

Safer Internet Day

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, Weston College recognises the importance of promoting safe online practices among its learners. In anticipation of Safer Internet Day on Tuesday, February 6th, the College is collaborating with the British Computer Society (BCS) to empower learners to navigate digital spaces responsibly while maximising the benefits they offer for learning and growth.

Safer Internet Day serves as an opportunity to inspire positive change, and Weston College is fully committed to this cause. To mark the occasion, learners are encouraged to participate in the "Big Safer Internet Survey," which aims to gather insights into their concerns and experiences online. This anonymous survey will provide valuable feedback that informs the College's digital policies and initiatives.

In addition to the survey, learners will engage in a fun and interactive password cracker cyber security game, developed in-house by our digital technologists. These activities aim to raise awareness about cybersecurity in an engaging and accessible manner.

Recognising the importance of addressing local challenges, Weston College has also created a comprehensive digital tutorial specifically tailored for 16-19 learners. This tutorial equips learners with the skills, knowledge, and behaviours needed to make safer online choices, addressing concerns identified within the student body.

"We believe that fostering a safe online environment is essential for empowering learners to thrive in today's digital world," said Jo Philpott, Senior Vice Principal at Weston College. "Through collaborative efforts with the BCS and our dedicated teams, we are proud to offer a range of resources and activities that promote digital literacy and safety."

To further support the initiative, Weston College invites educators, technologists, employers, policymakers, and digital experts to join a networking opportunity at the Loxton Campus from 4pm-5pm on Tuesday, February 6th, 2024. This flagship Safer Internet Day event, organised in partnership with the BCS, provides a platform for discussing local and global strategies for promoting online safety.

"We are excited to bring together stakeholders from various sectors to champion a safer internet for all," added Jo Philpott. "By collaborating and sharing insights, we can make meaningful contributions to digital safety at both local and global levels."

Guest speakers at the event include:

Professor Victoria Baines FBCS, Online Trust, Safety, and Cybersecurity Expert Prof. Victoria Baines Julia Adamson MBE, Managing Director Education and Public Benefit at BCS Julia Adamson MBE; Clare Moody, Co-Chief Executive, Equally Ours Clare Moody; Daniel Aldridge, Head of Policy and Public Affairs at BCS Dan Aldridge - OpenUK

Daniel Aldridge, Head of Policy and Public Affairs at the British Computer Society, said: "We know online bullying, fraud and exploitation are huge concerns for young people and their families.

"This year, we at the British Computer Society are partnering with students and apprentices at Weston College to champion a safer internet for all through ‘local action inspiring global change’.

"We're bringing world-class speakers to Weston to engage with our excellent learners and educators here, raise awareness, identify opportunities and inspire action."

If you are passionate about education and are looking for an opportunity to join the staff team at a leading college, then look at the latest job vacancies available at Weston College here. You can find all the latest job opportunities that Weston College has to offer, with a commitment to providing quality education for learners and a focus on continuous professional development for staff, Weston College is an excellent place to work and grow in your career.

Artwork created by Weston College student

Students on the UAL Foundation Diploma in Art and Design have been working on a special project!  

As part of the course learners have been spending 9 weeks in rotating specialisms where they work in Visual Communication, Surface and Form and Interdisciplinary Fine Art. The graphic work is part of a 1-day project on pen to Mouse and the textile, fashion and costume work was a 3-week project around the theme of Order and Chaos. The students take these loose themes and investigate further how they can make the project personal to them. Each student will do practical experimentation as primary research and research into other artists for secondary research.  

This project has had a fantastic impact on the students. They have shown that they are able to problem solve, use exhaustive idea generation and understand the theory behind their own and other artist's work. In addition to this they have learned about using varied materials and processes, as well as expanding on their creative process as a whole and producing complete pieces of work that will support their practical portfolio when attending upcoming University interviews.   

Lecturer Rachel Clayton said: "the students have been working hard throughout these exciting projects, building on their practical skills, and producing sophisticated outcomes through extensive workshops. They have used their broad practical knowledge and in-depth theoretical understanding to create work that is ambitious, playful and of a high standard. 

