

GCSE Results Summer 2020

Weston College has an outstanding set of English and Maths GCSE results again this year.

Students are celebrating today (Thursday 20 August) - young people who strived to get the grades they just missed out on before, and adult learners who returned to education with support from families, friends and employers, were able to access their results online this morning to reveal the crucial grades that will determine their next steps.

Some of the tremendous successes recorded at the College include:

Katie Sharkey

Seven college students across the UK have been selected to attend the annual FA Leadership Academy (FALA).

We are extremely proud and excited to share that two of these young people are Weston Sport learners.

Katie Sharkey and Ethan Reed, studying Level 3 BTEC in Sports Coaching and Performance and Foundation Degree in Sports Studies at University Centre Weston respectively.

Katie Sharkey

Supported by the College, they were chosen by the FA after a rigorous application process where they displayed their current involvement in the local sport community.

Katie’s experience involves planning and delivering all SFA youth tournaments at Weston College’s new Health and Active Living Skills Centre, plus delivering sessions at local primary schools. Outside of college Katie has set up a Wildcats programme from scratch, helps at her local u15s female football team and referees in both local and college fixtures.

Ethan has engaged in multiple volunteering opportunities, including delivering primary and secondary school football sessions across a wide range of settings. He also works at his local football club and delivers sessions in the community to children from deprived areas.

Jack Gadd, Weston Sport Academy and Enrichment Manager commented: “This is an extremely exciting opportunity for Ethan and Katie as they both have high ambitions to work in coaching in the future. They are passionate and driven students and I am pleased to see them get rewarded with this opportunity.”

Taking place virtually this year, the FALA is a nationally recognised event which provides an opportunity for young people to develop themselves and build the collective capability of youth leaders and of the network of Youth Councils and Forums.

Delivered over three days, the event will be packed with exciting opportunities to connect with and hear from special guests, take part in mind and body physical activity sessions and other engaging challenges run by the FA National Youth Council.

In addition, this is followed by a 12-month learning and development plan where youth leaders implement a community project, delivering events in our local area aimed around increasing participation and engagement within football.

Weston College Principal and Chief Executive, Dr Paul Phillips CBE, added: “Ethan and Katie are helping to put Weston-super-Mare on the map with this fantastic national achievement.

“I’d like to thank them for their dedication and commitment, and I look forward to hearing more about their ongoing successes within the local sporting community and the industry moving forward as potential leaders in the sporting sector”.

"Congratulations Ethan and Katie!”

Click here to read more about the FALA on the AoC Website

Click here to discover more about our courses in Sport

T Level Q&A, T Level, Digital T Level

In September 2020, Weston College will be one of only fifteen education providers delivering T Levels and will launch with the new Digital T Level.

The new qualification is highly anticipated, with one of the benefits being learners will spend a minimum of 45 days with a relevant employer carrying out their Industry Placement to really hone what they learn in the classroom.

Employers are recognising the potential that this new qualification can bring to their company; by building a pool of new talent, gaining support from an additional pair of hands, who can bring fresh ideas and provide them with the opportunity to mould a learner into a future employee.

Leading digital companies, Wiltshire based Zircon Software, and Somerset based Eloquent Technologies and Cardstream, have pledged their support to Weston College and the new qualification, by committing to take on Digital T Level learners for their Industry Placements for 2020.

David Owen, Managing Director at Zircon Software, said: “Industry placements are an excellent way for a business to identify future tech talent by offering a structured work placement programme.

“Key to the success of our business is building a talented workforce and we are delighted to work in partnership with Weston College to offer industry placements to students studying digital technology courses.”

These thoughts were echoed by David Ford, Managing Director of Eloquent Technologies, who said: “We had great success last year through offering industry placements to Weston College learners and we are excited to be extending the partnership into next year.

“Our placement student’s work was of such a high standard, that when he told us he was intending on taking a gap year, we hired him on a fixed term contract as he had become a critical member of our team.”

