

Lecturer in Performing Arts

Lisa's headshot

When did you join Weston College? 

 I joined Weston College in 2002, working for the agency at that time.  After being involved with theatre for many years as both a performer and director, I originally came to Weston college to study performing arts as a mature student and then went on to complete a degree in Theatre and Performance with Music at Plymouth University. 

Why did you join Weston College? 

I was encouraged by the department head at that time to take my teaching qualification, which again I studied at the college and was lucky to be given hours to complete my placement leading to more hours and finally to a full-time contract.   

I was fortunate to be able to progress my career a few years later to become the FE Curriculum manager, taking my Level 5 management qualification.  In my time as manager, we developed a more diverse curriculum in line with industry and created more collaborative opportunities with local schools to improve applications.    

How do you spend your day? 

I am now a part time lecturer, working 4 days a week.  I teach a range of disciplines in Performing arts including acting, musical theatre, physical theatre and voice as well as producing original drama and directing performances.  I work with an outstanding group of creatives who enjoy working collaboratively on a range of different types of performance.  We are extremely fortunate that we are given autonomy over the curriculum delivery allowing for us to give students the best experiences to make informed career choices.   

What’s the best thing about working at Weston College? 

Equality, diversity and inclusivity is recognised across the college allowing both staff and students to feel safe and supported 

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