Meet the team
Performing and Production Arts

Lisa has extensive experience of acting on the stage in pantomimes, musicals, and plays. Her lead roles include Fanny Brice in Funny Girl (Blakehay Theatre), Babe Williams in Pyjama Game and Maggie Jones in 42nd Street (both at the Playhouse Theatre). She has also appeared in Sky TV’s The Cafe and has directed plays including Made in Dagenham and Me and My Girl.
Alongside her own performances Lisa has run a children’s theatre company for 28 years, offering professional tuition in dancing, acting, and singing. Her qualifications include a BTEC in Performing Arts and a BA (Hons) in Theatre & Performance with Music.
Lisa loves her job and working as a part of the creative team, fostering a positive ethos across the departments. She is passionate about passing on her knowledge to her students and seeing them develop the skills and confidence to progress in their chosen pathways.
She would tell any student:
‘Come with a positive attitude to learning, be open to new ideas and look at the wider opportunities in the industry to make yourself as employable as possible.’