Coming to Weston College
Let’s get started How do you start a course at Weston College? We’ve put together this step-by-step guide.
1. Look ahead
The choice of careers or degree courses is a bit baffling. If you’re not sure what you want to do, think about the subjects you’re best at and what you enjoy. Quiz our School Liaison team – they visit secondary schools and answer questions about the College and our courses.
If you’re in Year 10, look out for our ‘taster days’ in the summer term, when you can come to College for the day and try some fun workshops.
2. Pick a subject
We’ve got courses on everything, from accounting to tourism. You could go for something ‘technical’ – which has more of a practical approach and leads directly to a specific job or sector. Or, if you prefer a more classroom-based academic way of learning, you could choose the College's sixth form - where you'll be able to choose from a selection of A Levels and BTEC Diplomas. Both technical and academic qualifications can help you to progress into employment or further study, including degrees. On top of this, you also have the choice of becoming an apprentice - which could include studying towards a technical qualification while earning and gaining real-life work experience.
Not sure what type of qualification to pick? We can help you choose – check out our courses online or come to an open evening.
3. Choose a level
In each course area you can choose from different levels. Your GCSE grades (or predicted grades) will help you choose which level is right for you.
No qualifications? No problem – there are a range of options available, call us to find out more!
4. Apply for a course
Once you’ve chosen a course at the right level for you, get applying, as some courses fill up quickly.
The quickest and easiest way to apply for your Weston College course is online, where you can submit an application in a matter of minutes. You can apply online on the course page for the subject you're interested in.
We’ll let you know when we’ve received your form safely.
If you need help or have questions, call our College Information Services team on 01934 411 481.
5. Come to an interview
After you apply, we’ll send you a letter inviting you to a friendly interview. This is so we can meet each other, and it gives you a chance to find out more about the course and your tutors. You can bring your parent/family member, friend or carer along with you if you like. If you apply for more than one similar course you will be interviewed for them all at the same time. If they’re different, you may need to come to more than one interview.
We’ll send you some questions to help you prepare for your interview.
We will tell you at interview whether we are offering you a place or not and will confirm it in writing within two weeks. We’ll make it clear in the letter what grades you need to take up your place.
6. Get to know us
We’ll keep you informed of news and events going on at the College after your interview, as well as inviting you and your parents/careers to the Parents’ Information Evenings.
In July we have Welcome Days so new students who are starting courses in September can meet the teaching staff and other students in their group. During these days you’ll learn more about your course, and the College, in a relaxed atmosphere.
7. Enrolment pack
To make things easy for you, you will get an enrolment pack in early August containing important information about when to enrol and what to bring.
8. Bring your results
You’ll need to bring your exam results to your enrolment session. But what if your actual grades aren’t the same as your course’s requirements? Don’t worry. We run a series of GCSE guidance surgeries where our advisers can help you find a more suitable course.
9. Time to enrol
You’re nearly there! At the end of August it’s all go for enrolment sessions. Be sure to read all the information in your enrolment pack to make sure you bring along the right documents and any payment you need for materials and a bus pass. At enrolment you will be told when your first day is and where you should go.
10. Start your course
Welcome to Weston College! During your first week there will be lots of activities to help you settle in and make friends, including our Freshers' Festival. Your personal tutor will give you your timetable.