Adam Sharpe, CEO of Cardstream, added: “Industry Placements offer the opportunity to meet keen and eager potential employees, that can be developed into future leaders of your business.

“We are delighted to support Weston College, through their Digital T Level programme, from experience we know that the College develops learners of a high standard, that can support our business and who we can help further develop their talents.”

T Levels are delivered over a two-year period and provide an alternative to A Levels for 16 to 19-year-olds who would rather study work-related courses than traditional academic subjects. They provide a mix of industry-specific technical knowledge and practical skills and an industry placement of at least 45 days.

Dr Paul Phillips CBE, Principal and Chief Executive of Weston College Group, said: “We are excited to launch the Digital T Level in September, and to have endorsements from Eloquent Technologies, Cardstream and Zircon Software shows how important these qualifications are going to be for the business community.

“We have had success stories throughout the industry placement programme, and we are looking forward to this extending this into T Levels, and developing career pathways for our learners, in partnership with leading tech sector employers.”

You can find out more about the Digital T Level, by clicking below.



This year’s ceremony for the UK Business Awards was held virtually for the first time, but this didn’t stop Dr Paul Phillips CBE, Principal and Chief Executive at Weston College winning GOLD and being crowned ‘Leader for the Future’ for his exemplary leadership shown during COVID19 in creating #MyVirtualCollege.

His innovative strategy ensured that all the College’s provision was moved across within seven days prior to lockdown, for day one readiness, so that no one got left behind in relation to receiving an outstanding education. The speed of his response and high engagement levels by students, staff and businesses during the pandemic, was applauded by judges as a model of excellence for the UK, with 4,043 virtual teaching/support sessions delivered in the first week.

In winning GOLD, his leadership to keep education moving during lockdown, was recognised as ‘exceptional’ by the panel of judges, comprising the very best in leading business experts for the UK.

Dr Phillips was also recognised for providing impressive virtual support for the College’s 1,200 employers creating #WednesdayWorkingLunch - with topics e.g. ‘Crisis Leadership’, ‘Rebuilding for the New Normal’, and providing successful roadmaps for economic recovery/networking. Judges were also highly impressed with his voluntary COVID19 community support, e.g. PPE assistance, supporting Foodbank Friday and the vital training carried out in the early lockdown period e.g. by responding at pace to the government’s call for ex-healthcare staff/volunteers to receive essential training to assist on the front line. In this area alone, the College upskilled 176 ex staff returners/volunteers with the necessary skills, to enable extra staff to be fast tracked to provide much needed respite for exhausted NHS and social care staff.

The College under his leadership was also recognised by winning GOLD in the Wellbeing at Work Category for his equally impressive approach to tackle mental health and wellbeing through his ‘Body and Mind strategy. Prior to lockdown, mental health and wellbeing support was accelerated using highly trained staff and impressive digital capability as a Microsoft Showcase College to live stream group yoga, mindfulness, healthy exercise routines and counselling. Dr Phillips impressive investment and innovative methodology to reduce self- isolation and promote positive mental health during lockdown, for the College’s staff, students and community, was unanimously cited by judges as ‘inspirational’ and showcased as an approach that all businesses in the UK could learn from for best practice to aid recovery.

World Skills health and social care students

Before lockdown, three of our health and social care students were selected to compete and have the change to represent their college and country in the prestigious World skills competition.

World skills is a worldwide competition where talented students across the country compete to represent the UK in the workdskills final. In order to get there, they must first qualify in the regional heats, of which only 10 from each heat progress to the final.

Firstly, in order to represent the college in the regional heats, thirty five Health and Social Care students participated in a clinical skills/interview competition. This allowed them to showcase their clinical skills and knowledge within a fully simulated environment in our Health and Active Living Skills Centre.

The three students chosen to represent Weston College are Jordan Hurst, Emily Field and Finley Nock.

Before the national lockdown, the students were working together in the SIM room; practising clinical skills and perfecting their skills in bed making, communication and leadership skills.

For a while it was feared the competition, hosted in in Paignton, was not happening. However, we have been informed that it is now going held as a virtual competition.

