

Aerial view of airport

Sustainability is a key driver within both GKN Aerospace and the entire aerospace sector and we are looking at ways in which we can make major changes to everything that we do, in order meet our commitments to the environment and therefore operate more sustainably.

Several months ago I was contacted by Weston College and asked if I would support the Engineering and Construction Sustainability Learner and Employer Conference that they were planning, as part of their event schedule for Great Big Green Week.

I was intrigued by this initiative and with the importance of the subject matter, so duly committed my support accordingly on behalf of GKN Aerospace.

I arrived to a packed-out Winter Gardens, and it was great to see so many learners of different stages in their development in attendance, all listening and working keenly to have a positive impact. The event was well structured with keynote speakers, a panel Q&A with likeminded organisations, followed by what was the main event - the Bridge Build Challenge.

Having participated, I have to say what a brilliant event, having the next generation of Engineering and Construction engineers in one place, for the day, was extremely powerful, and the conversations that ensued were a privilege to be part of.

I would recommend any employers who are asked to attend this event next year, or a similar event at the college to do so.

Although on the face of it and with time pressures which we are all under a day out of the business might appear a considerable commitment. Productivity can be directly related to Impact, so viewing it in this light this event was hugely impactful on every level, therefore a massively productive use of my time.

Should the event take place next year and I am invited, then I will be back!

Paul Ashbee, GKN

Engineering learner working on project

Weston College is proud to be supporting Love our Colleges, part of Colleges Week which is running from today (Monday 17th October) to Friday 21st October.

Love Our Colleges gives us a chance to celebrate and shout about all the brilliant things that happen at Weston College, day in and day out to build our community, boost businesses, and support learners to create their brighter future. It also illustrates the need for investment in the Further Education sector.

Weston College is one of the fastest-growing Further and Higher Education colleges in the UK, offering more than 800 full and part-time academic, work-related and leisure courses. We support over 30,000 learners annually, and work with over 2,000 employers to help them build their future workforce.

We’re currently the only Ofsted ‘outstanding’ college in the region, and were named ‘College of the Year’ and ‘Overall Training Provider of the Year’ at the 2015 Times Educational Supplement Further Education Awards.

We have lots of content planned throughout the week, from employer blogs to learner success stories. Keep your eyes peeled across our channels, to see why we love our college!

Sir Paul Phillips and the Lord Lieutenant posing in front of Tree of Trees with students and guests of honour

Weston College is delighted to receive a special tree from The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) “Tree of Trees” which stood tall as a message of hope, regeneration and optimism to the nation and the world as part of the Platinum Jubilee weekend celebrations.

Weston College joins over 300 organisations from across the UK who were recently announced by the QGC as recipients of these special trees in The Queen’s name, which are gifted in a pot embossed with Her Majesty’s cypher.

In honour and loving memory of Her Majesty, the College held a ceremonial planting for the gifted tree at their South West Skills Campus, on Wednesday 12th October where it was presented by the Lord Lieutenant of Somerset, Mrs Annie Maw.

The tree becomes part of the living legacy in honour of Her Majesty, joining over a million trees already planted across the UK as part of The Queen’s Green Canopy.

Led by its Principal and Chief Executive Sir Paul Phillips CBE, the College has been a large supporter of the QGC encouraging its students, staff and employer partners to plant trees across the region and continuing to promote the importance of sustainability. The College also worked with the Lord Lieutenant, Mrs Annie Maw to support the third leg of a 70-mile trek, the ‘Jubilee Jaunt’ from Clevedon to Exmoor, which was split into seven, ten-mile sections to celebrate the region as part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, in partnership with Duke of Edinburgh leaders and students.

Sir Phillips commented: “We are thrilled to be chosen for our contribution to the North Somerset community, this tree, in The Queen’s name, will serve as inspiration for tree planting within our communities and encourage care for the trees which already exist as part of our nation’s stunning landscape. It is an absolute privilege to support the Queen’s Green Canopy, helping to create a legacy to honour Her Majesty’s extraordinary service to her country and to her people.”

