Courses for learners with Special
Educational Needs and/or Disabilities
SEND Centre for Excellence
Level 1
Preparation for Life
The aim of the Preparation for Life curriculum area is for learners with a range of Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) to develop independence and successfully transition into adulthood. The programme aims to provide a differentiated and individualised approach to each learner’s study programme at college in order to work towards outcomes and aspirations for the future.
The courses intentions are for learners to:
- Develop total communication skills
- Develop functional English and maths skills
- Work towards individualised goals
- Develop core independent living skills
- Be an active member of the local community
- Develop and take ownership of various strategies
- Develop self-regulating strategies to manage behaviour (positive behaviour support)
- Have opportunities to develop healthy lifestyles
- Become better equipped to make informed choices about their lives
- Develop employability skills where relevant and meaningful
During the learner’s time at college, they will have a personal tutor with specialist SEND knowledge who is responsible for all aspects of their learning programme and will support learners to make progress towards outcomes through an individualised approach.
The course is split into 4 pathways which supports learners to develop skills and confidence to move onto meaningful destinations.
These include:
- Sensory Learning Pathway (PCLD)
- Prompting independence
- Pathway to independence
- Pathway to further studies or employment
While at college learners will have the opportunity to develop skills through a range of vocational options such as:
- Hospitality
- Team building
- Sport academy
- Art
- Catering
- Team building
- Performing arts
- Music
- Community inclusion
- Horticulture
- Sensory exploration
Parent Feedback
"My son is enjoying college very much. All his support staff have noticed a big change since starting college, he is more confident and happier in himself. He is getting better with his communication, using PECS at home without prompt, keep up the good work, it’s workings"
Additional Costs
Entry Requirements
No formal entry requirements are needed within Foundation learning. All learner’s are considered on an individual basis and matched to a course that is best placed to meet their needs and support their outcomes and move them towards their aspirations.