Whilst we wait to hear more about the competition moving forward, the talented trio are continuing to work hard with subject area manager Sarah-Jane Lewis to upskill even further. Sarah-Jane added: “Despite operating from home, we’re still working together to prepare. In the competition they’ll be tested on their Health knowledge, clinical skills application on live patients and emergency scenario coping strategies.

“At the moment they are practicing their industry medical terminology and other industry aptitudes.

“We couldn’t be prouder of these strong and capable young professionals.”

GOOD LUCK to our amazing students

Click here to learn more about World Skills

Click here to learn more about our Health and Social Care courses

The Butler Trust award ceremony went virtual last week and we are pleased to announce Nikki Dennington won a well-deserved award.

Nikki is a tutor and assessor at HMP Standford Hill, a category D open prison for adult males. She receives this award for her outstanding contribution to using the arts, often with prisoners experiencing additional difficulties.

Dr Paul Phillips CBE, Principal and Chief Executive of the Weston College Group, said: “Sometimes we come across an individual whose unique and entrepreneurial skills sets them apart. Nikki epitomises this and more. My admiration and congratulations to Nikki on a massive accolade.”

Ruth Eagles, a colleague from HMP Standford Hill, said: “Her attention to detail and skill of being able to connect and encourage the very best of each learner has never gone unnoticed. Her own artwork has never been far from her, but teaching it to others has been one of her greatest passions.  The prisons annual arts competition is something that we enter every year, like many prisons, and we were particularly excited by the number of awards that the learners achieved with Nikki’s guidance. Her positive influence has been life changing to learners both in their own artwork and/or their mental well being.“

Andrea Greer, Deputy Principal of the Weston College Group, said: "It was impressive that the Butler Trust endeavoured to find a way to hold the virtual ceremony during such challenging times, and a fitting tribute to dedicated professionals such as Nikki who engage learners with creativity and enthusiasm every day."

See Nikki’s nominations below.

Nikki’s initial nominator, Butler Trust Local Champion and HMP Standford Hill’s Activities Custodial Manager, Sean Wood, praises Nikki’s “outstanding contribution to championing the arts within prison and creating a rehabilitative culture and inclusive ethos through community awards.”

He adds that Nikki “has been an ambassador for the education department at HMP Standford Hill and is one of the best prison tutors I have ever known. She motivates and challenges our residents to explore different areas of the arts. Nikki teaches, supports and inspires them to achieve some of the most amazing pieces of work that would make anyone proud.”

Nikki’s promotion of social inclusion and a safer prisons environment includes, says Sean, “working with and supporting… many of our vulnerable men such as the disabled, elderly and embraces anyone that is fortunate to be in her class. Nikki has a great ability and compassion to be able to teach, support and understand residents that have Mental Health Issues or personality disorders. Nikki is always able to recruit new students and her efforts have helped our residents to suppress violence, or anger traits and express themselves through their art, providing a therapeutic environment.” Sean also shares something of the impact of Nikki’s work:

“I feel amazingly proud when I speak to Nikki’s students. They often tell me how their time in prison had affected their ability to maintain their art and creative ability but Nikki gave them back their passion for the arts, a sense of achievement and purpose. Our residents concur with my thoughts that she is an amazing women and tutor, they say that she has the ability to push them, not only to do their best but to exceed their own expectations.”

The results are little short of astonishing, Sean reports: “Nikki and her students had exceptional year in 2018 at the Koestler Awards, winning 43 awards with a prize fund of over £1000 for the learners. They secured 2 Platinum Awards, 2 Gold, 1 Silver, 11 Bronze, 10 Highly Commended, 13 Commended and 4 First Time Entry Awards. 21 pieces were selected for the Turner Contemporary Exhibition in Margate in 2019, entitled ‘We Made This'.”

Nikki has also arranged for her students to visit the ‘Koestler Arts UK Exhibition’ at the Southbank Centre as well as the ‘Turner Contemporary’ in Margate, Kent, adds Sean, and “enabling our residents to be able to see their achievements has made them very proud.”

