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Revenue generated by the UK’s live music is growing. It’s estimated to contribute £4bn a year to the economy with jobs increasing 19% each year. Music is an exciting and varied subject that lets you explore your passion and creativity. There are more jobs available in the music industry than you might think, and a qualification in music could lead to a variety of well-paid careers including music performance, music production and teaching.

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Music Performance and Production, UAL Diploma

1 Year
Sep 2024
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This exciting course has been developed to provide you with an understanding of music performance and production as a collaborative process. You will learn about the music industry, performing and recording, using professional music software, composition, studio skills and music production. You will have access to professional-grade digital an...

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Level 3

Music Performance and Production, UAL Diploma / Extended Diploma

2 Years
Sep 2024
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This exciting course has been developed to provide you with in-depth knowledge of the topics required for a successful career in the music industry. You will learn about the music industry, performing and recording, using professional music software, composition, critique, and music production. You will develop practical skills through hands-o...

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Kezia singing


Level 3 Extended Diploma in Music Performance and Production

"I loved my time here and have really developed my performance as well as music and technical knowledge to help my future career."

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<p>Former Weston College&nbsp;<a href="… Performance and Production</a> Learner, Michael "Mike-e", has gained an outstanding achievement in securing a place on the highly reputable MA Electronic Music Production at <a href="; rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">dB’s Institute of Sound and Digital Technologies</a>, partnered with Falmouth University.&nbsp;</p>

<p paraeid="{26724e04-f770-4aaa-a42a-d3d73ae01c25}{187}" paraid="731008097">Mike-e has been a part of the Weston College Group family since joining onto a Level 1 Music course in 2015.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>

<p paraeid="{26724e04-f770-4aaa-a42a-d3d73ae01c25}{193}" paraid="436535305">Since then, he has gone from strength to strength - excelling into Level 2 and 3, then into the UCW <a href="… Music Performance and Production</a> Degree and finally earning a spot to study his MA with Bristol-based dB’s Institute of Sound and Digital Technologies, commencing in September.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>

<p paraeid="{26724e04-f770-4aaa-a42a-d3d73ae01c25}{205}" paraid="2066388487">Mike-e's journey and success is a truly commendable achievement and a powerful demonstration of hard work, passion, and dedication.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>

<p paraeid="{26724e04-f770-4aaa-a42a-d3d73ae01c25}{217}" paraid="639609955">Upon hearing news of his offer to study at dB’s Institute of Sound and Digital Technologies, Mike-e tell us he was ecstatic; “I have a habit of telling myself I won’t be successful in these kinds of opportunities so to hear back so quickly was so uplifting”.&nbsp;</p>

<p paraeid="{26724e04-f770-4aaa-a42a-d3d73ae01c25}{229}" paraid="2141334176">Mike-e's future career prospects and goals after University include continuing to work as a sound designer and composer for films and video games while operating a sample library and software instrument business.&nbsp;</p>

<p paraeid="{26724e04-f770-4aaa-a42a-d3d73ae01c25}{243}" paraid="1295486222">When asked about his time studying Music at UCW he told us: “I would recommend the course to anyone who wants to better their performance skills and develop some business knowledge. The studios and equipment are amazing, and I’ve really enjoyed and appreciated the opportunity to use them”.&nbsp;</p>

Olly Murs stood with three females dressed as Miley Cyrus on stage

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{f3106dd7-35fb-4b51-bceb-b2b13599ecb4}{110}" paraid="488283141" xml:lang="EN-GB">Weston College music alumni Kezia Povey was recently a contestant on ITVs singing performance show “Starstruck”, hosted by Olly Murs.&nbsp;</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{3a8cd2a0-01aa-47a6-b435-7eb0a1fad73a}{171}" paraid="1714679730" xml:lang="EN-GB">In the vein of “Stars in their eyes”, <a href="…; sees members of the public transformed into famous music icons, performing their classic hits to impress a panel of star-studded judges and&nbsp;win a cash prize. &nbsp;</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{060c1007-a664-4264-85e4-5a02fb38e264}{25}" paraid="611545994" xml:lang="EN-GB">Since finishing her <a href="… 3 Extended Diploma in Music Performance and Production</a> at Weston College, Kezia has been writing and releasing music whilst&nbsp;singing&nbsp;at a local holiday park.&nbsp;</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{060c1007-a664-4264-85e4-5a02fb38e264}{25}" paraid="611545994" xml:lang="EN-GB">&nbsp;</p>

