

Head of Class Based Learning – Sport and Fitness

Catrin's headshot

When did you join Weston College? 

"I joined Weston College again in 2020, having previously completed my teacher training here before going back into industry to work for the Public Health Team at North Somerset Council.” 

Why did you join Weston College? 

"I was looking for an opportunity to develop my career in this direction when a perfect job came up at Weston College. This involved working with apprentices as they started their coaching and sport development careers.  

How do you spend your day? 

"My days are varied! They can include teaching our learners, supporting the development of staff, meeting with local employers – no two days are the same.” 

How has the College supported your career development? 

“Working at the college has enabled me to progress into a middle manager role at the College which has given me the opportunity to develop my leadership and management skills. Alongside this, I have been mentored by an experienced senior leader at the College and I have also completed a course specifically designed for middle leaders within further education." 

What have you been involved in while working at Weston College? 

“At Weston College, I’ve been fortunate to plan and deliver a national apprenticeship programme in partnership with the FA and AOC. This project also gave me the opportunity to develop my practice within the College’s Virtual Classroom, a really unique opportunity for practitioners within our sector’. 

 What’s the best thing about working at Weston College? 

“I love the ambitious, forward-thinking environment at the College – it feels like all members of staff want to provide the best possible education for our learners; inspiring and preparing them for successful futures beyond their college years.’ 

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