Construction learner on construction site

As part of T Level Celebration week, we caught up with some learners in their second year of the Construction T Level course.

When asked about the process behind choosing a T Level, one learner told us “I’d heard a lot about T Levels while I was doing my A Levels and once I finished, I was fairly directionless as I knew I didn’t want to go to university. I thought I may as well give them a go and find out, and I’m so glad I did – the mix between the theory and practice works so well for me! Putting what you’ve learnt into context in the wider world is so rewarding, and something you don’t get on your average construction course.”

One of the key elements that learners study on the T Level course, is sustainability in construction; adapting to the new environmentally-friendly ideas and building techniques that are being introduced. However, they know that with time and practice, these new ideas will become second nature. The learners pointed out that one of the many benefits of completing a construction qualification, is that these new techniques are taught to the new generation of tradesmen and become the norm.

The learners emphasised how lucky each of them were with the placements they were able to secure: “All the people I work with are great, and have taught me so much about the day-to-day realities of working on site – things you wouldn’t necessarily learn in a classroom. I also think it’s so important to feel part of the team and valued for the work that you’re contributing.”

Having high quality construction learners is so important and furthermore, having learners with a focus on being environmentally friendly is ideal.

We can’t wait to see the successes our T Level learners have, we know they’re going to have very bright futures!

College Student on a bus

You may have seen news that a proposal was tabled to stop a small number of local bus services from October 2022 – the X2 Yatton to Bristol, the X5 Weston-super-Mare to Bristol serving Clevedon and Portishead and the 126 from Weston-super-Mare to Wells, serving Locking, Banwell, Sandford and Winscombe.

We are pleased to announce that First Bus and North Somerset Council have now agreed to re-introduce the last part of the X5 service so that it now travels all the way into Weston town centre, with the final stop being Marine Parade. The changes were going to see the service terminate at Worle Sainsbury’s from October (see below post on 18th August). At the same time, they have agreed to add in additional stops in Portishead to provide more accessible pick up points for our learners travelling from that town. Please see below a copy of the timetable of the X5 which begins on 10/10/2022.

Service No















Weston-s-Mare, Marine Parade














Weston, Regent Street














Worle, Sainsburys














Clevedon, Old Street














Weston-in-Gordano, White Hart














Portishead, White Lion















Service No














Portishead, White Lion












Portishead, The Precinct D












Portishead, The Precinct D












Avon Way












Weston-in-Gordano, White Hart












Clevedon, Triangle













Worle, Sainsburys













Weston-s-Mare, Marine Parade














Other updates include:

Unfortunately, the 126 service that runs to/from Weston-super-Mare is no longer running. We have over the last couple of months posted various updates on this and just want to reiterate that learners travelling from Cheddar and on the 126 route still have travel options available to them.

Students can easily purchase a Bakers Dolphin travel pass for £90 that allows them great value for money travel to college on our bespoke service with Bakers. The Cheddar route supplies Axbridge, Banwell, Locking and all college campuses. Simply visit here to find out timetable information and how to purchase the Bakers Dolphin travel pass.

We will continue to negotiate with First Bus and North Somerset Council about the 126 being reinstated to/from WsM and will provide updates via our socials and MyWeston app.

A reminder that all information on our bus services can be found here TRAVELLING TO COLLEGE | Weston College and both bus passes are now available for purchase:

  1. First Bus mTicket should be purchased via the online college shop

  2. Bakers Dolphin services via their passenger app or website

Unfortunately, there will no longer be a X2 and 126 service from October 9th 2022. Even though this will impact some learners, we do have our own bespoke Bakers Dolphin services that can provide direct routes to our campuses. Our Bakers Dolphin services run from:

  • Bridgwater
  • Blagdon (covering Sandford, Banwell in terms of the 126)
  • Cheddar
  • Clevedon (in case the new X5 does not meet needs)
  • Nailsea (that has been adjusted to cover the X2 route inc. Claverham and Yatton)
  • Portishead (in case the new X5 does not meet needs)

All information on our bus services can be found here and both bus passes are now available for purchase:

  • First Bus mTicket should be purchased via the online college shop
  • Bakers Dolphin services via their passenger app or website

We are committed to ensure that learners and staff are able to access our campuses in a convenient and sustainable manner and will continue to monitor the situation and respond accordingly. If you have any concerns please contact us at or 01934 411 411.