Sean describes as “one of the most touching things I have observed” a project Nikki arranged with her class to celebrate 100 years of Remembrance:

“The class created life size, silhouetted soldiers with poppies around the base. The silhouetted soldiers were placed in strategic places in the fields around the prison. The impact was amazing and the project brought home the sacrifice that was made in the great war. I know that this touched everyone’s hearts.”

Sean concludes by saying “Nikki Dennington is an amazing woman with the most amazing teaching ability, she is selfless and inspirational to all who have the pleasure to meet her.”

Two testimonials from prisoners reinforce Sean’s words. James* writes:

“I would like to add my voice to those nominating Art teacher Nikki Dennington for a Butler Trust Award. For years I have been doing Cross stitch and Needlepoint kits on my own. After meeting Nikki last December, she encouraged me to join the Art Class where she helped me to explore different forms and mediums for needlework. Her Skills as an educator in art are wide ranging and varied, from drawing and painting to textile work and pottery. I didn’t believe that my needlework would fit into a standard art class format but Nikki’s knowledge has led to my submission of four different pieces into this year’s Koestler Awards and she has inspired me to try different art techniques. Nikki is selfless and encouraging but also motivating when needed. She deserves to be recognised for her ability to get the best out of her students. Thank you.”

David* added that “During my time at HMP Standford Hill, Nikki Dennington has really helped me to improve my art skills, resulting in 5 prizes from 5 entries in the Koestler awards last year. One silver award which sold for £230, 3 highly commended, and one which was exhibited in the Margate Turner Gallery. Not only is she a very talented artist, she is also a very skilled teacher and mentor in all creative areas. She is devoted in helping students to move forward and explore new ideas. The resulting success rate in the annual Koestler awards from HMP Standford Hill proves unquestionably that her teaching here has created in my opinion the finest art facility in the prison service today. Not only does she shine during the art classes, her preparedness to spend her own time taking students to galleries and exhibitions goes beyond her remit. This has resulted in support and admiration from all of her students and fellow staff.”

The Director for Outreach at Koestler Arts, Sarah Matheve, added her own testimonial, writing:

“In my job I work alongside many Prison Art Tutors and I can categorically say that Nikki is one of the best. She champions the men she works with; she encourages them, challenges them, motivates them and pushes them to do and be the best they can…her ability for ‘making’ her students ‘do it’ is one of her finest attributes as a teacher.

“She doesn’t want her students to stay stuck in their comfort zones. She uses their creativity to find out what makes them tick and then she challenges them to be better and do better. She works with a lot of prisoners who have been inside for a long time and can be stuck in the own ways of thinking and doing things and Nikki has an incredible knack of opening up these often-closed mindsets to new ways of thinking and to understanding and accepting other opinions and views.”

Sarah concludes by noting that “her work in the art room has a legacy. Koestler’s mentoring scheme has worked, post-release, with ex-prisoners who were lucky enough to experience being a student in one of Nikki’s art classes and even many years on these men talk fondly of how she helped them find their talents and how they were inspired to explore their creativity and to seize new opportunities. Whilst Nikki works in the prison system, I know that there will continue to be even more people inspired and challenged by her and I, for one, am incredibly grateful for that.”

Jo Tapp, Koestler’s Arts Manager, says that “Nikki Dennington at Standford Hill is a name that stands out for me” and adds that “the care that she puts into supporting and encouraging artists to realise their talents is palpable.”

Standford Hill’s Governor, Dawn Mauldon, calls Nikki “a very dedicated and conscientious teacher” and notes that “over the years I have seen men who have been unable to draw or paint become winners of Koestler awards which has completely changed their motivation to succeed.”

Nikki herself makes an interesting point about the tactile value of artworks:

“I am very passionate about trying to make a difference and try to build up a community feeling within the class where everyone feels safe and comfortable to share thoughts, ideas and not afraid to have a go. My passion, I believe, has come from my own experiences and knowing how important it is for those serving a sentence to keep close ties with families, especially if there are children involved. Children often do not understand and cannot express their feelings verbally, therefore if they receive something which is tactile and visual it can be the thing that helps them to cope with their emotions and the sense of loss. This has been very successful and it is extremely important that anyone can join.”

