Deaf and Hard of Hearing
We offer bespoke and comprehensive specialist support programmes for deaf and hard of hearing learners.
The support consists of:
- Sign language support – provided by a fully qualified communication support worker on a one-to-one basis during classes and workshops. They also accompany learners on educational visits outside College.
- Manual or electronic note takers – take notes for lip readers during class, so they can follow the communication support worker, or lip read the tutor.
- Exam concessions – extra time to complete exams, with a separate room to reduce background noise and distractions, and/or a reader and scribe.
- One-to-one specialist tuition – extra support outside the classroom to help prioritise workloads, manage time, write essays, and aid literacy and/or numeracy.
- Mentoring support – help with making the sometimes difficult transition from residential deaf school, or mainstream school, to a College environment.
- Equipment support – induction loop, and portable personal radio aid systems for hard of hearing learners to use in class, or larger conference rooms.
- Language and vocabulary support - helps learners become more vocal in lessons, write more effective essays, and be more assertive in their home and social life.
- Staff training
- Communication support during the interview and enrolment process
Learner feedback
"Learning Support has helped me to improve my English, which will help me when I go to university. It helps you to overcome any difficulties you have and makes sure you are included in the learning experience. My confidence has grown over the last two years...
"You feel more comfortable if you know a Support Worker is there to take notes for you... I ahve felt more confident when seeing her for mentoring. She has helped me a lot with presentation skills, any worries I've had and my personal statement... some learning support has been useful, for example, help with applying to university and my personal statement by specialist support - very useful...
"I've been able to improve my vocabulary and standard of work, with the support. I would recommend it..."