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Persimmon Homes Donate Bricks To Our Construction CEH Learners

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Recently, Persimmon Homes kindly donated our Construction Career Excellence Hub (CEH) students over 6 pallets of bricks to provide them with more opportunities and growth, improving their overall skills and confidence and supporting the next generation of Bricklaying learners.

Persimmon Homes is a UK housebuilding company, dedicated to making houses more affordable than the average new build homes. They also support local communities and charities such as The Independent and Refuge in order to make a difference and improve the lives of others.

In honour of this kind donation, three members of the Persimmon Homes team joined us at the South West Skills Campus, along with Dan Aldridge, the Labour MP for Weston-Super-Mare, and three other Councillors. They got the chance to meet our Bricklaying students, chat with them, and see how their brick donation was being used within the course.

Persimmon members, Dan Aldridge, and Councillors talking to our Weston College staff


Our Bricklaying students were able to practice with the brand-new bricks, making their work look more professional and giving them a better understanding of how a real-life project would end up.

One student, Izzy, said, “I thought it was great to have new bricks in from Persimmon Homes and I’m sure everyone in bricklaying will appreciate it.”

Dan Aldridge talking to one of our students, Izzy, about her plans for the future


Another student, Ewan, said, “when I started using the new bricks, they were so easy to lay and look so nice after you’re finished with them, giving me more opportunities to build bigger and better things.

“I would love to thank everybody that took part in donating those bricks! It was a big help to all the bricklaying learners at Weston College.”

Bricklaying students using the new bricks donated by Persimmon Homes


Not only have Persimmon Homes improved the skills of our learners, but they have also supported their development by taking on five apprentices: three in Brickwork and two in Carpentry. They also have existing apprentices from previous years that they continue to support and give them the experience they’ll need to move on to their desired career.

The opportunities that Persimmon Homes has provided Weston College will allow us to continue to deliver high-quality teaching as well as producing well-rounded learners who have the confidence, experience and skills to excel, not only in the classroom, but also in their future roles.

Weston College would like to say a massive thank you to Persimmon Homes for their generous donation, and to Dan Aldridge and the other Councillors in attendance for showing your support and taking the time to visit our learners.

If you are interested in applying for one of our Construction courses in September, click here.

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