

Guest lecturer inspires the next generation of seamstresses!

Our Fashion and Textiles learners at Loxton Campus had the amazing opportunity of hosting a guest lecture from local business owner and dressmaker, Abigail Westrup.  

Abi set up her business Abigail Westrup Bridal in 2010 in her parent's spare bedroom after she moved back to the Bristol area from her previous design job in London. Since then, the business has massively grown and is now one of the most recommended bridal alterations/dressmaking businesses across the South West and has won numerous awards over the years. 

During the lecture local business owner Abi discussed what it is like to work within the industry and shared her knowledge to inspire our learners to become the next generation of seamstresses/dressmakers/pattern cutters and business owners! 

All our Creative Arts courses are taught at our Loxton Campus, the home, heart, and hub of creative arts in Weston. Learners are taught by industry professionals, and are encouraged to find their voice, express their personality in a multitude of art forms and blossom beyond their expectations. 

Our Level 3 UAL Extended Diploma in Fashion and Textiles course gives our learners the chance to explore fashion across a range of disciplines. They will develop an understanding of fashion by experiencing varied disciplines across fashion design, production, digital media, communication, and fashion business. 

The Fashion and Textiles A-Level course offers the exciting opportunity for our learners to embrace textile art, textile design and elements of fashion looking at the design industry from an artist’s perspective. It introduces our learners to the contemporary approach of the industry and encourage them to flourish as potential textile designers. 

This Fashion and Textiles courses are a part of the Creative Arts Career Excellence Hub. These innovative subject specific hubs allow for students at Weston College to have access to exclusive opportunities. Endorsed by employers from within the industry, this enables for better integration with the sector to make sure class content is relative and opens doors for learners, so they leave college with more than just a qualification. 


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Construction learners at St Modwen site

Last week 15 construction learners had the opportunity to visit St Modwen’s Locking Mosslands site.

St Modwen are one of our Construction Career Excellence Hubs partners, which sees them:

  • Co-design training provision
  • Create an inspirational learning experience for our students
  • Provide the skills training required for the construction industry.

Learners from across the construction provision were fortunate to be invited to the site tour, with learners studying brickwork and carpentry in attendance.

St Modwen have also committed their support to our construction provision, by providing 28 learners with a three-day onsite experience, from March.

Subject Area Manager for Construction, Richard Hanney, said: “I’d like to thank St Modwen for this fantastic opportunity.

“Our learners really enjoyed the experience and having the opportunity to see a real site in action is going to really benefit their learning. Learners have also mentioned how inspired they were by the visit, and this is why it is so critical for us to connect industry with education through our Career Excellence Hubs.

“We look forward to seeing our learners gaining valuable work experience and seeing them grow their skills through this fantastic partnership.”

You can find out more about our construction offer, by clicking here.

Abatec art learners

Learners wow AbatecWeston College Career Excellence Hub endorser, Abatec Recruitment, challenged our learners to design a mural for Abatec House.

In order for the learners to be successful they had to follow a brief, design something that incorporated Abatec Recruitment’s ethos and branding, and finally, present their ideas in a Dragons Den style.

With over 20 entries, and a very high standard to choose from, two learners were crowned victorious, Chloe Parker and Lilly Greer.

Rob Dyer, Director at Abatec Recruitment, said: “We have been really impressed with that standard of work from these entries.

“All of the learners that took part did a great job, and it was very difficult to choose one winner, so we have decided to display two murals.

“I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone that took part, and congratulations to both Chloe and Lilly, who’s murals have helped to invigorate our offices!”

Dr Paul Phillips CBE, Principal and Chief Executive of Weston College Group, added: “We’re so proud of our learners, who showcased their skills and creativity to a really high standard.

“I’d like to extend my congratulations to Chloe and Lilly, their final pieces were highly impressive.”

If you’d like to find out how you can engage with our learners, contact us via email:

New boardroom

Weston College is set to build brand new student facilities for their Accounting and Business Management and Leadership learners, thanks to grant from the Government’s T Level Capital Fund.

The first cohort of the Business Management and Leadership T Level learners, and also the Accounting T Level learners, will be starting in September, and will have access to these exciting new facilities.

Weston College will be creating an industry standard boardroom, which is going to be equipped with some of the latest technology. The real-life business environment will prepare students for life in the boardroom – something which can be daunting at first. Classrooms are also going to be refurbished, which will improve the learning environment for students.

Learners will use the boardroom to hold classes, revision sessions, and use it for presentations among other things.

The learning spaces are also getting an upgrade, which will provide first class study opportunities for learners studying a T Level. Weston College is investing in study pods, which allow students to work together on group projects, or utilise technology to work on individual study.

