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Latest news and developments at Weston College

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Aleks - New Student Union President

Weston College Welcomes its New Student Union President & Vice-President.


It’s time to offer a big congratulations to the newly elected president of our Student Union (SU)!

Aleks is an A Level student, currently studying law, sociology, and history. After a strong performance at the Student Union presidential election, he is keen to get started. We spoke to Aleks and got his thoughts on his brand-new role.

​Aleks - New Student Union President

What made you want to run for Student Union president?

“What made me run for SU president was the desire and ambition for change. I want to be the voice for anyone in the college, for whatever reason big or small, and to highlight the important yet forgotten issues.”

What do you hope to achieve as Student Union president generally?

“As SU president I plan on achieving a more well-rounded and open college, where issues such as mental health or exam stress are discussed openly and freely. They are discussed now but I want to make the college environment 110% open and relaxed.”

What is one area of the Student Union that you particularly want to focus on?

“One area of the student union that I want to focus on is its role. I want to raise its profile and have more students recognise the importance of having their issues or grievances voiced in an effective and diplomatic manner.”

How do you think your time as Student Union President will help you in later life?

“In later life I believe that my role as the SU president will help me develop my leadership skills as well as time management and most importantly problem-solving skills. It’s one thing to identify an issue but another to find an effective and appropriate solution that everyone will agree to.”

How do you think your time as Student Union President will help you on your course?

“I think my role will help my course by assisting my personal development, but at the end of the day I don’t want my presidency to be beneficial to me I want it to be beneficial to everyone in the college.”


Supporting Aleks is the new vice-president of the SU Ceilidh. She is in her second year of the level 3 Musical Theatre course. We caught up with Ceilidh to find out everything about her Student Union journey.

Ceilidh - new vice-president of the Student Union

What made you interested in joining the Student Union?

“I wanted to join the student union this year as I had been student secretary last year and really enjoyed working with the team. I'd also love to be able to assist those who maybe struggle to find their voice or don't know how to go about making the change they want to see.”

What is one thing you would like to see the Student Union achieve this year?

“I would like to see some more opportunities for the Student Union to interact with students across the campuses.”

What are you most excited for as vice-president?

“As vice-president I'm very excited to be able to be a little more active with the events we hold and take part in a little more of the decision making. I hope that my time as student president allows me the opportunity to work with a range of students with varying interests.”

How do you think your time as Student Union vice-president will help you in later life?

“I plan to go into teaching, and I think working with people who are outside of those I would normally talk to will prepare me for future work with people who have a different outlook on life to myself.”


It’s clear to see that Aleks and Ceilidh are ready to get stuck in and deliver for the Student Union and the students at Weston College. We wish them both the very best of luck as the new president and vice-president!


If you are interested in learning more about the Student Union, click here.

Sport learner in gym
bristol sport foundation logo

Weston College are delighted to announce that Bristol Sport Foundation are partnering with the

College’s Sports & Fitness faculty to offer opportunities to students. Bristol Sport Foundation has a mission to use the power of sport to create active, healthy and happy communities in the greater Bristol area. The foundation works in communities to facilitate physical activity and delivers sports coaching to a range of people, including at after school clubs and holiday camps, with 3,878 children attending their holiday camps in July and August.

The College, which offers Sports & Fitness courses including BTEC Fitness and Sports Exercise Science, Apprenticeships and Higher Technical Qualifications in Community Coaching, has award-winning Career Excellence Hubs for each faculty subject area across the College with several industry partnerships in place. The purpose of Career Excellence Hubs is for College subject areas to work closely with employers to deliver a curriculum designed by industry, inspiring students with a skills focused curriculum. The Sports & Fitness Career Excellence Hub has key industry partnerships that highlight the breadth of careers available to students, offer work placements, develop the skills of learners beyond the qualification they are studying, supporting their progression to higher education and employment.