She goes on to say, “one of my greatest joys is seeing someone’s self-esteem and confidence grow when they overcome personal barriers which can be a learning difficulty, disability or their own perception of their ability and potential.” Nikki recalls one of her learners who suffered with Parkinson’s:

“It was obvious that on some days it was very difficult for him to be able to control his hand movements. However, I worked with him to set a challenge to extend his skills and realise one of his ambitions to produce a self-portrait in oil. He accomplished this and the joy on his face when he got such positive comments from everyone was something you cannot buy – it is priceless and I can honestly say it is very emotional when you see such a change in how someone sees themselves.”

She also recognises the importance of recognition: “Sometimes it can be the first time they had been recognised and this is very powerful, as it has such an impact on their emotional well-being.”

* Names have been anonymised


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AHT hair and beauty competition
students receiving awards at a hair and beauty therapy competition, discover our hair and beauty courses here

On Saturday 14th, learners went to the Winter Gardens in Blackpool, to take part in the Association of Hairdressers & Therapists (AHT) finals and came back with 1st and 2nd places.

The AHT competition is open to any 16-19-year-old studying hair or beauty. 

Zoe, Level 2 Beauty Therapy, competed in the facials & make-up competition, where she had 75 minutes to perform a skin analysis, facial cleanse, make-up removal, exfoliation, mask (which must be visible), application of moisturiser product to prepare the skin before the application of a day make-up service.

In the afternoon Zoe went on to compete in the back-massage competition where she had 45 minutes to perform a pre-cleanse, exfoliation and massage of the back, concentrating on areas based upon the client’s needs, using a full range of movements.

“The work and dedication put into training has really paid off and I feel so proud to be 1st place in both competitions, it has also given me more confidence to continue with competitions in future”, said Zoe.

Meanwhile Amelia, Level 2 Hairdressing, had 60 minutes to create a lady’s high fashion long hair down look, where all the hair must be down, the hair was straight to start and she was able to use any ornamentation, stylings tools and products. 

Amelia then went on to compete in the red carpet up style competition where she had 45 minutes to create her chosen style; all the hair had to be up, ornamentation must be used, no additional hair was allowed, and any styling tools and product could be used.

“I am so grateful for the opportunity I have been given. I am looking forward to expanding my skills even further. Going to the finals will be an incredible experience in which I hope to excel in”, Amelia.

We are pleased to announce that Zoe, came home with two 1st place awards and Amelia, a 2nd and 3rd place. 

Jenna, FE Curriculum Co-ordinator for Hair and Beauty, said: “I'm so proud of each of our learners who took part in the AHT competition. They put in outstanding performances and should be pleased to have gained 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. We pride ourselves with offering all learners the opportunity to take part in competitions. These competitions are a brilliant way to springboard their skills, improving their future employability.”

Find out more:

Microsoft Digital Learners at Weston College


As a Microsoft Showcase College, we want to make it as easy as possible for you to complete your classes and projects in an online setting.

Microsoft Teams and Office 365 are used globally to work together, learn together and stay connected. Working from anywhere on shared goals, projects and problems are important skills for the future workplace.

Accessing Teams is just as easy at home, as it is in college, and there are lots of great features to make learning from home easy.

If you aren’t sure how to access your college account, watch the video below.

WorldSkills, Gold, Joel

Hi, my name is Joel Keen and I am a 3rd year engineering apprentice, focussing in Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining.

Last year I entered the WorldSkills UK CNC Milling competition, which involves being given a drawing and a block of metal. The drawing is turned into a machine program which controls the machine to make an actual part out of metal. The part is then measured and judged by the experts to determine the winner.

It has been a great journey so far. I first heard about the competition from some of my apprentice friends, who thought that this would be the kind of thing I would enjoy – and they were definitely right!