Further Education Mental Health Award logo - winners are Weston College

Weston College has been recognised for its outstanding mental health and wellbeing provision by becoming the first College in the UK to be awarded the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools ‘Further Education Mental Health Award’ – Gold Status.

The award was established in 2017 by the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools – part of Leeds Beckett University – and social enterprise Minds Ahead. The Award aims to strengthen students’ mental health by supporting schools and colleges to make a positive change at all levels of the UK's education system, improving students’ outcomes and life chances.

The Department for Education recognises a direct link between positive mental health and successful outcomes; the Further Education Mental Health Award builds on this link and provides a framework for educational institutions to evidence policies and initiatives that work towards improving emotional health and wellbeing for both staff and students.

The award ensures the institutions are using evidence-based approaches that align to professional and government guidelines. Utilising a developmental framework, which allows schools, colleges and sixth forms to evaluate current mental health practices, identify gaps, develop and strengthen these and work towards building an emotionally healthier environment. Through this process, the institution commits to making mental health a strategic priority and developing a positive culture that promotes mental well-being for everyone.

Weston College is led by Principal and Chief Executive Sir Paul Phillips CBE, who has been committed to creating an ethos which puts mental health, wellbeing and welfare at the forefront of college investment to help achieve the College’s mission of creating brighter futures for all its staff and students regardless of their starting point in life.

The Award assessor commented that Weston College presented a detailed profile of evidence that demonstrated they are excelling across all eight competencies of the Further Education Mental Health Award. The College has used the framework to further develop their excellence in the national arena.

Weston College has been a beacon of best practice for a number of years in mental health and wellbeing and is one of three SEND Centres for Excellence around the theme of “people and work”. In this capacity the College has worked with more than 100 colleges in the UK and also trained regional specialists for the Association of Colleges sharing best practice on topics such as authentic inclusion, psychological safety, autism, and trauma. They have also become the first college in the country to support staff to achieve the MHFA Suicide First Aid certification following a successful trial of this new qualification.

Sir Phillips commented; “This is a fantastic achievement for the College in such an important policy area, where we are delivering real impact for our students and staff. Credit should also be given to Dr Georgie Ford our Mental Health and Wellbeing Excellence Lead who led on the award coordination and our talented Mental Health and Welfare team who have also done an exceptional job in raising awareness and delivering a fantastic service that is making a real difference to student and staff’s mental health and wellbeing.”

Professor Damien Page, Dean of Leeds Beckett’s Carnegie School of Education, said: “Achieving this award is not just recognition of a whole-college approach to mental health, it’s a recognition of the college’s commitment to improving the life chances of its students.”

Dean Johnstone, founder and CEO of Minds Ahead said: “This award shines a light on the excellent work schools and colleges are doing to promote mental health for their community of children and adults.”

Weston College Mental Health Award Winning Certificate


woman using laptop on the floor

Here at Weston College, we want to ensure that our students are completely ready to progress onto higher levels – both in terms of having the knowledge and skills, but also having the confidence and self-belief that they can succeed when progressing. Therefore, the Progression programmes we offer are the ideal way to give a little extra support, in a variety of modules.

As well as providing extra support, the Progression programme is also designed to allow learners to have a preview of the course before dedicating themselves to the full T Level course. Maria said: “after doing my GCSEs, I had 2 options: either I wanted to go into a job involving computers or become a beautician. I know they are completely different industries, but I couldn’t decide which one to choose”. After applying for both and having interviews, Maria decided to start on the Digital T Level progression journey.