“This work will support their portfolios for their upcoming University interviews across the country, including prestigious institutions such as Central St Martins, Goldsmiths, Camberwell and London College of Fashion to name a few. We are so proud of what they are achieving and the quality of the work they are producing- well done!" 

This project forms part of the Creative Arts Careers Excellence Hub. Weston College's Career Excellence Hubs are designed to be the launching pad for our learners' careers. In a world where connections and relevant skills matter more than ever, these hubs offer a holistic approach that prepares learners to thrive in their chosen industries. With the support of these hubs, our learners are well-equipped to make a significant impact in their professional journeys. 

Congratulations to the learners who created these impressive pieces! 

Find out more about the UAL Foundation Diploma in Art and Design, click here.

For more creative arts courses, click here.

If you are passionate about education and are looking for an opportunity to join the staff team at a leading college, then look at the latest job vacancies available at Weston College here. You can find all the latest job opportunities that Weston College has to offer, with a commitment to providing quality education for learners and a focus on continuous professional development for staff, Weston College is an excellent place to work and grow in your career.

Person using laptop with cybersecurity images above their hands

The College's ISO 27001 certification has been retained for the fifth consecutive year, distinguishing Weston College as one of the few FE Colleges in the UK to consistently meet this international standard.

In the face of escalating cyber threats targeting the education sector, Weston College reaffirms its commitment to safeguarding learner and stakeholder data through its ISO 27001 Certification. The College's Information Security Management System (ISMS) has once again demonstrated its robust structure and approach, earning praise from the assessor overseeing the certification process.

The education sector has increasingly become a target for cyberattacks, making data security a top priority for institutions. Weston College's proactive stance and adherence to internationally recognised best practices assure learners, staff, and stakeholders alike.

The assessor, expressed his admiration for the College's Information Security Management System, noting its resilience and effectiveness in safeguarding sensitive information. This accolade reinforces Weston College's position as a leader in Information Security Assurance within the education sector.

The ISO 27001 certification, established by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO), sets stringent requirements for information security management. It ensures the protection of assets such as financial information, intellectual property, employee details, and information entrusted by third parties.

Matt Beaver, Director of IT, Systems & Compliance at the Weston College Group, expressed pride in the achievement, stating, “The continuation of this certification following a thorough external audit is a huge achievement for the College and reflects the enormous commitment and effort all areas within the scope of this certification have put in."

"We have invested a lot of time and effort into ensuring that we protect the data of everyone that we deal with at Weston College – putting their safety first."

Weston College's ISO 27001 certification not only fortifies its commitment to data security but also positions the institution as a trusted partner for larger employers and organisations handling sensitive information or intellectual property.

If you are passionate about education and are looking for an opportunity to join the staff team at a leading college, then look at the latest job vacancies available at Weston College here. You can find all the latest job opportunities that Weston College has to offer, with a commitment to providing quality education for learners and a focus on continuous professional development for staff, Weston College is an excellent place to work and grow in your career.

teacher with group of students in the classroom looking at camera

University Centre Weston (UCW) have launched five brand new FREE short courses for individuals in employment! These fantastic short courses give you a taste of what a full degree is like for those that are unsure if higher education is for them – they can also be used as part of your continued professional development.  

These short courses are perfect for those looking for a change in career or wanting to upskill in new areas. Our Level 4 courses will provide you with an innovative way to boost your knowledge and skills, enhancing your career opportunities. 