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<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{060c1007-a664-4264-85e4-5a02fb38e264}{25}" paraid="611545994" xml:lang="EN-GB">&nbsp;</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{67cd87af-45b0-4889-9de4-3abaad5bba6d}{234}" paraid="916373830" xml:lang="EN-GB">The 19-year-old singer added: <em>“I was approached on Instagram during lockdown last year as I post lots of singing vids on my social media. I then did a zoom audition which led to a producers audition in London. I wasn’t sure of the format or what the show was about - just that it was going to be an ITV prime time singing show! So I knew it would be a good opportunity.”&nbsp;</em></p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{50d6a188-7dd3-46ef-b0eb-e1820b58c3b4}{191}" paraid="296609118" xml:lang="EN-GB">After this lengthy audition process, Kezia’s sensational singing skills earned her a slot on the show where she became American pop super-star Miley Cyrus. Kezia shared the stage with two other Miley mimics, each embodying a different era of her career whilst sporting the singer’s signature raspy vocal style.&nbsp;</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{532d36f0-6e87-4a49-910f-6d67cc61679b}{173}" paraid="1876306281" xml:lang="EN-GB">Kezia continued: <em>“Miley has a very distinct voice - funnily enough I have done a couple of Miley covers before, including one for a college project and have been told I have a similar sound to her. I have been told I look like her too!"&nbsp;</em></p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{532d36f0-6e87-4a49-910f-6d67cc61679b}{173}" paraid="1876306281" xml:lang="EN-GB">&nbsp;</p>

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<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{532d36f0-6e87-4a49-910f-6d67cc61679b}{173}" paraid="1876306281" xml:lang="EN-GB">&nbsp;</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{15a1abf7-549b-457e-8a7c-3b3af6af8428}{250}" paraid="1296954630" xml:lang="EN-GB">The show featuring Kezia aired on ITV’s prime-time slot on Saturday March 26th. &nbsp;</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{1af1288d-c73e-4bdd-b553-d15dc461f2e8}{238}" paraid="218419795" xml:lang="EN-GB">Although the talented trio just missed out on the final spot, the Cyrus singers were highly commended for their performance of "Midnight Sky" by judges Sheridan Smith, Adam Lambert, Beverley Knight and Jason Manford for their extreme talents in bringing the pop-star to life.</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{1af1288d-c73e-4bdd-b553-d15dc461f2e8}{238}" paraid="218419795" xml:lang="EN-GB">&nbsp;</p>

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<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{fe80d8d6-9d8f-4c17-8dc2-e1b856374d2c}{185}" paraid="605753745" xml:lang="EN-GB">Somewhat unsurprisingly, this is not Kezia’s first time singing on TV as she also appeared in ITV’s X Factor in 2018 when she was just 15, making it through the auditions with 4 “yes’” from the judges.&nbsp;</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{6d0f35d2-ed9d-44b0-9bdb-1678e8157ff1}{122}" paraid="2113095842" xml:lang="EN-GB">Speaking about her return to national television, Kezia said: &nbsp;</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{853ae852-9a99-4e56-b21b-f101b2e255ae}{86}" paraid="1231022117" xml:lang="EN-GB"><em>"The whole experience was great. I’ve loved my TV&nbsp;appearances, it’s a very surreal experience, especially meeting the judges. &nbsp;</em></p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{4a14c427-6bd8-42bf-a840-74a12333af3c}{234}" paraid="1231117804" xml:lang="EN-GB"><em>"Talking to Olly Murs was also amazing, he’s so nice and really puts everyone at ease. Knowing he’s been through being judged on a tv show too is really reassuring.&nbsp;&nbsp;</em></p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{4a14c427-6bd8-42bf-a840-74a12333af3c}{234}" paraid="1231117804" xml:lang="EN-GB">&nbsp;</p>

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<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{4a14c427-6bd8-42bf-a840-74a12333af3c}{250}" paraid="66223417" xml:lang="EN-GB">&nbsp;</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{4a14c427-6bd8-42bf-a840-74a12333af3c}{250}" paraid="66223417" xml:lang="EN-GB"><em>"This show was all about having fun, transforming in to your idols and just an all round feel good Saturday night family show. I learnt a lot from the vocal coaches and of course the choreographers about working the stage and making the most of the performance."&nbsp; &nbsp;</em></p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{947e62fc-4caa-4acf-aa66-8f89922aba7e}{81}" paraid="1433002401" xml:lang="EN-GB">Starstruck has now concluded and had a staggering 4.7 million viewers, warranting its renewal for a second season. <a href="">… can watch her full performance on the show here</a>.&nbsp;</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{e45e08a1-713f-496c-a164-07a7ff4d7165}{236}" paraid="2017495819" xml:lang="EN-GB">Previously studying at Priory School, Kezia joined the Weston College Music department and quickly impressed peers and staff with her epic vocal abilities as she studied the <a href="… 3 Extended Diploma in Music Performance and Production</a>. &nbsp;</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{d80da0cb-3056-445f-ad53-85cd24d302ca}{80}" paraid="1577608085" xml:lang="EN-GB">She added: <em>“My experiences at Weston college helped me learn the kind of direction I wanted to take with music. It gave me great experiences working with other musicians and using the great facilities that are within the music department at Loxton Campus.&nbsp;</em></p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{cce1a62e-2543-41a2-8b9f-434e4bcf94c7}{151}" paraid="1647720792" xml:lang="EN-GB"><em>I loved my time at Weston college, performing with the other musicians on the course was my favourite part and doing gigs with a live band is still my favourite type of performance."</em></p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{cce1a62e-2543-41a2-8b9f-434e4bcf94c7}{167}" paraid="1771369074" xml:lang="EN-GB">A well-deserved recognition for such a talented young person with a bright future ahead! We’d like to with Kezia the best of luck as she continues writing, releasing and recording music regularly in London.&nbsp;</p>

