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Latest news and developments at Weston College

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Paul staring at the camera for a professional headshot

Paul Skudder, actor in Wolf

As we explore the incredible journeys of our University Centre Weston (UCW) alumni, we turn our attention to Paul, a talented performer who embarked on his educational voyage with a UAL Extended Diploma in Performing Arts, specifically in the Acting pathway.

His dedication and passion for the craft led him to UCW's BA Hons Performing Arts course, where he continued to hone his skills and develop as an artist. Join us as we dive into Paul's experiences, highlights, and aspirations as he continues his journey in the world of acting.

The Beginnings:

Paul's journey in the performing arts began with a UAL Extended Diploma in Performing Arts at Weston College, where he excelled, earning a well-deserved Distinction. He then progressed onto UCW's BA Hons Performing Arts course.

Lecturers with Distinct Teaching Styles:

One aspect that truly stood out for Paul during his time with us, was the diverse set of lecturers he encountered during his time at UCW. Each lecturer possessed a distinct skill set and teaching style, which not only kept students engaged but also broadened their horizons.

Paull added on his experience: “Due to the patience and people around me, it meant I was able to learn at my own pace. Combined, I believe both courses supported the development of my understanding of the industry I want to break into, but, they also supplied me with the confidence and skills on how to realistically do that.”

Memorable Highlights:

Reflecting on his time at Weston College and UCW, Paul cherishes the memories of various performances: “My highlight at Weston College comes from the end of my first year, when we performed ‘The Wonderful World of Dissocia’, as I wasn't sure if I wanted to do acting when I started the course, but at the point of ‘Dissocia’ I had so much fun that I just knew my answer.

“UCW's highlight on the other hand is a hard one to pick, as I poured my heart into a lot of performances from ‘The Dumb Waiter’, ‘Angels in America’, ‘Tomcat’ and others.

“But the real highlight came just the night before my class’ performance of ‘The Castle’, in which we had raised all the money ourselves to go the Manchester Fringe, perform and stay there for 4 days. We all shared accommodation together and spent the night before playing silly games, laughing and reflecting on everything we had accomplished across the course. We all knew that this would be our last show on the course, but we were all prepared to give our all to round us off.”

The Present and Future:

Currently, Paul is actively pursuing acting opportunities, taking on featured roles and walk-on parts. His dedication to furthering his education is evident as he saves money to pursue an MFA at a Drama School. In addition to acting, he plans to collaborate with fellow student Craig, on writing and filming projects. Paul has also become a certified free running coach, contributing to the community by coaching at the only school offering free running in the area, Hans Price.

Featuring in Wolf:

Paul's journey took an exciting turn recently, when he received a text from Phoenix Casting, a company that presented him with script segments for a self-tape audition for the new BBC show, Wolf.

His talent and hard work paid off, and he was chosen for a role.

On set, he had the opportunity to interact with the cast and crew, gaining insights into their experiences and collecting valuable advice.

The Long-Term Dream:

Looking ahead, Paul's long-term dream is to become a recognised actor who can transport audiences on unforgettable journeys and adventures through his performances. His aspiration is to provide the same magic and inspiration that he found in the actors and movies he admired during his formative years.

If you would like to follow in Paul’s footsteps, and study a Performing Arts course, click the relevant link below:

Courses at Weston College

Courses at UCW

learners at animal management careers morning

On Thursday, 7th September, our Animal Management learners had a taste of their future careers through an Employers Morning, hosted at the Animal Management Education Centre at Puxton Park!  

The event was organised with the help of the Student Experience team and the Animal Management staff, whereby local and national Animal related businesses and organisations were invited to discuss their job roles and to inspire the learners on finding their future careers. Employers in attendance included the RSPCA, Harmonious Dogs, Barnaby’s Bunny Barn, Bristol Vet School, Secret World and Noah’s Ark Zoo FarmAnimal Management learners and employer with Boris the dog

The day began with talks from many of the employers, who provided valuable insight into the industry, and were able to showcase the diverse and rewarding career paths within the animal industry. Some talks even featured live demonstrations from furry friends, including Boris! 

Following the talks, learners were given the opportunity to speak to the range of employers. They were encouraged to ask questions, seek guidance and establish connections that could lead to industry placement opportunities. 

Laura Link, the Subject Area Manager of Animal Management, commented on the success of the day: “At Weston College, we understand the importance of on-the-job experience, especially in a hands-on industry such as Animal Management. This is why we ensure we provide opportunities for our learners such as these, where they can not only make meaningful connections with employers, but also discover what could be their future career.  

“We aim to broaden the horizons of what our learners aspire to do, and showcase career options they may not have heard before. We are so grateful to the employers who attended our careers fair, and we hope it was as beneficial to them as it was to our learners.” 

