My T Level Experiences at Weston College and Lloyds Banking Group

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Hello everyone, my name is Callum Kavanagh, and I am studying the Digital Production Design and development T level (DPDD) at Weston College. I would love to share my experience of my industry placement at Lloyds Banking Group and how I managed to get to where I am.
My Journey at Weston College
Before joining the DPDD T Level with Weston College, I completed a level 2 course (due to not having the GCSE qualifications) as a progression route to get to the T Level. This helped to build my confidence and basic computing knowledge and even basic academic skills. With support from my Level 2 course, I then achieved a grade I was happy with and progressed with the necessary qualifications to the Digital Production Design and Development T Level.
Once I started the T Level I was quickly introduced to the hands-on working experience side of the T Level, with talks of employers and how we will be supported in finding them for the Industry Placement module of our course.
We got to experience a full process of interviews and questions from employers and those who got accepted by an employer could progress onto the industry placement with them. Our lecturer and careers advisors helped train us for these interviews and build our CVS and interview skills.
My Role at Lloyds Banking Group
During my placement at Lloyds Banking Group, I worked within a data team. I took part in Data Visualisation and Software Development; the work I was tasked with was part of a large-scale strategic project that had a real impact on the company. I was able to work alongside experts in the field, where I completed a solo project that I was tasked with by Lloyds Banking Group. This solo project was directly linked to a real-world project that the team was working on, and I was given the task of creating a program to help the teams efficiency. I later found out the program I made was used and built upon by another member of the team who I worked closely with and is now standard use within the team!
I managed to learn so much within the industry by working there, getting real experience truly is the best way to learn and grow as a developer. I learnt a variety of skills from programming to accessibility and data visualisation, the learning wasn’t only hard skills for the workplace but also key skills transferable to any situation and daily life. I learnt how to work effectively within a team environment and how to complete presentations to large scale audiences. I was able to complete a presentation about my project to over 100 other professionals during a team’s call and sharing my ideas within the company.
How I was Supported
Weston College and Lloyds Banking Group were both incredible at providing support within the industry placement. Lloyds Banking Group always had team members willing to mentor me and answer any questions I had about my own project or the company itself. Weston College maintained a strong line of communication while I was within Lloyds Banking Group, checking everything was going as planned and no changes needed to be made.
As someone who struggles with ADHD, I had worries about if I would be able to stay focused and complete this course. I worried how I would do within a working environment and how I could manage my problems. However, Weston College provided me with support throughout the placement, which was done primarily by a personal member of the ADHD support team at Weston College who I was able to speak to. This became a regular occurrence, and I now meet with him on a regular basis where I learn to manage my ADHD. I also received support from my tutors as they had an understanding of my situation and were always willing to speak with me if I ever had any problems.
Standout Moments
The main standout moment for me was being given the trust to take on a solo project and given time to be by myself and work on that project. Being included within the team and not just given some training made me feel important and wanted by the team. This made my working environment an enjoyable place to be and one I could thrive in.
Plans Following T Level Completion
After my Industry Placement with Lloyd’s Banking Group, I was able to show them my dedication and desire to work further with them. Because of this, I have been offered an apprenticeship with Lloyd’s Banking Group within the same team I worked with during my industry placement.
My advice to others considering the T Level is – DO IT! The T Level course is an incredible course for not only its level of educational standards, but also the opportunity to work within a company and get real experience, which is worth more than any number of textbooks could teach you. If you have the commitment to get your work done, then you will have so many opportunities with this course and even possibly get a direct link to a future employer like I did to Lloyds Banking Group.
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