I entered in March 2019, and was then sent drawings for the passive heat which ensures you are at the right level before the final. I made my initial entry using the machines at Weston College and sent it away for judging. After a few months I received the message to say that I made the top eight in the country. I was invited to Coleg Cambria for finalist training, which was a really beneficial experience and prepared me for the WorldSkills Live Show at the NEC in Birmingham.

Being able to compete and hone my skills has been a really valuable experience for me. Not only have I developed my CNC skills, I have advanced my team working skills, ability to work under pressure, and also time management. In order to be at a level to compete in the finals this was crucial, and throughout last year I completed extra practice on the machines at Weston College, in order to give me the best chance of winning my heat.

I was absolutely thrilled to win Gold in the National Final, and I am now part of the UK Squad, which might see me compete in EuroSkills Graz 2020 and WorldSkills Shanghai 2021!

WorldSkills really is an incredible experience, the training you receive is outstanding, and meeting likeminded people is also great fun.

I would definitely recommend WorldSkills to other learners because if you work hard you have a chance to compete on the national stage. The training and support from the College will allow you to reach your potential and be at a level to compete.

Marketing and Communications

The marketing department is responsible for promoting Weston College to the public, by promoting the Colleges courses, achievements and events.

Our aims are to attract learners to study within the Weston College Group, build and grow the College’s brand and highlight its reputation, and promote the College Group’s success, student progression and outstanding support for our learners.

The marketing department manages the College’s websites and official social media accounts, runs advertising campaigns, creates press releases, and manages many of the College Group’s events, such as Graduation, the Celebration of Success and the Business Awards.

We produce a wide range of publications including our full-time, Higher Education and part-time prospectuses, course leaflets and posters, and other documents such as the College’s annual report, magazines and newsletters, course brochures and the student handbook.

Weston College is committed to providing accurate and timely information for local, regional and national media, and the general public.

The marketing team is available between 8.30am and 5pm, Monday to Thursday and 8.30am to 4.30pm on Fridays. You can get in touch with us by emailing

All of our press releases are uploaded to the news section of our websites. News from the academies we sponsor, including the North Somerset Enterprise and Technology College, can be found on the news section of the Inspirational Futures Trust’s website. News pertaining to our Higher Education Provision can be found on

The marketing department produces most imagery and film in house, and keeps an extensive archive of the photographs it takes. If you would like a copy of an image featuring you or a member of your family, please contact us at

Our photos of graduation and many other events can be found on the College’s Facebook page. High quality images can be found on the College’s Flickr account.

Weston College is able to accommodate many requests to provide locations for film and photography. The College has a range of attractive, modern and adaptable facilities which can be viewed on our youtube channel.

We also are able to provide heritage facilities such as the Victorian Hans Price designed Conference Centre and, from September 2017, the 1927 Winter Gardens Pavilion.

For booking details, contact

For enquiries about sponsoring key events such as Celebration of Success, Business Breakfast, Business Awards and Graduation, please contact the marketing team by email at

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One Message, Different Voices

Take a look at this powerful film made by the staff of Weston College to show how important it is for everyone from different backgrounds to be included. The film shares heartfelt stories and interviews with a diverse group of staff, showing how accepting different identities and backgrounds can make a big difference. Its purpose is to encourage viewers to think about their own biases and work towards making our community more welcoming to all. We invite everyone, regardless of their background, to join us and be a part of our journey toward a more inclusive future.

Halo workplace logo

Our workplace champions the right of staff to embrace all Afro-hairstyles. We acknowledge that Afro-textured hair is an important part of our Black employees’ racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious identities, and requires specific styling for hair health and maintenance. We celebrate Afro-textured hair worn in all styles including, but not limited to, afros, locs, twists, braids, cornrows, fades, hair straightened through the application of heat or chemicals, weaves, wigs, headscarves, and wraps. In this workplace, we recognise and celebrate our colleagues’ identities. We are a community built on an ethos of equality and respect where hair texture and style have no bearing on an employee's ability to succeed.