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{cce1a62e-2543-41a2-8b9f-434e4bcf94c7}{167}" paraid="1771369074" xml:lang="EN-GB">Click to:</p>

<li lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{cce1a62e-2543-41a2-8b9f-434e4bcf94c7}{167}" paraid="1771369074" xml:lang="EN-GB"><a href="… Kezia's latest single "So Lovely"</a></li>
<li lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{cce1a62e-2543-41a2-8b9f-434e4bcf94c7}{167}" paraid="1771369074" xml:lang="EN-GB"><a href="… our range of music courses</a></li>
<li lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{cce1a62e-2543-41a2-8b9f-434e4bcf94c7}{167}" paraid="1771369074" xml:lang="EN-GB"><a href="… about the Music degree course taught in Weston-super-Mare</a></li>

Michael Eavis

<p>The legendary <a href="">Glastonbury Festival</a> creator Michael Eavis recently visited Weston College where he was honoured with having the <a href="… Department</a>’s performance suite named after him.</p>

<p>Michael started the famous festival in 1970 from his dairy farm in Pilton, Somerset. With a history of huge headliners including David Bowie, Beyonce and Stormzy, the festival now has over 200,000 attendees each year making it one of the biggest festivals in the world.&nbsp;</p>

<p>After visiting the popular <a href="… Arts Summer Show in July 2021</a>, Michael was inspired to see the incredible pool of talent in the artwork and performances on display at the College’s art festival.&nbsp;</p>

<p>To honour Michael and his outstanding contributions to the live music industry, it was decided by Principal and Chief Executive of the Weston College Group, Dr Paul Phillips CBE, to name the College’s main music performance space “The Michael Eavis Performance Suite”.&nbsp;<br />
This learning facility is at the heart of the Music Department. Here the students host countless live gigs with a full digital mixing desk and professional lighting rig to emulate an industry standard music venue.&nbsp;</p>

<p>On arrival to Loxton Campus, to unveil the brass plaque for the facility’s new name, Michael Eavis first went on a tour around the campus. Here he admired the fantastic Fashion and amazing Art and Design work that decorates the campus’s vibrant corridors. Visiting various classes along the way, Michael stepped into the Media Department’s TV studio where he became a contestant on a mock live broadcast of Deal or No Deal, hosted by the students.&nbsp;</p>

<p>The Glastonbury creator then had a look around the College’s <a href="… music facilities</a>. Michael sat in on several student performances taking place in the multiple practice spaces and even sat in on a recording session in the College’s professional digital recording studio.&nbsp;</p>

<p>The College’s Music department sits within the newly formed <a href=""&gt;“Career Excellence Hubs”</a>. These hubs are endorsed by employers and enable students to access outstanding career-boosting opportunities such as performing for Michael Eavis and having guest talks from festival stage managers thanks to industry connections.&nbsp;</p>

<p>Michael Eavis added: “The sky’s the limit for music performers, it really is. It’s been fantastic here today, I’ve really enjoyed it. Lots of music, incredible fashion and lovely artwork too.”&nbsp;</p>

<p>After this, Michael visited the newly named suite where lunch was served to a delightful display of music from the Level 3 learners. After a fantastic festive performance from music student Daisy Dennett and her band, the he was presented with a blue glass vase from the Principal to thank Michael for all that he has done and continues to do to raise the aspirations of musicians across the world.</p>

<p>Michael continued: “To have the Music Performance Suite named after me is a great honour for me and a great privilege. Thank-you very much”&nbsp;</p>

<p>Dr Paul Phillips CBE commented: “Michael is an exemplar to us all. To our Music students and staff in Music Performance and Production, he is their hero, and we are so glad to have Michael here today to thank him for all he has done for the live music sector.</p>

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By submitting this form you are consenting to Weston College recording and processing the personal information on this form, for any purposes of the college associated with the provision of advice and guidance to potential students on the range of courses available to them, college facilities and any other associated information. In accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, the information will only be used for the above mentioned purposes.

You will need to complete a full enrolment form prior to starting your course.

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