School to College Transition Support
If the thought of moving from School to College is overwhelming, we can help!
You can be signposted for transition support at any point in the academic year prior to enrolment. You can ask for support at application or interview, your school can ask on your behalf as well as your parents/carers
We can liaise with your school, parents & carers or other support services to make sure we understand what you struggle with, what support is currently in place & what we can offer when you join us.
The Transition Support is tailored to you & will differ, dependant on the team supporting you. There are 3 teams that provide Transition Support & we work together to ensure that all your needs are met.
Click here to see our Student Transition Toolkit
Teams providing support are:
- School Liaison Team
- Welfare
- Learning Support (including the Mental Health & Autism Teams)
Some of the things we can offer as part of your Transition are:
- Staff from College visiting schools
- Informal Drop in Mornings
- Individual student visits & tours
- Meeting designated staff (where possible)
- Supporting students through the interview & enrolment processes
To enquire about Transition Support please email