarkable achievements of our learners and the invaluable support they have received along their journey. Out of a cohort of 30,000 learners, reaching this stage is truly an impressive accomplishment.  

“The exceptional talent of our governors and staff, combined with the outstanding abilities of our learners, collectively radiates brilliance. Personally, witnessing the remarkable skills of both learners and staff fills me with immense pride, not only for their individual successes but also for the dynamic spirit of entrepreneurship embodied by every member across our organisation." 

A massive congratulations to all our winners! Take a look at our 2024 winners here 


A Levels Student of the Year - Keira Escott

Access to HE Student of the Year - Bosang Humphrey

Animal Management Student of the Year - Artemis Jones

Automotive Student of the Year - Alfie Rosser

Bootcamp Student of the Year - Ellie Adams

Computing and Digital Technologies Student of the Year - Luke Whiting

Construction Professions, Trades and Services Student of the Year - Benjamin Morgan

Counselling Student of the Year - Martin Smith

Creative Arts Student of the Year - Harry Carter

Early Years and Education Student of the Year - Rikki Dewhurst

Engineering Student of the Year - Solomon Bryant

English Progress Award - Baylee Burrows

Maths Progress Award - Megha Mathew

ESOL Progress Award - Dmytro Oliinyk

ESOL Progress Award - Muhammad Ali Shinwari

Hair and Beauty Student of the Year - Heather Wagg

Health and Social Care Student of the Year - Isabella Clark

Hospitality and Catering Student of the Year - Kian Gill

Professional Services Student of the Year - Halle Gordon-smith

Public Services Student of the Year - Kacper Sliwinski

Sports Student of the Year - Bethany Trounce

Sports Academy Student of the Year - Oscar Collins

The Jack Passarelli Award, Inclusive Practice Student of the Year - Jack Stevens




If you are passionate about education and are looking for an opportunity to join the staff team at a leading college, then look at the latest job vacancies available at Weston College here. You can find all the latest job opportunities that Weston College has to offer, with a commitment to providing quality education for learners and a focus on continuous professional development for staff, Weston College is an excellent place to work and grow in your career.


Learner smiling at the camera

Weston College and North Somerset Council are proud to announce the arrival of Empower an innovative initiative dedicated to supporting individuals with learning difficulties, learning disabilities, or autism on their journey to meaningful employment. The scheme is being funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. As one of four national Centres for Excellence SEND, Weston College seeks to support employers to create inclusive work environments, supporting diverse recruitment practices to enable people with learning differences to enter the workforce. This new initiative is part of the college's Supported Employment Excellence Hub, a network built to support individuals from 16 – 60 into paid employment.

Both the College and the Council are proud to lead this essential initiative, driving positive change and fostering inclusivity in the workforce. Empower aims to make a significant impact on the lives of individuals facing unique challenges in the workforce. With only 5.7% of people with Learning Difficulties and disabilities in full-time employment, there is a need to support individuals to break down the barriers into work. The funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund will play a crucial role in delivering a comprehensive program designed to empower participants and facilitate their successful integration into the job market.

The initiative encompasses an initial assessment and support planning phase, where specific needs, skills, and aspirations are identified. A 'career passport' is created to guide participants on their pathway to paid work, and personalised vocational support plans are developed with achievable outcomes in mind.

Nicola Lace, SEND Operations Manager at the College commented: "We are very pleased to be able to extend our support to adults in the community through the Empower programme, which aims to make a significant impact on the lives of individuals facing unique challenges in the workforce. This initiative will play a crucial role in empowering participants and facilitating their successful integration into the job market."

As part of the programme, participants will undergo skill enhancement and training, which includes guided training, specialised interventions, work experience opportunities, and job coaching tailored to individual support plans. Specialised training will focus on enhancing employability skills, covering interpersonal, vocational, and industry-specific aspects.

Upon securing suitable employment, participants will receive extended support, including job coaching, to ensure a smooth transition into the workplace over 12 months.

The initiative concludes with a comprehensive programme review after 12 months, followed by ongoing follow-ups to track participants' progress and provide additional support if needed.

Individuals interested in joining the Empower initiative can either self-refer or be supported by external organisations, and/or partner agencies. For more information or to express interest, please contact

Further details on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and places, supporting local business, and people and skills. For more information, visit:

If you are passionate about education and are looking for an opportunity to join the staff team at a leading college, then look at the latest job vacancies available at Weston College here. You can find all the latest job opportunities that Weston College has to offer, with a commitment to providing quality education for learners and a focus on continuous professional development for staff, Weston College is an excellent place to work and grow in your career.

