Career Fair for Animal Management Learners!

At Weston College, we understand and emphasise the importance of planning your dream career, and helping you take all the steps needed to reach that goal.
Making connections with employers is a great way of securing plans for your future, so creating opportunities for learners to meet guest speakers from the industry is a highly valuable part of the courses, particularly the programmes endorsed by the Career Excellence Hub (CEH). When a course is endorsed by the CEH, it means the qualifications have been developed in conjunction with local and national employers, and they have a proven record of helping students gain relevant jobs.
Our Animal Management learners had a great introduction to employers from the industry, through an Animal Careers Fest, held at the Puxton Park campus. Throughout the day, multiple animal-related professionals met the learners to explain their journey to where they are now, answering questions and giving the inside scoop of how to succeed in the animal industry. Pete, from the Reptile Zone in Bristol, was one of the visitors, who bought along Ali G the alligator, and Frank the chameleon. Staff (and guinea pigs!) from Barnaby’s Bunny Barn also gave talks on their experience, as well as the RSPCA.
The learners fully utilised their time with each professional, asking in depth and detailed questions about how to follow in their footsteps. The professionals all explained their advice, following along the similar mantra of “know your stuff!”
Each learner even had the opportunity to hold and interact with Ali G the alligator, as featured in the photographs, which, though daunting, was the highlight of the day!
Click here if you’re interested in looking into animal management, and click here to find out more about the Career Excellence Hub.