
News and events

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Latest events at Weston College

Latest news and developments at Weston College

There is always so much going on across our various campuses and courses. Stay up to date on our latest news
Winners from the Weston College Business Awards gathered together on the steps holding their award

The highly anticipated Weston College Business Awards is back, with the Oscars-style event taking place at the Winter Gardens on 13th June 2024.

The event is the annual celebration of the exceptional accomplishments of our learners in work based situations, including apprentices, trainees, and those completing enriching industry placements, alongside the invaluable support of employers.

In a nod to the partnerships forged, this year, we have revamped our award categories to shine a spotlight on the seamless synergy between learners and employers within the same organisation.

This means that for each award, the winning learner and their employer, pick up an award – recognising both parties for their outstanding contributions.

Our new award categories are:

  1. Business, Finance & Professional Services Partnership Award
  2. Construction Partnership Award
  3. Digital Partnership Award
  4. The Luke Wheaton Engineering and Automotive Partnership Award
  5. Education Partnership Award
  6. Health, Sport & Community Partnership Award
  7. Service Sectors Partnership Award

We are also celebrating our partnerships with organisations that are supporting us with learners on the sustainability agenda, with our Sustainability Partner of the Year Award.

Nominations are only open for a couple of weeks, closing on February 9th.

You can nominate if you are:

  • A Weston College learner (apprentice, trainee, industry placement learner, etc)
  • The manager/employer of the apprentice
  • A Weston College member of staff
  • A business that goes the extra mile in providing opportunities for our learners.

All entries will then be looked at by our judges and shortlisted on their merits. Judges will be looking for learners who display professional and personal progression, so remember to include evidence of this in the application.

Shortlisted learners will be invited to the ceremony and will receive two complimentary tickets to bring family or friends. Apprentices will also be accompanied by their assessor and an invite will be sent to their manager/employer.

Click here to vote.


If you are passionate about education and are looking for an opportunity to join the staff team at a leading college, then look at the latest job vacancies available at Weston College here. You can find all the latest job opportunities that Weston College has to offer, with a commitment to providing quality education for learners and a focus on continuous professional development for staff, Weston College is an excellent place to work and grow in your career.

Tug of war

Weston College students and staff turned out in force to support the annual ‘Santa Express Run’ last year! 

Organised by our very own lecturer Nicola Stent, the run takes place on Burnham beach in aid of charities. This year, funds were being raised for Young lives Vs Cancer, Love Musgrove and someone from Burnham who needs to raise money for a bionic arm. 

Tug of War

The event raised an incredibly impressive grand total of £3,924.75! £600 of this figure was raised by Weston College learners, meaning a huge congratulations is in order for them for their generosity and dedication. The students helped to organise runners, play music and assist with refreshments.  

Learners looking at the camera

Lecturer & run organiser Nicola Stent said: “we are so proud of our Weston college learners who chose to come along to volunteer, run and promote the event. The attitudes of the learners were outstanding! It was so inspiring to witness the teamwork, comradery and collaboration between different courses and Level 2 and 3 of Public Services.” 

This event was a huge effort to set up and organise so a big congratulations and thank you must go to Nicola for organising it!  

To find out more about our public services courses, click here.


If you are passionate about education and are looking for an opportunity to join the staff team at a leading college, then look at the latest job vacancies available at Weston College here. You can find all the latest job opportunities that Weston College has to offer, with a commitment to providing quality education for learners and a focus on continuous professional development for staff, Weston College is an excellent place to work and grow in your career.

Group of nursing students

University Centre Weston (UCW) is thrilled to announce its success in securing £272,000 from the Office for Students' (OfS) £40 million degree apprenticeship fund launched in September 2023. As part of the wave 1 funding, UCW stands among the fifty-one colleges and universities that have been awarded a share of a £12 million funding pot to expand degree apprenticeships. 

Today the OfS has unveiled the names of ten colleges and 41 universities that demonstrated the capability to deliver projects aimed at increasing starts and enhancing the diversity of their degree apprentice recruits. The allocated funding is expected to be utilised by the end of July 2024. 

UCW will allocate its funding towards expanding four of its degree apprenticeships, addressing critical skills needs in the workforce. The supported apprenticeships include Digital User Experience Professional, Project Manager, Registered Nurse, and Digital and Technology Solutions Professional. 

John Blake, Director for Fair Access, and Participation at the OfS, expressed his satisfaction, stating, "We set universities and colleges a challenge to deliver an extensive range of degree apprenticeships that students from all backgrounds could access. They responded with a wide range of innovative and ambitious bids." 

The OfS launched the fund to increase the number of providers delivering degree apprenticeships, expanding overall numbers, and improving diversity within the higher education sector. The fund specifically aims to support projects targeting students least likely to access higher education. 

This development aligns with evidence from organisations such as the Sutton Trust, which found that degree apprenticeships were more socially exclusive than traditional university courses. Skills Minister Robert Halfon expressed his delight, stating, "I am delighted that the institutions awarded a portion of this £40 million will not only be expanding the number of degree apprenticeships offered but have also demonstrated their commitment to boosting access and participation and prioritising equality of opportunity." 

UCW remains committed to contributing to the growth of capacity and capability within the Higher Education sector, addressing present and future skills needs through its innovative degree apprenticeship programs. 


If you are passionate about education and are looking for an opportunity to join the staff team at a leading college, then look at the latest job vacancies available at Weston College here. You can find all the latest job opportunities that Weston College has to offer, with a commitment to providing quality education for learners and a focus on continuous professional development for staff, Weston College is an excellent place to work and grow in your career.

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One Message, Different Voices

Take a look at this powerful film made by the staff of Weston College to show how important it is for everyone from different backgrounds to be included. The film shares heartfelt stories and interviews with a diverse group of staff, showing how accepting different identities and backgrounds can make a big difference. Its purpose is to encourage viewers to think about their own biases and work towards making our community more welcoming to all. We invite everyone, regardless of their background, to join us and be a part of our journey toward a more inclusive future.

Halo workplace logo

Our workplace champions the right of staff to embrace all Afro-hairstyles. We acknowledge that Afro-textured hair is an important part of our Black employees’ racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious identities, and requires specific styling for hair health and maintenance. We celebrate Afro-textured hair worn in all styles including, but not limited to, afros, locs, twists, braids, cornrows, fades, hair straightened through the application of heat or chemicals, weaves, wigs, headscarves, and wraps. In this workplace, we recognise and celebrate our colleagues’ identities. We are a community built on an ethos of equality and respect where hair texture and style have no bearing on an employee's ability to succeed.