Dr Paul Phillips CBE, Principal and Chief Executive of Weston College Group, said: “It is a really exciting time to be a T Level student. Not only is it the new Gold standard of training, featuring an industry placement with local employers wanting to give young people an opportunity, but our Accounting and Business Management and Leadership T Level learners will learn in state-of-the-art facilities.

“The potential facilities look fantastic – in fact, I am already thinking of using the boardroom myself! We are so pleased to be able to create an environment which allows our learners to gain a greater understanding of the behaviours, facilities and knowledge needed for the business world.”

Find out more about the Accounting and Business Management and Leadership T Level, at the T Level Information Evening – register your interest, here.

ROCKWOOL experience

ROCKWOOL experience insulationBridgend based insulation experts, ROCKWOOL visited South West Skills Campus yesterday (15th February), to showcase the ROCKWOOL experience to our construction students.

The interactive van allowed the learners to see and feel how ROCKWOOL stone wool insulation products perform, through a hands-on demonstration.

Learners developed their knowledge further in areas such as improving thermal, acoustic, and fire performance through expert training and guidance.

As part of our Construction Career Excellence Hub, Weston College learners experience a curriculum which gives a greater focus on preparing them for industry, and this experience was a part of that. 

The event was arranged by Business Partnership Manager, Lynsey McKinstry, who said: “At Weston College we believe it is vital to connect industry with education, because it benefits everyone, from employers to learners.

“Bringing ROCKWOOL in today has not only inspired the learners, but has also taught them new techniques, which is vital in their skills development.”

Subject Area Manager for Construction, Richard Hanney, added: “It was great to welcome ROCKWOOL today. The learners really enjoyed this valuable experience, which has given them a greater insight into insulation.”

Find out more about our Construction courses, by clicking here.

T Level Hospitality and Catering Students given the skills to become a chef in the army!

Students from the Level 2 Professional Chef T Level Transition Programme had the amazing opportunity of hosting a guest lecture from Chefs in The Army!  

During the lecture students were shown what it is like to be a Chef within The Army and how they can get involved. After being split into teams, learners were then poised with the challenge of making a 3-course meal for 2 people out of ration packs! They were given 10 minutes to menu plan and a further 1 hour 30 minutes to prepare and cook. 

The learners produced innovative and amazing meals such as broccoli and onion soup, mince beef and onion pie with mash potato, cookie bread and butter pudding and homemade garlic gnocchi! 

Teams were then judged by the Seargent's and were scored on Best Starter, Best Main Meal, Best Dessert, and an Overall Winner.  

Team 3 won Best Starter with their broccoli mac and cheese with garlic bread, Team 2 won Best Main Course with the homemade pasta and meatballs and Team 1 won Best Dessert with their cookie bread and butter pudding. But the overall winner of the challenge for their performance, communication skills, teamwork and presentation were Team 2! 

Learner Crystal, comments “It was really fun, but at the same time hard because you only had 1 hour and 30 mins for a three-course meal! I found it very challenging, but I really enjoyed the whole event!” 

Hospitality and Catering lecturer Debbie says,  “I am so proud of the group here today they did extremely well and were amazing. They did the me and the college proud today even the Army Sergeants said we should be proud of all the students today." 

As a part of the Hospitality and Catering Career Excellence Hub, learners are given the opportunity to gain employability skills from employers and gain real life skills that they can take on into their careers. Within the new T Level course, students can learn about the catering and hospitality industry, food, and safety hygiene in the kitchen, menu planning and costing and preparing all different foods. Alongside the course students will gain a full understanding of the industry by completing a Level 2 food and beverage service during their Individual Development (ID) time. 

Sandra Bull, Divisional Lead of Hospitality and Catering, says “Ensuring our learners have an opportunity to seek out a variety of career pathways is important as they developed both skills and confidence in their programme of study. This session was a challenge which demonstrated how they would need to adapt quickly for a career in the Army but resilience in a working environment. The group have discovered you can eat well even out of ration pack ingredients!” 


Josh Bell health and social care alumni

We LOVE hearing about the amazing journeys to success from our past students.  

We recently caught up with Level 3 Health and Social Care alumni Josh Bell, who has had an incredible journey so far. 

Since being at Weston College, Josh previously worked in Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) & Sleep Service at Bristol Royal Hospital For Children. Now studying for his degree, Josh is now working for University Hospitals Bristol & Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) as a Nursing Assistant and Healthcare Assistant in Portsmouth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.  

As well as gaining this fantastic wealth of knowledge and experience from these roles, Josh also received an NHS Parliamentary Award and was named “The NHS Rising Star”, South West Regional Champion! 