Here are the brand-new short courses and what they will entail: 

  • Coaching Practice and Skill Development (Level 4) 
    • Develop a sound understanding of the principles in sports through a mixture of academic and practical sessions, where you will put into practice the knowledge learnt in an academic environment. The sessions will be delivered face-to-face due to the practical requirements of the course. 
  • Fitness and Nutrition (Level 4) 
    • Identify what it means by fitness and nutrition, undertake practical tests, and develop a case study that assesses the fitness levels of different participants through laboratory-based testing, onset of blood lactate accumulation test, and field-based testing. 
  • Quantity Surveying and Sustainable Practice (Level 4) 
    • Gain an insight into the ways that political, social, and economic factors influence construction. Through this, you will consider the relationship between these factors and how they’re reflected in a project and in the broader economy.  
  • Quantity Surveying Practice (Level 4) 
    • Gain an understanding of the role of the Quantity Surveyor and explore the following discreet areas. From the different types of Professional Quantity Surveyor (PQS), the Advice and guidance provided by quantity surveyors, how projects are financed, procurement routes, tendering procedures, and contract selection. 
  • Mental Health within Healthcare (Level 5) 
    • Foster an understanding of how mental health affects the health sector whilst discussing strategies around best working practice. This short course is broken down into two discreet areas. These include Risk Management for Mental Health and Professional Assessment for Mental Health. 

 UCW is the TEF Gold higher education provider in North Somerset. We deliver an excellent choice of degree-level courses in partnership with nearby universities across our three campuses in Weston-Super-Mare, providing students with outstanding support and focus on helping our students start and progress their careers.  

UCW’s campuses have the very best state-of-the-art facilities, taught by industry professionals. Due to our smaller size classes, this allows more 1:1 time with our lecturing staff!  

Click here to find out more about their additional Short Courses 


If you are passionate about education and are looking for an opportunity to join the staff team at a leading college, then look at the latest job vacancies available at Weston College here. You can find all the latest job opportunities that Weston College has to offer, with a commitment to providing quality education for learners and a focus on continuous professional development for staff, Weston College is an excellent place to work and grow in your career.

Logo designer Ryan stands with his certificate and representatives from North Somerset Council

A Weston College student has created a logo, chosen by North Somerset Council to symbolise Knife Angel’s visit to Weston-super-Mare this spring. 

Knife Angel Weston-super-Mare


Graphic design student Ryan created the winning design. He is currently studying for a degree in graphic design from Weston College. His cohort, along with second year Level 3 graphic design course students, were tasked with designing a logo and brand identity concepts as part of a live client brief. 

This follows the announcement that the Knife Angel will visit Weston in May 2024 as part of a nationwide tour to highlight the issue of violent crime. The iconic 27-feet-tall statue has been created from over 100,000 knives and blades confiscated by the UK’s 43 police forces. Designed by Alfie Bradley at the British Ironwork Centre (BIC), the Knife Angel is a national monument against violence and aggression. 

Councillor James Clayton, North Somerset Council’s executive member for safety in the community, said: “Violent crime, particularly knife crime, is a major issue across the UK. The Knife Angel symbolises the devastating impacts that this can have on communities. What a brilliant idea to get this group of talented young people involved in creating a logo that can be used before, during and after the Knife Angel’s visit. 

“Ryan has created a visually striking design that I’m sure will help to make sure the Knife Angel’s powerful message leaves a positive and lasting impact. Well done to him, and indeed all of the students who took part in the brief. It was hard to choose an overall winning design as the submissions were so strong.” 

Coralie Kyriacou, Graphic Design and Digital Arts course co-ordinator and lecturer at Weston College, said: “The Knife Angel represents a real-life problem and something that needs considered communications to help strengthen the public’s understanding around the important issue of violent crime. 

“I feel honoured that our graphic design students have been given this opportunity to work with North Somerset Council on this. Live briefs are a fantastic opportunity for our students to work with clients, develop their professionalism, confidence and specialised design skills to enable them to become industry-ready for future careers.” 

Ryan, the designer of the logo, said: “It’s a real honour to have my logo chosen to represent Knife Angel for North Somerset, as knife crime is such a current and growing problem. Being involved in this project makes me feel really proud of the work I’ve done.” 

This employer project forms part of the Creative Arts Careers Excellence Hub. The College has fourteen sector-specific Career Excellence Hubs, which evidence our dedication to supporting both employers and learners in achieving their future goals. By creating a seamless connection between industry and education, we enable learners to acquire not only the essential skills and knowledge but also the professional networks necessary to excel in their chosen fields. 