Since starting the full T Level course, Maria has had the opportunity to work with a local company as part of the industry placement on the T Level course. With this involving learning new skills such as PHP programming and website design. Within the course, Maria was able to learn areas such as “programming, web development, cyber security and emerging technology and also take part in an employer set project. In my programming lessons I’m learning python library’s NumPy, Pandas, Tkinter.”

Megan, another learner who has transitioned onto the Digital T Level from the Computing Transition Programme, said that she was “incredibly excited to be progressing to study a T Level course." She continued, "I have thoroughly enjoyed the last year of my T level program course, and the opportunities and skills which I have developed in the programme. The course has really reinforced my passion for working in data analysis. Before this course I was not sure what sector I wanted to work in. I'm looking forward to my next steps where I will be studying a T Level in Digital, Production, Design and Development where I can improve my knowledge within computing subjects.”

We are so proud that Weston College has been one of the first providers in the country to offer both the T Level and Transition programmes, and that they’ve both already seen such success in the learner’s journey towards their respective industries, particularly the computing industry in Maria and Megan’s case.

If you are interested in learning more about T Levels, click here!

Paige Crocker at COS

Weston College proudly announces the nomination of Paige Crocker, a trailblazing student, for the prestigious AoC Student Awards in the category of Student Green Commitment. Paige's exceptional journey, dedication to sustainability, and invaluable contribution to the community have earned her this well-deserved recognition.

Paige, enrolled in the SEND Foundation Learning - Extension Studies, has demonstrated unparalleled determination, becoming a beacon of inspiration in environmental advocacy. Overcoming significant learning barriers, Paige emerged as an ambassador for sustainability, challenging stereotypes as she championed neurodiversity. Her passion for environmental causes has inspired others, proving that the pursuit of sustainability is a universal concern accessible to all.

Commencing her journey at Weston College in 2019, Paige underwent a transformative process, blossoming from a vulnerable individual into a confident advocate for positive change. She embarked on community action projects, participating in local council 'litter picks,' which sparked her deep-rooted commitment to sustainability.

Paige's pivotal role in the college's 'Green Space' sustainable shop underscores her dedication. Not only does she help in a customer-facing capacity, but she also actively creates products, showcasing an unwavering commitment that extends beyond duty. Her leadership skills within the shop and mentoring of peers facing similar challenges highlight her character and unwavering determination.

Her impact extends far beyond the college walls. Paige has represented the institution at various events, including the Sustainable Business Breakfast and local festivals, spreading awareness about sustainability and inspiring the wider community.

Butterflies flying over hands

Wellbeing Week is taking place from the 10-14th October. As part of this week, and giving voice to mental health, on the 12th, we will be welcoming Hope Virgo. Hope is a mental health campaigner, speaker and author, and she will be discussing the impact and severity of both mental health issues, and eating disorders, with the learners at Weston College.

In 2016, Hope realised the stigma faced by those affected is huge, and she wanted to do more to help. Through the sharing of her own story, as well as trying to showcase to society that eating disorders can be present in all body types, she began writing and speaking in schools. Hope has been doing this for around 5 years now!

Hope’s aim for the talk with the learners is to raise awareness for those who are struggling, and to educate everyone. Furthermore, she hopes to teach the learners how to hold a conversation on the topic of mental health, and come to the understanding that people are able to make a full recovery.

Hope’s advice for a student who is struggling is to seek support, surround yourself with the right people, speak up, and have confidence that things can change! As for the whole college, Hope reminds us to continue talking about eating disorders, and to make the college a safe place for anyone struggling.

On October 17th, Hope is launching an eating disorder manifesto and a school nurse toolkit to assist in empowering people to have the tricky conversations and to push for commitment from the government to further tackle the issue at hand.

Hope tells the college: “For too long people have been left suffering in silence and people have spent too long shying away from conversations around eating disorders as they are afraid of triggering people and causing upset. I want to help empower students to speak up and to offer support to each other.”