Ahead of their clinical placements, Josh recently visited the Health and Active Living Skills Centre to teach current Level 2 & 3 learners about Sepsis as a volunteer for UK charity: Sepsis Trust.

Josh commented: “Sepsis (also known as blood poisoning) is the immune system’s overreaction to an infection or injury. Having an understanding of Sepsis and its symptoms is paramount when spotting the first signs which can lead to early detection, intervention and treatment. Asking the question ‘Just Ask Could It Be Sepsis?’ does save lives and getting that message out there in the community is essential.” 

The class covered the signs and symptoms and treatment of Sepsis, practiced clinical skills, including taking Manual Blood Pressures and completed a NEWS2 (National Early Warning Score 2). 

Guest lectures such as this are one of the career-boosting benefits that stem from the college’s newly formed Health and Social Care Career Excellence Hub. These innovative subject specific hubs allow for students at Weston College to have access to exclusive opportunities. Endorsed by industry, such as UHBW, this enables for better integration with the sector to make sure class content is relative and opens doors for learners so they leave college with more than just a qualification.

Josh continued: “I was delighted at the welcome I had back into the college, and I was very impressed with a particular I class I taught! Sarah-Jane, who was my previous Health & Social Care Lecturer, was great and I am so pleased that the students are still learning Health and Social Care as it’s one of the best careers to be part of! 

I thought the new facilities were fantastic. It's great to see that current students have an area to study and practice clinical skills which can highly relate to a clinical environment within a hospital or an acute setting, which is paramount for essential clinical learning!” 

Josh is currently studying a Paramedic Science BSc (Hons) Degree Course at the University of Portsmouth. 

“I am loving my Paramedic Science BSc (Hons) Degree Course at the University, I have always been inspired to work in the NHS, but especially to become a Paramedic. The best part of the course so far is our clinical placements where we are based in an Ambulance Station and working with Paramedics out on the road to get experience and learning on the job!” 

Moving forward, Josh is hoping to go on to do a Critical Care Masters degree in the future, aiming to one day work for the Air Ambulance or specialising in Critical / Acute Care. 

On Saturday 11th June 2022, he will be taking part in the Great North Swim to raise funds for The UK’s Sepsis Trust. The Great North Swim is the largest open water swimming event in the UK.  Held in the stunning surroundings of Lake Windermere, England's largest lake at 10.5 miles long (17km), stretching from Ambleside in the North to Newby Bridge in the South. Click here to learn more.   


We'd like to say a huge thank-you to Josh for returning to the College to pass on his knowledge - An incredibly bright future ahead for this young professional!


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Stepping into “The Unfamiliar”

As part of their module around documentaries, 1st year Photography students at UCW have published their own magazine!

The documentary and editorial magazine titled “The Unfamiliar” features work from nine degree students studying Photography and Visual Cultures, BA (Hons)

Students were tasked with focusing on photographing something which may feel unfamiliar. This could be different angles of something seen everyday or a completely unfamiliar subject which may not be represented or seen often. Once photographed, each student was given complete creative freedom to design a double page spread using Adobe inDesign.

Zoe Harris, whose work features as the front cover of the magazine, visited Lacock Abbey to capture old windows in historic buildings; creating a link between the old and the new by applying modern day photography skills.

Zoe added: “Photography lets you show others how you see the world. You may photograph something which everyone else might think is ugly or boring, but end up taking the most beautiful photo in the world – it’s about the way you look at things.

“I recommend this degree course because almost every brief we have had so far has been so interesting. We get a lot of freedom with the kind of photos we take, combined with the guidance from lecturers to know what to do.

“Working on this magazine has been a really fun project!”

Click here to see the online version of the magazine

Click here to read more about our Photography degree: Photography and Visual Cultures, BA (Hons)

Luke Merchant Worldskills winner now working for Mercedes

Level 3 Automotive apprentice Luke Merchant has been recognised with an award from the Institute of Motors Industry

(IMI) for his outstanding success as a WorldSkills Silver Medallist as he now accelerates into his career working as a Vehicle Technician with Mercedes! 

Luke Merchant motor vehicle apprentice with award

WorldSkills UK is an independent charity that works with employers, education, and governments, supporting young people across the world via competitions-based training, testing their ability to achieve world-class standards in the biennial ‘skills Olympics’. Over 3,000 learners registered to take part in the UK-wide competitions in March 2021. Luke was awarded the prestigious silver medal at the 2021 automotive technologies finals where he has to compete as one of the top learners in the country. 

After Luke finished his apprenticeship, he then went on to work as a Vehicle Technician at Mercedes Benz, Weston-Super-Mare where he continues his career in automotive technology. 

