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Sporting Success: Lottie and Montpellier Herault Rugby


Former learner Lottie has proved to be a shining star, both on and off the pitch. We caught up with her, to discover her journey from studying at Weston College to playing professional rugby in France!

When I began my studies at Weston College in September 2019, I had no idea how transformative the next two years would be.

My academic focus was on A Levels in law, psychology, and combined English literature and language, but the opportunities that came through the College’s sport programmes truly shaped my future.

During my time at Weston College from 2019 to 2021, the staff and coaches worked with me to ensure that I could excel both on and off the pitch.

The flexibility they offered allowed me to balance my rigorous A Level studies with my demanding rugby training schedule. It wasn’t just the understanding from my tutors that helped—it was the quality of coaching that made the biggest difference. The coaches constantly pushed us to improve and offered personalised support to hone our skills. What stood out the most, however, was the off-pitch support the College provided. Rugby is about much more than what happens during a match. Weston College gave me access to nutrition advice, psychological support, and game analysis sessions—elements that allowed me to fully embrace what it means to be an athlete. This holistic approach prepared me for the challenges I would face later, both in my university years and beyond.

After completing my studies at Weston, I went on to graduate with a law degree from the University of Exeter. I was part of their High Performance Pathway for all three years, representing the 1XV and even captaining the team on multiple occasions. During my final year, I was fortunate enough to play for the Exeter Chiefs in the Premiership Cup Competition. I also kept up my passion for 7s rugby by playing with Boom Beavers in the Super Sevens Series.

Weston College had set the foundation for my athletic and academic success, but it didn’t stop there. Thanks to the skills and mindset I had developed, I was able to take the next step in my rugby career—joining Montpellier in the Elite 1 league in France. This was not only a chance to grow in my sport but also an opportunity to fulfil a personal goal of learning a new language and living abroad. The move to Montpellier was an exciting next chapter in my journey. I had always wanted to experience life in another country, so after graduating from Exeter, I began researching opportunities to play rugby abroad.

Knowing a few players who had gone to France, I decided to reach out to various teams, and Montpellier responded. I visited the city in February, met the coaches, and knew right away that this was where I wanted to be.

Now, after six weeks of training with the team, including a Super Sevens tournament and a match against the Belgium National Team, I’m ready to start the season. French rugby is known for its flair, and I can’t wait to incorporate that style into my game.

For anyone looking to follow a similar path, my advice is simple: always remember why you love your sport. Rugby can be intense, with the pressures of selections, performances, and winning, but at its core, it should be fun. It should be something that fills your cup, not drains it. While it won’t always be easy, finding joy in the little moments—whether in training or in a match—will keep you motivated and passionate.

Looking back, I realise how pivotal my time at Weston College was. The academic support, combined with their comprehensive approach to sports development, gave me the tools I needed to succeed both as a student and as an athlete. I owe a big thank you to the College, and particularly to Jack Gadd, for all the encouragement and guidance along the way.

If you’re considering studying at Weston College, especially if you’re passionate about sports, I can’t recommend it enough. The College is dedicated to helping students achieve their goals, both academically and athletically, and I’m proud to be one of its success stories.

A big thank you to Lottie, and good luck for the season! If you would like to study a Sports course at Weston College, click here.

Photo credit Simon King.

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