Speech and Language Therapy
Weston College’s innovative approach to supporting learners with SEND includes the additional specialism of offering Speech and Language Therapy which has been in place since 2012.
Our Speech and Language Therapists can offer:
- Comprehensive formal and informal assessments and in-class observations
- Detailed reports outlining students’ strengths and needs, including strategies to facilitate their communication with others
- 1:1 or group therapy, which is individualised and focuses on a specific set of targets that are reviewed regularly
- Differentiated and effective resources to engage and motivate learners
- Training to staff across Weston College, including those studying on the FdA Inclusive Practice, to increase awareness and understanding of Speech and Language Therapy and to provide strategies that can be implemented within the classroom.
Areas we work on
Speech and fluency
- Unclear speech, e.g. has to repeat what they have said for others to understand
- Difficulties saying some sounds
- Difficulties saying longer words and sentences clearly
- Fast speech rate
- Stammers or experiences blocks/pauses when speaking.
Understanding of language
- Difficulties following spoken instructions/questions, e.g. needing extra time to process these or for them to be repeated
- Difficulties understanding the words people use
- Difficulties learning and remembering new words.
Use of spoken language
- Difficulties organising their ideas/words to tell other people what they need
- Difficulties finding the words they want to say
- Difficulties initiating, maintaining and/or ending conversations
- Limited or no speech and requiring support with Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC), e.g. Makaton, communication apps/devices.
Parental feedback
"What a fantastic service offered by the College."
"My child arrived at Weston College almost 3 years ago, with very little speech and confidence, they had received minimal speech therapy from school, so we were not optimistic about the therapy he would receive from Weston College, but three years later and they are showing remarkable results.”
"I was very impressed by the College's approach to helping my child and their fluency has been improving. My child finds the sessions very helpful."
Learner feedback
"The tutor understands me and gives me techniques to help."
"Speech and language therapy has helped my with my 's' sound in everyday speech. It has helped me progress onto Level 2 Childcare."
Tutor feedback
"Sometimes students can get frustrated when people don't understand what they are trying to say, and this therapy helps them to get past this hurdle."