Two students looking at an engine

Weston College Automotive students received a generous donation from Avon & Somerset Police this week when they contributed three Vauxhall car engines. The donated engines are set to enhance the hands-on learning experience for our automotive students, providing them with valuable opportunities for skill development and practical application.

As the engines had reached the end of their fleet life, rather than allowing them to go to waste, Avon & Somerset Police decided to donate them to the education of our future automotive professionals.

The hands-on aspect of our Automotive courses is fundamental to developing well-rounded and skilled automotive professionals. With the addition of these engines, students will have a further opportunity to work with real-world equipment, gaining practical knowledge that goes beyond traditional classroom learning. The engines will be integrated into the curriculum, allowing students to apply theoretical concepts to actual engine repairs and maintenance tasks.

A massive thank you goes to Avon & Somerset Police for their thoughtful contribution, which will undoubtedly have an impact on the education and future careers of our Automotive students.

As we celebrate this contribution, we also extend an invitation to other potential donors or supporters who may wish to contribute in similar ways. Whether it be spare parts, equipment, or industry expertise, we welcome partnerships that enrich the educational experience of our students and prepare them for successful careers. For any enquiries regarding donations or partnerships, please contact Louise Greene at

For those interested in exploring Automotive courses at Weston College, please visit Motor Vehicle | Weston College

If you are passionate about education and are looking for an opportunity to join the staff team at a leading college, then look at the latest job vacancies available at Weston College here. You can find all the latest job opportunities that Weston College has to offer, with a commitment to providing quality education for learners and a focus on continuous professional development for staff, Weston College is an excellent place to work and grow in your career.

The Mayor of Weston delivering a talk about democracy and local government

Weston College was proud to welcome the mayor of Weston-super-Mare, councillor Ciarán Cronnelly last week for a talk about democracy and the role of local government.  

Mayor Cronnelly was elected to both North Somerset Council and Weston Town Council in 2019, representing Winterstoke ward. In May of 2023 he was elected mayor. His background before taking up this position was in the charity and volunteering sector, spending his whole career in this area including working for Citizens Advice for a number of years. Mayor Cronnelly said: “This work and volunteering has given me the skills I have now”.  

As a functional role, the mayor is the Chair of Weston Town Council. This means that they make sure that decisions are fair, and that everyone has had their voice heard. People on the council come from a wide range of backgrounds with a diverse range of views, making this incredibly important.  

The mayor also acts as a local and national representative for Weston. Mayor Cronnelly explained to students that he often meets with other mayors in the surrounding area, discussing how the surrounding towns can help each other. He also represents the views of residents by advocating for the Town Council nationally, even visiting Parliament to discuss Weston Town Council.  

The mayor also engages with the police and crime commissioner, as well as carrying out community visits and charity visits. He celebrates the important work that these people and organisations are doing and helps to promote their work to a wider audience. Each mayor chooses a charity for the year with Mayor Cronnelly choosing the Weston Foodbank. He has raised over £7000 since taking office!  

One of the key reasons that the mayor visited Weston College was to discuss democracy with our learners. With a general election approaching this year, the mayor spoke about how important it is to register to vote. Although you can’t vote if you are under eighteen, you can register to vote from sixteen.  

A way Mayor Cronnelly suggested to get involved with democracy at a college level as a student is to get involved with the Student Union. This is a great way to get involved with decisions around college directly and make a difference! The mayor also encouraged students to contact their councillor, or their MP if they have a view on something and tell them this view. “You won’t be heard unless you do get involved.” 

One of the reasons for the visit is to celebrate the AoC Colleges Week 2024. With a general election happening this year, this year’s Colleges Week has a focus on democracy and educating learners about the process and importance of getting involved with government at both a national and local level.  

Mayor Cronnelly was able to give us a strong insight into the workings of local government, as well as informing students on how they can get involved politics and influence change that they want to see from their leaders!  

A huge thanks to the Mayor of Weston, Ciarán Cronnelly for coming in! 


@westoncollege Last week we were joined by the fantastic Ciaran Cronnelly, Mayor of Weston-super-Mare! #collegesweek2024 #loveourcolleges ♬ original sound - WestonCollege


If you are passionate about education and are looking for an opportunity to join the staff team at a leading college, then look at the latest job vacancies available at Weston College here. You can find all the latest job opportunities that Weston College has to offer, with a commitment to providing quality education for learners and a focus on continuous professional development for staff, Weston College is an excellent place to work and grow in your career.