David Crew, Head of Business Growth & Employer Partnerships commented “Bristol Sport Foundation are a committed employer partner of the College, providing guest lectures to sports students and various work experience opportunities alongside their coaches who deliver inspirational activity in the greater Bristol area. Weston College, through our Career Excellence Hubs, are building collaborative employer partnerships aligned to our curriculum areas, creating a high-quality learner experience at our College and learners ready to progress to employment and higher education when they complete their course. We’re looking forward to having Bristol Sport Foundation as part of our employer community.”

Hannah Davis-Coward, Partnerships and Workforce Manager at Bristol Sport Foundation commented “We are committed to creating active, healthy and happy communities through our work in the region. Partnerships are key to the foundation, as is developing the pipeline of skilled talent that we need in the future to deliver our mission. We’re delighted to be partnering with Weston College, a large forward-thinking further education college with an established sports faculty, and we look forward to supporting students to gain experiences of work.”

To view our sports courses click here. Employers looking to work with Weston College can email

T Level graphic

Weston College recently concluded T Level Week; a week of celebration and awareness dedicated to T Levels. This showcased the success and impact of these innovative vocational qualifications, featuring stories from current students, insights from employers, and discussions on key themes linked to the courses. T Level Week at Weston College has not only celebrated the achievements of its students but has also highlighted the pivotal role these courses play in shaping the future of education and the workforce. 

T Levels, a relatively new addition to the British education landscape, are two-year technical courses designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary for their chosen career paths. Unlike traditional A Levels, T Levels provide a more hands-on and practical approach to learning, which is highly valuable in today's competitive job market. 

One of the cornerstones of T Level Week at Weston College was the first hand accounts of students who are currently pursuing T Level courses. Their stories served as inspirational testimonies to the benefits and impact of these qualifications. Through articles on the college's website and social media channels, students shared their experiences, from the initial decision to enrol in a T Level program to the exciting opportunities they've encountered along the way, plus what they hope to go on to achieve next. 

By sharing their personal journeys, challenges, and triumphs, these students provided invaluable insights into the real-world application of T Levels and how they are preparing for their future careers. This not only encouraged prospective students but also allowed current students to reflect on their own growth and development. 

Another integral aspect of T Level Week was the involvement of employers. Videos featuring discussions with local businesses, such as Suez, highlighted the tangible benefits of employing T Level students. Employers discussed how T Level students bring a unique blend of theoretical knowledge and practical skills to the workplace, making them valuable assets to their businesses. 

These employer testimonials emphasized the crucial role T Levels play in bridging the gap between education and the job market. They also illustrated how T Level graduates are better prepared to step into their chosen careers and contribute meaningfully from day one. 

Throughout T Level Week, key themes like Progression Routes and T Level Foundation Day were explored, where insight was given into what steps can be taken to begin a T Level, and what can be achieved following completion of it! 

T Level Week played a pivotal role in raising awareness about T Levels and celebrating the achievements of both the students and the college. It demonstrated how T Levels are not just qualifications but a path to success and growth, ultimately contributing to a brighter and more promising future for young learners and the workforce. Weston College has shown that T Levels are not just the future; they are the present, shaping the next generation of skilled and employable professionals. 

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One Message, Different Voices

Take a look at this powerful film made by the staff of Weston College to show how important it is for everyone from different backgrounds to be included. The film shares heartfelt stories and interviews with a diverse group of staff, showing how accepting different identities and backgrounds can make a big difference. Its purpose is to encourage viewers to think about their own biases and work towards making our community more welcoming to all. We invite everyone, regardless of their background, to join us and be a part of our journey toward a more inclusive future.

Halo workplace logo

Our workplace champions the right of staff to embrace all Afro-hairstyles. We acknowledge that Afro-textured hair is an important part of our Black employees’ racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious identities, and requires specific styling for hair health and maintenance. We celebrate Afro-textured hair worn in all styles including, but not limited to, afros, locs, twists, braids, cornrows, fades, hair straightened through the application of heat or chemicals, weaves, wigs, headscarves, and wraps. In this workplace, we recognise and celebrate our colleagues’ identities. We are a community built on an ethos of equality and respect where hair texture and style have no bearing on an employee's ability to succeed.