We look forward to hearing her talk and empower our learners!

If you want to get involved with, and support this initiative, you can:

  • Sign the #DumpTheScales petition.
  • Take a photo and use the #ChangeTheStory hashtag when sharing.
  • Avoid diet chat as it could be triggering for others.
  • Check in with each other.

Follow Hope Virgo here:


Keep an eye on our social media platforms to see what else we will be doing for Wellbeing Week!

Marketing and Communications

The marketing department is responsible for promoting Weston College to the public, by promoting the Colleges courses, achievements and events.

Our aims are to attract learners to study within the Weston College Group, build and grow the College’s brand and highlight its reputation, and promote the College Group’s success, student progression and outstanding support for our learners.

The marketing department manages the College’s websites and official social media accounts, runs advertising campaigns, creates press releases, and manages many of the College Group’s events, such as Graduation, the Celebration of Success and the Business Awards.

We produce a wide range of publications including our full-time, Higher Education and part-time prospectuses, course leaflets and posters, and other documents such as the College’s annual report, magazines and newsletters, course brochures and the student handbook.

Weston College is committed to providing accurate and timely information for local, regional and national media, and the general public.

The marketing team is available between 8.30am and 5pm, Monday to Thursday and 8.30am to 4.30pm on Fridays. You can get in touch with us by emailing

All of our press releases are uploaded to the news section of our websites. News from the academies we sponsor, including the North Somerset Enterprise and Technology College, can be found on the news section of the Inspirational Futures Trust’s website. News pertaining to our Higher Education Provision can be found on

The marketing department produces most imagery and film in house, and keeps an extensive archive of the photographs it takes. If you would like a copy of an image featuring you or a member of your family, please contact us at

Our photos of graduation and many other events can be found on the College’s Facebook page. High quality images can be found on the College’s Flickr account.

Weston College is able to accommodate many requests to provide locations for film and photography. The College has a range of attractive, modern and adaptable facilities which can be viewed on our youtube channel.

We also are able to provide heritage facilities such as the Victorian Hans Price designed Conference Centre and, from September 2017, the 1927 Winter Gardens Pavilion.

For booking details, contact

For enquiries about sponsoring key events such as Celebration of Success, Business Breakfast, Business Awards and Graduation, please contact the marketing team by email at

Apply or find out more

Marketing Permissions

Once we have your booking we would love to keep you informed of other, similar events you may be interested in. You can unsubscribe at any time. Your personal information will be processed in line with our privacy notice available on our policy page. Is this ok (please tick)?


By submitting this form you are consenting to Weston College recording and processing the personal information on this form, for any purposes of the college associated with the provision of advice and guidance to potential students on the range of courses available to them, college facilities and any other associated information. In accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, the information will only be used for the above mentioned purposes.

You will need to complete a full enrolment form prior to starting your course.

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One Message, Different Voices

Take a look at this powerful film made by the staff of Weston College to show how important it is for everyone from different backgrounds to be included. The film shares heartfelt stories and interviews with a diverse group of staff, showing how accepting different identities and backgrounds can make a big difference. Its purpose is to encourage viewers to think about their own biases and work towards making our community more welcoming to all. We invite everyone, regardless of their background, to join us and be a part of our journey toward a more inclusive future.

Halo workplace logo

Our workplace champions the right of staff to embrace all Afro-hairstyles. We acknowledge that Afro-textured hair is an important part of our Black employees’ racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious identities, and requires specific styling for hair health and maintenance. We celebrate Afro-textured hair worn in all styles including, but not limited to, afros, locs, twists, braids, cornrows, fades, hair straightened through the application of heat or chemicals, weaves, wigs, headscarves, and wraps. In this workplace, we recognise and celebrate our colleagues’ identities. We are a community built on an ethos of equality and respect where hair texture and style have no bearing on an employee's ability to succeed.