Joe, Weston College's performing arts lecturer, in Beijing, China on stage in empty theatre

Joe Miller, Weston College’s lecturer in Performing Arts, recently confirmed his dedication to both education and professional performance with a triumphant return to the stage. For 21 years, Joe graced international venues with his talent, particularly as the lead in the acclaimed Irish dance show "Spirit of the Dance." After a five-year hiatus from performing, where Joe concentrated on his teaching, Joe received a special invitation to lead the show once more, this time in Beijing, China, during the February half-term break.

Joe, Weston College's performing arts lecturer, in Beijing, China on stage in an empty theatre

Joe's decision to continue his involvement in the professional dance scene shows his commitment to inspiring his students in Dance and Performing Arts at Weston College. By demonstrating first-hand the rewards of dedication and pursuit of one's passion, Joe hopes to instil a similar drive in his students. Witnessing their lecturer actively engaged in the industry in which he teaches serves as a powerful motivator for students to pursue their dreams with enthusiasm and resilience.

Performing at the prestigious National Centre for Performing Arts in Beijing, Joe captivated audiences of up to 5000 attendees each night for a week.

Reflecting on his experience, Joe shared, "I love what I do, and seeing my learners' excitement as they watched videos and photos of me performing professionally once again is truly inspiring. They need to see that passion and hard work can lead to fulfilling careers in the performing arts."


Joe, Weston College's performing arts lecturer, in Beijing, China on stage performing with the rest of the cast


In addition to his performances, Joe seized the opportunity to contribute to the show's promotional efforts by participating in the filming of a new promotional video.

Joe's return to professional dance not only reaffirms his expertise but also serves as a beacon of inspiration for our aspiring performers. His dedication to maintaining industry relevance while nurturing the next generation of talent embodies the ethos of Weston College's commitment to excellence in arts education.

Interested in applying for Performing and Production Arts? Click here.

If you are passionate about education and are looking for an opportunity to join the staff team at a leading college, then look at the latest job vacancies available at Weston College here. You can find all the latest job opportunities that Weston College has to offer, with a commitment to providing quality education for learners and a focus on continuous professional development for staff, Weston College is an excellent place to work and grow in your career. 

female student playing with children

Weston College and North Somerset Council are pleased to announce a partnership aimed at providing invaluable real-life experience for Education and Early Years learners while offering vital support to families in the local community.

Through this partnership, North Somerset Council will be running their ‘Let’s Play’ group from the 17th April, every Wednesday morning from 9:30 to 11:00 am at Weston College's Knightstone Campus. This initiative brings together Senior Children Centre Workers and Children Centre Workers from the Council to facilitate the sessions, and the College’s students will be able to take part in planning and delivering these sessions to gain a real insight into the sector.

The Council’s ‘Let’s Play’ team’s expertise will not only support the College's Early Years learners but also enrich the lives of local families with children under the age of 5.

The ‘Let’s Play’ group is a free weekly gathering open to all families with young children in the local community. It aims to provide a nurturing environment where children can engage in activities aligned with Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) developmental goals. Additionally, the group fosters a supportive atmosphere that encourages positive interactions and enhances the home learning environment.

Councillor Catherine Gibbons, North Somerset Council’s Executive Member for Children’s Services, Families and Lifelong Learning, said: “This partnership is a fantastic way for North Somerset Council and Weston College to work together and enhance people’s skills, learning and employment opportunities, while also helping local families.

“Students can learn from our knowledgeable and skilled children’s centre colleagues, and by helping to deliver ‘Let’s Play’ sessions they’ll gain invaluable hands-on experience of working in the early years sector.

“Local families will also benefit, as our popular free ‘Let’s Play’ sessions provide a range of fun indoor activities for children under five, designed to help their development.”

This collaboration demonstrates North Somerset Council's dedication to supporting the College in nurturing the workforce of the future. As an employer endorser of the Weston College Education Careers Excellence Hub, this is another example of the Council being committed to providing learners with hands-on experiences that prepare them for the demands of the workforce while serving the needs of the community.

By witnessing first-hand the role of support and social workers in the community, learners will gain valuable insights into the complexities of child development and family dynamics.

This initiative aligns with Weston College's mission to provide innovative educational opportunities that empower learners to succeed in a rapidly evolving world. By partnering with North Somerset Council, the College continues to break new ground in experiential learning and community engagement.

Click here for more information about the ‘Let’s Play’ group and North Somerset Council’s Children’s Centres.

You can also follow the Children Centres team on Facebook.

If you are interested in studying an Education and Early Years course or apprenticeship at the College, click here.

If you are passionate about education and are looking for an opportunity to join the staff team at a leading college, then look at the latest job vacancies available at Weston College here. You can find all the latest job opportunities that Weston College has to offer, with a commitment to providing quality education for learners and a focus on continuous professional development for staff, Weston College is an excellent place to work and grow in your career. 

