Weston College Halfway To Beating Apprenticeship Target
Just 40 days into the College’s ambitious target of 200 apprenticeship pledges in 100 days, the College has reached the halfway point – persuading 110 businesses to agree to take on an apprentice.
Among the businesses that have pledged are Alliance Home Groups, Restor8, Ketchup, One Big Circle and the NHS. Their pledges have taken on a diverse range of apprenticeships, across professions such as: customer services, adult care, business administration, commis chef, IT and management.
Another organisation which has pledged to take on apprentices during the campaign is Thatchers Cider, which has pledged to hire a commis chef apprentice, a business admin apprentice and an IT apprentice.
Phil Smith, Visitor Services Manager at Thatchers Cider Company, said: “We are very excited to support Weston College’s 200 in 100 campaign. We see apprenticeships as an effective way of building our workforce. In an industry where there is a skills gap, developing and training our own chefs and giving them real life experience is crucial.
“The support we have received so far from the College has been second to none. We look forward to developing our apprentice and hopefully many more apprentices in the future.”
SACO Apartments has hired two leadership apprentices, and Di Gwinnel, HR Business Partner for SACO, said: “It is exciting to get involved with the 200 in 100 campaign and show our support for developing aspirational talented individuals. We have taken on two apprentices and the whole business is looking forward to helping them develop.
“Weston College has been extremely helpful and I would highly recommend getting in contact with them to support you with the whole apprenticeship process.”
Dr Paul Phillips CBE, Principal and Chief Executive of the Weston College Group, said: “Apprenticeships play an important role in developing highly skilled workforces for organisations and it is fantastic to see how many businesses are making use of our Training Solutions team to help develop young people and adults across the South West.
“We have seen more apprenticeship opportunities open up for our students across a range of sectors, which is very exciting for the College and our learners.”
You can keep an eye on the campaign’s progress across social media, with #200in100 being used on Twitter.
For more information and to pledge go to: www.weston.ac.uk/200in100. You can also email the apprenticeship team at enquiries@weston.ac.uk or call on 01934 411 594.