Luke states: "Working for Mercedes has been great so far. I am really enjoying getting to know all their systems and processes. 

“Winning the silver medal at WorldSkills and my time at Weston College has helped me massively. I'm now more confident in myself and always trying my best to develop and grow my skills." 

Steve Harvey, Head of Business at Mercedes Sytner comments: "Since joining the team here at Mercedes Benz W-s-M, Luke has been doing a fantastic job! 

Firstly, working alongside an experienced Mercedes-Benz technician, so he could understand how the workshop work flows, regarding health and safety, use of the diagnostic equipment and of course meeting the rest of the team. Luke has also got involved with looking at all process’s which are involved when working on our customers cars.” 

Steve continues: "Luke is now working on his own, and we are really pleased with the progress he is making. At present with all the new product coming through from new electric to diesel and petrol and of course the awesome AMG range, it is an exciting time to be joining Mercedes-Benz and the Sytner Group! 

Some of the electric cars which will be coming through are outstanding and have the latest high-tech equipment, safety, and performance packages available, for example the new EQS with the hyper screen.” 

“Luke will now be able to have the full training on these types of vehicles, it is definitely a great time to join our team of very skilled technicians. We will certainly be looking for more aspiring talent to join our team. Luke is an example of what can happen with a tremendous attitude and drive to further his potential during and after completing his NVQ3." 

Weston College’s involvement with WorldSkills is just one of the exclusive opportunities available to learners through their newly launched Career Excellence Hubs. At the College, each subject area forms its own specific Career Excellence Hub, endorsed by relevant sector employers which help to create a study programme with lots of career boosting benefits, which include WorldSkills competing opportunities. 

Congratulations Luke!  

Marketing and Communications

The marketing department is responsible for promoting Weston College to the public, by promoting the Colleges courses, achievements and events.

Our aims are to attract learners to study within the Weston College Group, build and grow the College’s brand and highlight its reputation, and promote the College Group’s success, student progression and outstanding support for our learners.

The marketing department manages the College’s websites and official social media accounts, runs advertising campaigns, creates press releases, and manages many of the College Group’s events, such as Graduation, the Celebration of Success and the Business Awards.

We produce a wide range of publications including our full-time, Higher Education and part-time prospectuses, course leaflets and posters, and other documents such as the College’s annual report, magazines and newsletters, course brochures and the student handbook.

Weston College is committed to providing accurate and timely information for local, regional and national media, and the general public.

The marketing team is available between 8.30am and 5pm, Monday to Thursday and 8.30am to 4.30pm on Fridays. You can get in touch with us by emailing

All of our press releases are uploaded to the news section of our websites. News from the academies we sponsor, including the North Somerset Enterprise and Technology College, can be found on the news section of the Inspirational Futures Trust’s website. News pertaining to our Higher Education Provision can be found on

The marketing department produces most imagery and film in house, and keeps an extensive archive of the photographs it takes. If you would like a copy of an image featuring you or a member of your family, please contact us at

Our photos of graduation and many other events can be found on the College’s Facebook page. High quality images can be found on the College’s Flickr account.

Weston College is able to accommodate many requests to provide locations for film and photography. The College has a range of attractive, modern and adaptable facilities which can be viewed on our youtube channel.

We also are able to provide heritage facilities such as the Victorian Hans Price designed Conference Centre and, from September 2017, the 1927 Winter Gardens Pavilion.

For booking details, contact

For enquiries about sponsoring key events such as Celebration of Success, Business Breakfast, Business Awards and Graduation, please contact the marketing team by email at

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One Message, Different Voices

Take a look at this powerful film made by the staff of Weston College to show how important it is for everyone from different backgrounds to be included. The film shares heartfelt stories and interviews with a diverse group of staff, showing how accepting different identities and backgrounds can make a big difference. Its purpose is to encourage viewers to think about their own biases and work towards making our community more welcoming to all. We invite everyone, regardless of their background, to join us and be a part of our journey toward a more inclusive future.

Halo workplace logo

Our workplace champions the right of staff to embrace all Afro-hairstyles. We acknowledge that Afro-textured hair is an important part of our Black employees’ racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious identities, and requires specific styling for hair health and maintenance. We celebrate Afro-textured hair worn in all styles including, but not limited to, afros, locs, twists, braids, cornrows, fades, hair straightened through the application of heat or chemicals, weaves, wigs, headscarves, and wraps. In this workplace, we recognise and celebrate our colleagues’ identities. We are a community built on an ethos of equality and respect where hair texture and style have no bearing on an employee's ability to succeed.