Floristry learners sitting at desks while learning about a floristry industry

Our Level 2 Floristry learners recently received a captivating floristry masterclass featuring industry expert Vanda Flowers. The students were provided an enlightening experience as they delved into crucial topics surrounding the floristry industry. 

Vanda Flowers engaged the florists with an insightful industry talk that included an interactive Q&A session. The primary focus of the discussion was the escalating costs of flowers and the underlying causes, shedding light on the challenges faced by florists in the current market. 

One of the key takeaways from the masterclass was the exploration of alternative strategies to enhance profits within the floristry business. Participants were guided through innovative approaches to diversify their stock and maximise revenue streams, contributing to the sustainability and growth of their businesses. 

A significant portion of the discussion centred around the increasing demand for locally sourced flowers, as opposed to relying solely on Dutch suppliers. The emphasis on sustainability and environmental responsibility emerged as a prevailing theme, reflecting the industry's commitment to eco-friendly practices. 

We are hopeful of a potential relaunch of the Level 2 Floristry course in September. However, this initiative is contingent upon securing necessary funding. The college eagerly awaits confirmation to proceed with this valuable educational opportunity. 

The floristry masterclass with Vanda Flowers served as a dynamic platform for industry professionals and enthusiasts alike to gain valuable knowledge, exchange ideas, and collectively work towards a more sustainable and thriving floristry sector.

If you are passionate about education and are looking for an opportunity to join the staff team at a leading college, then look at the latest job vacancies available at Weston College here. You can find all the latest job opportunities that Weston College has to offer, with a commitment to providing quality education for learners and a focus on continuous professional development for staff, Weston College is an excellent place to work and grow in your career. 

Marketing and Communications

The marketing department is responsible for promoting Weston College to the public, by promoting the Colleges courses, achievements and events.

Our aims are to attract learners to study within the Weston College Group, build and grow the College’s brand and highlight its reputation, and promote the College Group’s success, student progression and outstanding support for our learners.

The marketing department manages the College’s websites and official social media accounts, runs advertising campaigns, creates press releases, and manages many of the College Group’s events, such as Graduation, the Celebration of Success and the Business Awards.

We produce a wide range of publications including our full-time, Higher Education and part-time prospectuses, course leaflets and posters, and other documents such as the College’s annual report, magazines and newsletters, course brochures and the student handbook.

Weston College is committed to providing accurate and timely information for local, regional and national media, and the general public.

The marketing team is available between 8.30am and 5pm, Monday to Thursday and 8.30am to 4.30pm on Fridays. You can get in touch with us by emailing

All of our press releases are uploaded to the news section of our websites. News from the academies we sponsor, including the North Somerset Enterprise and Technology College, can be found on the news section of the Inspirational Futures Trust’s website. News pertaining to our Higher Education Provision can be found on

The marketing department produces most imagery and film in house, and keeps an extensive archive of the photographs it takes. If you would like a copy of an image featuring you or a member of your family, please contact us at

Our photos of graduation and many other events can be found on the College’s Facebook page. High quality images can be found on the College’s Flickr account.

Weston College is able to accommodate many requests to provide locations for film and photography. The College has a range of attractive, modern and adaptable facilities which can be viewed on our youtube channel.

We also are able to provide heritage facilities such as the Victorian Hans Price designed Conference Centre and, from September 2017, the 1927 Winter Gardens Pavilion.

For booking details, contact

For enquiries about sponsoring key events such as Celebration of Success, Business Breakfast, Business Awards and Graduation, please contact the marketing team by email at

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One Message, Different Voices

Take a look at this powerful film made by the staff of Weston College to show how important it is for everyone from different backgrounds to be included. The film shares heartfelt stories and interviews with a diverse group of staff, showing how accepting different identities and backgrounds can make a big difference. Its purpose is to encourage viewers to think about their own biases and work towards making our community more welcoming to all. We invite everyone, regardless of their background, to join us and be a part of our journey toward a more inclusive future.

Halo workplace logo

Our workplace champions the right of staff to embrace all Afro-hairstyles. We acknowledge that Afro-textured hair is an important part of our Black employees’ racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious identities, and requires specific styling for hair health and maintenance. We celebrate Afro-textured hair worn in all styles including, but not limited to, afros, locs, twists, braids, cornrows, fades, hair straightened through the application of heat or chemicals, weaves, wigs, headscarves, and wraps. In this workplace, we recognise and celebrate our colleagues’ identities. We are a community built on an ethos of equality and respect where hair texture and style have no bearing on an employee's ability to succeed.