Weston College Combined Cadet Force
The Combined Cadet Force (CCF) is a free enrichment activity available to all students at Weston College.
Across the UK, there are Combined Cadet Forces in over 400 schools/colleges offering young people a broad range of challenging, exciting, adventurous and educational activities. The aim is to enable the development of personal responsibility, leadership and self-discipline.
Incorporating elements from the RAF, Army, Navy and Royal Marines, this programme is perfect for anyone who is interested in pursuing a career within the armed forces. Furthermore, the CCF will allow you to gain access to many exciting opportunities such as:
- Flying
- Gliding
- Shooting
- Kayaking
- Expeditions (including the Duke of Edinburgh Award)
No previous experience with cadets or any similar activities is required. This exciting enrichment programme is fantastic for anyone, regardless on whether you intend to pursue a career in the armed forces thanks to its transferable skills:
Communication Leadership Discipline Team-work Independence Using initiative Confidence Trying new things Facing new challenges Problem solving
CCF meetings take place every Wednesday afternoon from 1pm – 4pm during term time only. All uniform and activities are completely free.
*Please note, the sign up form is now closed*
Contact us
Rob Heaton,
Contingent Commander
Room 811 (Accessed vis Sports Hall viewing balcony)
Knightstone Campus
Knightstone Road
BS23 2AL