Bristol Training Institute Officially Opens
Last week the West of England Institute of Technology (WEIoT) officially opened the doors of the brand-new Bristol Training Institute.
Based in central Bristol (12 Colston Avenue, BS1 4ST), the Bristol Training Institute offers courses tailored to the specific needs of employers in the city region – focussing on digital qualifications and management training to support with driving digital change.
The grand opening was marked by an event held at the Bristol Training Institute, where key industry and community figures were invited to hear about the WEIoT, the Bristol Training Institute and the emphasis on inclusion and technical skills/careers.
The audience heard from Principal and Chief Executive of the Weston College Group, Sir Paul Phillips, the Director of the WEIoT, Claire Arbery and President of the Bristol Chamber of Commerce, Jaya Chakrabarti MBE.
The guests were also treated to a tour of the facility, witnessing the state-of-the-art digital training hub across two floors, which includes two conference training rooms and a boardroom, all including smartboard facilities and laptop stations.
Jaya Chakrabarti MBE, President of the Bristol Chamber of Commerce, commented: “I am really excited about what is going to happen at the Bristol Training Institute.
“We have a skills shortage locally, but the Bristol Training Institute will help to empower local people with the skills they need to engage with the digital sector and bring prosperity to the region.”
Claire Arbery, Director of the WEIoT, added: “Accessibility is a focus of the WEIoT, which brings education providers together to deliver the skills required by employers.
“The courses offered are based on what the economy and local communities need and our mission is that our students on completion of their programmes will have the best possible career prospects, whilst employers can benefit from a new talent pool, plus use the Institute as a way to develop and upskill their existing workforce.”
You can view the January offer at the Bristol Training Institute, by clicking here.