A huge congratulations to Ryan, and all the other learners who took part in this incredible effort, for an incredibly important cause. A big thanks to North Somerset Council, and especially Katie Williams and Rhiannon Davies from the North Somerset Violence Reduction Partnership who set this challenge.  

For more information about Ryan’s course click here

For more information about graphic design courses at Weston College, click here.  

If you are passionate about education and are looking for an opportunity to join the staff team at a leading college, then look at the latest job vacancies available at Weston College here. You can find all the latest job opportunities that Weston College has to offer, with a commitment to providing quality education for learners and a focus on continuous professional development for staff, Weston College is an excellent place to work and grow in your career.

Items for sale for the Business Enterprise Project

This year’s Business Enterprise Project has now come to a close and has been the most successful yet!  

Twenty-one groups of learners have been working with an employer mentor from the local business community, who provided invaluable guidance and support to the groups. These business mentors also funded the £50 start-up costs of each business, with the challenge being to turn this into the most profit, with all proceeds raised going to Weston Hospicecare. 

The groups ran their businesses from October to December, selling innovative and exciting items including ‘Christmas Treat Baubles’, Pet Stockings, Mobile Phone Charms, Candles with Personalised Messages, Scented Christmas Decorations and so much more!  


Item for sale as part of Business Enterprise Project


The winning team was mentored by Michelle Michael MBE, and raised a phenomenal £1275! Turning £50 into £1275 is incredible achievement and the team should be very proud of not just the personal achievement, but also of how much they have raised for charity. The winning team will be honoured with an award at the prestigious Celebration of Success event in February.  

The grand total raised by all teams was an amazing £6771.75! Since the project began three years ago, this means that our learners have raised a staggering £14,568.28.  

This impressive feat has certainly caught attention, with the strong support of people in Weston. 

Ben Melhuish, Subject Area Manager for Business said: “we are so proud of what our learners have achieved as part of this challenge. Over the course of the challenge, we have seen learners’ grow in confidence, increase their understanding of running a business and build vital skills that will support them throughout their future careers”. 

Ben Whitwell, Creative Director at Benji Graphics and mentor for the project said “my team were very well prepared when we first met, they had a clear plan and roles agreed. I was really impressed with their ambition to run some events to build up their capital to buy stock further into the project. It was a great plan that worked brilliantly. The team took my feedback really well, especially around pricing. As with other Weston College students, they were very respectful of me and my time, but confident enough to ask for favours, which I was happy to help with!” 

Jane Murch, Visitor & Information Services Manager at WSM Town Council said: “What a brilliant team!  From their first presentation through to watching them sell their product, they were such an inspiration.  Creativity – 10/10, business knowledge – 10/10, commitment – 10/10.”  


Students selling items for the Business Enterprise Project


This project forms part of the Business Careers Excellence Hub; Weston College is committed to preparing learners for success in a rapidly evolving job market which is reflected in our offer via our bespoke Career Excellence Hubs, which form an integral part of all college programmes. In a world where professional networks and industry-specific skills are integral to landing employment, these hubs provide a unique solution to bridge the gap between education and industry demands. 

A big thank you must be extended to all of the mentors who generously donated their time and money to help with the Business Enterprise Project. Thanks must also be given to The Sovereign for allowing our learners to utilise the centre retail space.  

To find out more about Business courses, click here!


If you are passionate about education and are looking for an opportunity to join the staff team at a leading college, then look at the latest job vacancies available at Weston College here. You can find all the latest job opportunities that Weston College has to offer, with a commitment to providing quality education for learners and a focus on continuous professional development for staff, Weston College is an excellent place to work and grow in your career.

Students engaging with RAC

Automotive students at Weston College received an exciting visit on the 22nd of January, welcoming RAC to deliver a comprehensive five-session presentation. This was a crucial moment for our Automotive Careers Excellence Hub – a study programme with the aim of providing you with an opportunity to become career ready, helping you achieve your dream career. These sessions introduced the learners to RAC’s world – the opportunities they offer, their missions and even a patrol van to give them an immersive learning experience.

