How 'Access to Nursing and Midwifery' got me my Dream Job!
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Hi! My name is Shell and I am currently on my final placement on the Acute Medical Unit as part of my degree in Nursing. The AMU is a medical assessment ward where patients are continually admitted and discharged, making it a highly complex and fast paced environment.
I began my journey in this field by completing an Access to Nursing and Midwifery course with Weston College, which incorporated both Biology and Psychology. My caring nature and desire to help others was what led me to look into career options in the care sector, as I knew I would want to develop skills in the area and gain the confidence to start a nursing degree.
While the Access course was intense and required total dedication, it was a fantastic starting point for my degree and placements, and was the best decision I’ve ever made. It gave me the tools I needed to research and compose assignments, and provided a comprehensive understanding of the main body systems which was invaluable throughout my nursing degree. I have now secured a full-time job in the AMU, and I start in September!
Day to day, you’ll find me carrying out medication records, fulfilling instructions from the doctors, for example carrying out blood tests, ensuring documentation is up to scratch, and most importantly, providing support and reassurance to all my patients and their families.
The Access course gave me a head start on developing skills which could help me with these tasks, including management skills and prioritising academic and personal development. Furthermore, it gave me the confidence that I can do anything I put my mind to.
My advice for those interested in completing an Access course would be to absorb all the knowledge and take advantage of all the support and benefits available. Also, have faith that you will make it through, no matter how challenging it is!
- Shell
Weston College allows anyone of any age and skill to break into the field that will help them achieve their goals. If you're interested in our access to Higher Education courses, click here.
Shell described college as “the hardest but best year of her life”, and has truly impacted her future, allowing her to gain experience in a field she is truly passionate about, with the hopes of carrying this on full time. We wish Shell the best of luck with her university results and her new job starting in September.