

Artemis has been recognised as our Animal Management Student of the Year at Weston College. This award demonstrates the resilience, dedication, and passion for animal care Artemis has shown during her time at the College. 

Artemis has shown a remarkable determination and positive attitude since she joined us. Despite past challenges making it difficult for Artemis to flourish and succeed in her educational journey, with the support of her tutors, she settled in quickly and proved herself to be one of the most academically able students to pursue the Level 3 Extended Diploma in Animal Management. 

Through hard work and perseverance, Artemis achieved outstanding results, earning the highest possible grade of D*D*D*, to prove to future universities that despite limited GCSE results, she can achieve at the highest possible level.  Artemis not only excelled academically but also demonstrated an unwavering commitment to practical experience. Volunteering beyond course requirements at both Puxton Park and Noah's Ark Zoo Farm, Artemis immersed herself in hands-on learning, enhancing her skills and knowledge across a range of animal care practices.

Artemis continues to expand her expertise at Noah's Ark, before she studies for the two degrees required to achieve her dream of becoming a zoo vet. As Artemis progresses in her career, we are confident that she will thrive in her endeavours and make significant contributions to animal care and veterinary science. 

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