The Automotive students were lucky enough to receive a fascinating insight into its operation and functionality. A highlight of this visit was an interesting Q&A with a RAC apprentice – only three months into their apprenticeship – and a staff member with over 37 years of service! Learners had a feel for the first-hand aspect of RAC and gained valuable advice from the staff that were in various stages of their automotive journeys.

Our facilities and commitment to training impressed RAC, so much so that they expressed how eager they were to create a collaborative partnership! After a tour of the Automotive Department, there were discussions about developing the partnership to potentially include Level 2 apprenticeship cohorts, enabling opportunities for work experience, internships developing into traineeships post-course, and possible mock and real interviews, which includes the RAC entry exam!

This visit is crucial to our Careers Excellence Hubs – an initiative to equip learners with employability skills and tools. This way, our students can embark on their path to success with relevant knowledge and skills, ready to thrive in a professional career!

Weston College looks forward to partnering with the RAC, creating an atmosphere where students can academically soar and equip valuable industry insights to become well-prepared for their promising futures.

You can find out more about our automotive courses by clicking here!

If you are passionate about education and are looking for an opportunity to join the staff team at a leading college, then look at the latest job vacancies available at Weston College here. You can find all the latest job opportunities that Weston College has to offer, with a commitment to providing quality education for learners and a focus on continuous professional development for staff, Weston College is an excellent place to work and grow in your career.

media students in the bbc wales studio with the news presenters

Our A Level Media and CAD Media students were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to embark on a trip to the BBC Studios in Cardiff, Wales!


Media students receiving a tour around the bbc news studio


With so much to offer at the BBC Studios, the students explored many aspects – one being the exciting future of radio broadcasting and TV. Our students were eager to see one of the largest BBC newsrooms, packed with incredible, cutting-edge technology including augmented reality, virtual reality, and even robotic cameras! Furthermore, the learners could exclusively have a sneak peek at TV galleries and other broadcast facilities, this included viewing state-of-the-art television and radio studios, enabling the students to see (in intricate detail) some of the resources and equipment being used in action.


girl standing in front of the bbc news weather screen


Our incredible media lecturer, Ethan explained that "It was particularly impactful when the learners were able to speak to the presenters and producers during the tour to see what it takes to work in the industry. At the end of the tour, I've encouraged them to apply for the work experiences available at the BBC for Radio & TV Broadcasting since it expanded their horizons on the potential opportunities."

The students really appreciated the fact that they could explore the studios and really see some of the resources and equipment being used in action. The learners really enjoyed their time at the studios, as it relates to what they’re currently studying as part of the curriculum.

A huge thank you goes to Ethan who arranged the trip and gave the students a day to remember at the studios – overall the trip was a success!


Media students receiving a tour around the bbc news studio


Interested in studying A Level Media? We are looking for individuals who are creative and ready to examine and analyse a wide range of media, whilst applying theoretical knowledge, and understanding its impact. You will study as part of our Sixth Form Careers Excellence Hubs, allowing you to work alongside industry professionals to enhance your career opportunities. This programme is jam-packed with incredible opportunities, from A-list industry experts delivering guest lectures, to even more amazing trips just like this one, helping our learners maintain the highest level of industry-standard knowledge.

To see more of what the A Level Media entails and to apply, click here, if you’re interested in having a look into Creative and Digital Media, click here.


If you are passionate about education and are looking for an opportunity to join the staff team at a leading college, then look at the latest job vacancies available at Weston College here. You can find all the latest job opportunities that Weston College has to offer, with a commitment to providing quality education for learners and a focus on continuous professional development for staff, Weston College is an excellent place to work and grow in your career.

Band playing at a gig

On the evening of the 24th of January, our incredibly talented music students took to the stage to wow an eager audience in Ye Olde Inne in Westerleigh, Bristol.

Between 8 o’clock and half past ten, four magnificent acts made an appearance – this included Bad Posture, Lilac Sundae, Creative Chaos, The Koppers, Silhouette and Lily.

