Personal tutors
All students of Weston College will have a personal tutor, who is responsible for ensuring you receive all the support and guidance you require throughout your programme of study. Your personal tutor will support you to reflect on your progress towards personal and educational targets, to review and record your achievements to date and to identify further steps you need to reach your goals.
Your personal tutor has a number of responsibilities, which include:
- Inducting you into your programme of study.
- Setting, monitoring and reviewing your progress through regular one-to-one and group tutorials.
- Ensuring you achieve SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely), challenging academic and personal targets. This is known as an Individual Learning Plan.
- Ensuring you access appropriate and specialist support where necessary.
- Developing a career action plan that stimulates ambition into your chosen career and progression route.
- Developing wider skills through a programme of tutorial activities and cross-College activities.
As a student of Weston College, you are entitled to the following tutorial support:
- Full induction to the College and your course.
- Regular tutorials, either as a tutor group activity or a one-to-one discussion
- A formal one-to-one at least every half term to review your progress, in all areas / subjects of your course, against your Individual Learning Plan targets, together with exploration of your plans for when you finish as a full-time student of the College.
- The development of wider skills that will help you successfully complete your course, such as study and research skills and portfolio building.
- Support on personal issues with referral to specialist services if needed.
- Providing a reference for university applications or employment for up to three years after leaving Weston College.