The feedback from the employers was also fantastic; the RSPCA representative said: “It was great to be able to outline a job that is a passion, and to be able to see all the great employment options for students.” 

The representative from Secret World told us: “It was lovely to chat with the students! I enjoyed my visit here for the first time – I'm keen to work with the Animal Management team further. Thank you for the invite!” 

Bristol Vet School, from the University of Bristol, said: “It was great to meet the students and explain the opportunities open to them regarding courses and employment.” 

As they continue their educational journey, these learners are now better equipped to pursue fulfilling careers that contribute to the well-being and conservation of animals around the world, thanks to the valuable experiences and insights gained during this enlightening morning at the Learning Centre at Puxton Park. 

apprenticeships 30 day challenge

In an ever-evolving world, businesses must constantly seek innovative ways to secure a competitive edge. One strategy that has been gaining prominence in recent years is the offering of apprenticeships. At Weston College, our mantra is ‘careers, not courses’, meaning we have always understood the importance and value of learning on the job, working closely with local and national businesses to provide wonderful opportunities for our learners.

Apprenticeships are structured training programmes that combine on-the-job learning with classroom instruction. While they are often associated with traditional trades, modern apprenticeships have expanded to various industries, presenting a host of benefits for employers.

Skill Development and Customised Training

One of the most compelling reasons for employers to offer apprenticeships is the opportunity to tailor training programs to meet their specific needs. Unlike traditional hiring processes, where employers may struggle to find candidates with the exact skills they require, apprenticeships allow companies to mould individuals from the ground up. Employers can design apprenticeship programmes that align with their industry, company culture, and unique requirements, ensuring that apprentices develop the precise skills and knowledge needed for the job.

Cost-Effective Recruitment and Retention

Recruitment and retention of skilled talent can be a significant challenge, particularly in industries with high demand for specialised skills. Apprenticeships offer an innovative solution by enabling employers to nurture their own talent pool. This can significantly reduce recruitment costs, as apprentices are typically more cost-effective to hire than experienced professionals. Furthermore, the investment in apprentices often leads to greater loyalty and commitment, increasing employee retention rates and saving your business money in the long run.

Enhanced Workforce Diversity

Diversity in the workplace is not just a social imperative; it's also a strategic advantage. Apprenticeships provide an opportunity to diversify the workforce by attracting candidates from various backgrounds and demographics. Employers who actively engage in apprenticeship programmes can benefit from fresh perspectives, increased creativity, and a wider range of skills and experiences within their team. This diversity can lead to better problem-solving, innovation, and adaptability, all of which are crucial for success in today's global business environment.

Improved Employee Morale and Engagement

When existing employees witness the company's commitment to skills development and investment in talent, it can have a positive impact on overall employee morale and engagement. Apprenticeships create a culture of learning and growth, encouraging employees to continuously develop their skills. Furthermore, experienced staff members often have the opportunity to mentor apprentices, fostering a sense of pride and fulfilment in passing down their knowledge. This connection between experienced professionals and apprentices can lead to a more cohesive and motivated workforce.

Long-Term Sustainability

Investing in apprenticeships is an investment in the future. Companies that actively engage in apprenticeship programs are better positioned to adapt to changing industry trends and technological advancements. As apprentices become proficient in the latest tools and techniques, employers can stay at the forefront of their industry, maintaining a competitive edge in the long term.

Apprenticeships offer an incredible range of benefits, both for the business, and for the apprentice themselves. Think your business could benefit from offering apprenticeships? Our 30-Day Challenge is the perfect time to get involved!

At Weston College, we have set ourselves a challenge, of securing 500 apprenticeship pledges in just 30 days, and we need your help to reach that milestone! Click here to find out how you can get involved, and make your pledge today.

 - Tracie Leahy, Assistant Principal, Apprenticeships and Traineeships Recruitment

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One Message, Different Voices

Take a look at this powerful film made by the staff of Weston College to show how important it is for everyone from different backgrounds to be included. The film shares heartfelt stories and interviews with a diverse group of staff, showing how accepting different identities and backgrounds can make a big difference. Its purpose is to encourage viewers to think about their own biases and work towards making our community more welcoming to all. We invite everyone, regardless of their background, to join us and be a part of our journey toward a more inclusive future.

Halo workplace logo

Our workplace champions the right of staff to embrace all Afro-hairstyles. We acknowledge that Afro-textured hair is an important part of our Black employees’ racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious identities, and requires specific styling for hair health and maintenance. We celebrate Afro-textured hair worn in all styles including, but not limited to, afros, locs, twists, braids, cornrows, fades, hair straightened through the application of heat or chemicals, weaves, wigs, headscarves, and wraps. In this workplace, we recognise and celebrate our colleagues’ identities. We are a community built on an ethos of equality and respect where hair texture and style have no bearing on an employee's ability to succeed.