Lily, singer of the slow pop band Creative Chaos, said “without the audience and support from the other bands, I wouldn’t have been able to play!”. She praised her tutors, stating that her lecturers aided in preparation for the gig – giving her more confidence to perform and overcome her stage fright.


Girl singing at a gig


“The gig helped with the performance aspect of our course, it provided us with first hand experience as it included us rehearsing and preparing for the evening”, Charlie from Lilac Sundae explained, “our experience was great! We felt very welcome by the venue owner as he provided us with pizza and refreshments upon our arrival”.

Many of the students described the atmosphere as incredible, as they received a well-deserved overwhelming reaction from their very own audience!


Boy band playing at a gig


The show wouldn’t have proceeded without the incredible Oz, our music lecturer, so a big thank you to him for an amazing evening!

And finally a huge congratulations to all the learners on their fantastic performances!

For those interested in finding out more about our Music and Creative Arts courses, click here.


If you are passionate about education and are looking for an opportunity to join the staff team at a leading college, then look at the latest job vacancies available at Weston College here. You can find all the latest job opportunities that Weston College has to offer, with a commitment to providing quality education for learners and a focus on continuous professional development for staff, Weston College is an excellent place to work and grow in your career.

Marketing and Communications

The marketing department is responsible for promoting Weston College to the public, by promoting the Colleges courses, achievements and events.

Our aims are to attract learners to study within the Weston College Group, build and grow the College’s brand and highlight its reputation, and promote the College Group’s success, student progression and outstanding support for our learners.

The marketing department manages the College’s websites and official social media accounts, runs advertising campaigns, creates press releases, and manages many of the College Group’s events, such as Graduation, the Celebration of Success and the Business Awards.

We produce a wide range of publications including our full-time, Higher Education and part-time prospectuses, course leaflets and posters, and other documents such as the College’s annual report, magazines and newsletters, course brochures and the student handbook.

Weston College is committed to providing accurate and timely information for local, regional and national media, and the general public.

The marketing team is available between 8.30am and 5pm, Monday to Thursday and 8.30am to 4.30pm on Fridays. You can get in touch with us by emailing

All of our press releases are uploaded to the news section of our websites. News from the academies we sponsor, including the North Somerset Enterprise and Technology College, can be found on the news section of the Inspirational Futures Trust’s website. News pertaining to our Higher Education Provision can be found on

The marketing department produces most imagery and film in house, and keeps an extensive archive of the photographs it takes. If you would like a copy of an image featuring you or a member of your family, please contact us at

Our photos of graduation and many other events can be found on the College’s Facebook page. High quality images can be found on the College’s Flickr account.

Weston College is able to accommodate many requests to provide locations for film and photography. The College has a range of attractive, modern and adaptable facilities which can be viewed on our youtube channel.

We also are able to provide heritage facilities such as the Victorian Hans Price designed Conference Centre and, from September 2017, the 1927 Winter Gardens Pavilion.

For booking details, contact

For enquiries about sponsoring key events such as Celebration of Success, Business Breakfast, Business Awards and Graduation, please contact the marketing team by email at

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One Message, Different Voices

Take a look at this powerful film made by the staff of Weston College to show how important it is for everyone from different backgrounds to be included. The film shares heartfelt stories and interviews with a diverse group of staff, showing how accepting different identities and backgrounds can make a big difference. Its purpose is to encourage viewers to think about their own biases and work towards making our community more welcoming to all. We invite everyone, regardless of their background, to join us and be a part of our journey toward a more inclusive future.

Halo workplace logo

Our workplace champions the right of staff to embrace all Afro-hairstyles. We acknowledge that Afro-textured hair is an important part of our Black employees’ racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious identities, and requires specific styling for hair health and maintenance. We celebrate Afro-textured hair worn in all styles including, but not limited to, afros, locs, twists, braids, cornrows, fades, hair straightened through the application of heat or chemicals, weaves, wigs, headscarves, and wraps. In this workplace, we recognise and celebrate our colleagues’ identities. We are a community built on an ethos of equality and respect where hair texture and style have no bearing on an employee's ability to succeed.