Our Careers Advice Team can help you with any of your career decisions! Call or email us to book an appointment or drop in.
We can help with:
- Finding your career goals and thinking about what influences your career
- Exploring career opportunities inside and outside of Weston College
- Evaluating and making decisions
- Preparing for your next steps
- Job hunting and applications
- CV writing
- Applying to university and student finance
- Anything career related!
Got a question?
We're available Mon - Fri between 9am and 5pm
Call us:
Careers team:
Email us:
Careers advice: careersadvice@weston.ac.uk
Help with University applications: uni.help@weston.ac.uk
Designated Careers Lead
Following the release of the national strategy for careers advice and guidance, all schools and colleges must now have a designated Careers Leader.
Click for more
Following the release of the national strategy for careers advice and guidance, all schools and colleges must now have a designated Careers Leader. Careers Leaders are members of the College’s leadership team and are responsible and accountable for the delivery of their college’s programme of careers advice and guidance. The Careers Leader will work with other senior members of staff to develop a vision for the College’s careers provision that includes high aspirations for all learners and make sure that the College meets the Gatsby Benchmarks.
Ben Knocks
Director and Weston College Careers Leader
If you would like to contact Ben, then please email him at Benjamin.knocks@weston.ac.uk.
Higher Education Parent Information Evening Presentation
Delivered in October 2022 as a collaboration between the Weston College Careers Advice Team, UCW and WIN, this presentation provides useful information for parents/carers and learners about Higher Education options, the application process, relevant dates and the support on offer across the College.
Discover your ideal job with our Career Coach
Career-focused events
Weston College offers career-focused events to connect students with employers and explore opportunities. Networking, job fairs, workshops, and guest speakers empower students for successful futures. Take a look at our film to give you an example of our annual Careers Fest for our students: