
Courses for learners with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)

Foundation Learning: includes many highly successful, high-quality, programmes for learners aged 16-24 with SEND.

Our ethos is to put the learner first in everything that we do, and this is extended to all of our students. Over the last few years, we have created specialist facilities for learners on the autism spectrum and learners with profound and complex learning difficulties/disabilities to provide our students with the best possible environment to support their learning. 

Foundation Learning is for students with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) and barriers to learning. Weston College is a highly supportive, ambitious and inclusive environment for all of its students, and we pay particular attention to the development of personalised curriculum.

We create an individual programme of study, which considers each student’s needs and aspirations. We take a holistic and learner-focused approach to ensuring that our students’ experiences, achievements and outcomes are outstanding and sustainable. We celebrate each one of our students, and encourage them to reach their potential, enabling independence through innovative programmes.

All students on a Foundation Learning programme will have an assigned personal tutor who will work with the student to co-create their timetable.

Study programmes are diverse, with flexibility to support learners to work towards their intended outcomes and aspirations, including:

  • A range of vocational, creative and sporting options
  • Personal and social development
  • Employability skills
  • Work placements
  • Independent living
  • Maths and English Development.
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  • Apprenticeships
  • T-Levels
Level 1


1 Year
Sep 2024
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Aspirations is a programme of study specifically developed for 17 – 24 year olds on the autism spectrum, delivered at Weston Bay. Many of the students on the course already have academic or vocational qualifications, but have found accessing employment, higher education or independent living very difficult. Aspirations allows students to exp...

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Level 1

Extension Studies

1 Year
Sep 2024
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The aim of the programme is to support learners with moderate learning difficulties, specific learning difficulties and/ or social emotional and mental health difficulties, to progress into employment, higher level courses and/or independent living. We will work with learners to help them recognise and value their strengths, while developing a...

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Level 1

Preparation for Life

1 Year
Sep 2024
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The aim of the Preparation for Life curriculum area is for learners with a range of Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) to develop independence and successfully transition into adulthood. The programme aims to provide a differentiated and individualised approach to each learner’s study programme at college in order to work t...

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Level 1

Sensory Learning

10 Weeks
Sep 2024
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A purpose-built, safe, self-contained, specialist facility at Weston College’s Knightstone Campus for students with Profound and Complex Learning Disabilities (PCLD). Where appropriate to the individual, students will also be able to access the many other student facilities across the College, including the library and Bistro. The provision ...

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Level 1

Sensory Learning

10 Weeks
Sep 2024
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A purpose-built, safe, self-contained, specialist facility at Weston College’s Knightstone Campus for students with Profound and Complex Learning Disabilities (PCLD). Where appropriate to the individual, students will also be able to access the many other student facilities across the College, including the library and Bistro. The provision ...

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Level 1

Supported Internship: Into Work

1 Year
Sep 2024
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Supported Internships provide an individualised programme of study for 16 to 24 year olds with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), who want to move into employment and need extra support to do so. The programme has one primary aim which is to: wherever possible support young people t...

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Our Foundation Learning programmes are courses that offer a flexible curriculum that enhances our students' learning experience and provides them the strong 'foundations' that will benefit them as they prepare for adult life towards outcomes for working life, independent living and good health.

The inclusive programmes are delivered by our professionally qualified and specialist SEND staff who aim to instil self-belief and confidence in our students. The tutorial element is an integral part of the programme’s philosophy, encompassing the development of individual strategies, empowering learners to take responsibility for their own learning. This learner-centred approach uses the College setting to provide pathways to further study.

Why study Foundation Learning at Weston College?

Our Foundation Learning programmes have a 100% success rate.

At Weston College, students have access to a wide range of excellent, high-quality vocational experiences, specialist resources and accommodation across all Weston College campuses, giving learners the opportunity to learn in appropriate contexts, for example, the hairdressing and beauty salons, Grove Restaurant, Badgworth Arena, Sports Centre and the professional kitchens.

The programmes of study are further enhanced throughout the year with opportunities for learners with SEND to participate in additional sporting events, overnight and week-long residential stays, educational visits, lunch-time activities and the end-of-year celebration events.


Comments from Ofsted, 2013

"Learners with learning or physical disabilities make outstanding progress and can live more independent and enriched lives through the support, education and training they receive at college."

"Learners with identified additional learning support needs are supported well through differentiated classroom activities"


Thank you for your interest in applying for one of our courses for students with SEND.

Please click on the courses above and apply online using the Apply button.

If you are unable to complete your application online please email

If you need any assistance completing your application form, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01934 411175.

Once we receive the application, we will make some preliminary enquiries to your school and to Learning Partnership West to find out a little more about you.

We will then invite you in for an interview where we can discuss the best options for you and tell you more about what you can expect from the course.

When you come to your interview, please make sure you bring the completed forms which will be sent to you with your interview invite letter, along with information on your medical history (such as GP name and address and any medication you are taking), your expected qualifications and any certificates you have.



Hopefully, you found the information you were looking for in this section, however if you still have some queries, please take a look at the frequently asked questions below, or give us a call on 01934 411 575.

Students are assessed on an individual basis to determine their support needs, and a support programme will be developed if appropriate. Group sizes are deliberately kept small to enable the tutor and support worker(s) in each session to target the learning needs of each student. Individual support will also be provided outside of the classroom environment to include work placements, breakfast and lunch club and break times.

Students should discuss their concerns with their tutor or a member of the Specialist Support team. All of our staff offices operate an open-door policy so students are more than welcome to drop in at any time.

Our Foundation Learning courses are all offered for an initial one-year period which will be reviewed towards the end of the year. Students studying on Extension Studies may be able to continue for more than one year if deemed appropriate. Students studying on Preparation for Work and Life may be able to continue for a further two years if it is deemed appropriate.

All students will take part in a group tutorial where you will learn about various aspects of personal and social development. All students also attend lessons in ICT, English and Maths, but, these lessons are catered to each student’s ability and group sizes are small so you can learn in the best possible environment.

All students can then freely choose from a variety of vocational subjects.

Yes, all students get an opportunity to go on a residential and there are also many day trips organised throughout the year. Students may be able to get financial support to pay for these trips through the bursary scheme.

Many learners may choose to go out into town at lunchtime with their friends which is absolutely fine, but some learners who don’t feel confident going out can have lunch in the Bistro. Here, there are members of staff to support you and there are also a number of lunchtime activities students can get involved in.

Students who require support at break times and lunchtimes will receive it, including support to enable access to the various lunchtime activities and enrichment opportunities.

For students on the Preparation for Work and Life course, we aim for you to achieve an Asdan qualification in either Employability, Personal and Social Development or Personal Progress depending on how long you stay with us and what is appropriate in working towards your agreed outcomes.

For students on Extension Studies, we aim for you to achieve an NOCN Step up qualification which is a very flexible qualification, enabling you to work towards units in a number of different subject areas.

Students on both courses will achieve NCFE functional skills qualifications in English, maths and ICT where it is appropriate.

Many students will purchase a termly bus pass when they come to enroll which is offered at a reduced price. However, for some students, getting to College on public transport can be really difficult and some students are eligible for North Somerset’s Home to College transport scheme. For more information on this, please see our transport information page.

Students will be provided with many of the relevant materials for their classes which will include paper, craft supplies for art, protective clothing and wood for DIY, food for budget cookery or anything else you might need which is relevant to your session. Students will however be asked to pay £25 at the beginning of the year to help cover the costs of this and will be asked to bring in a pen and folder.

All students will be allocated a personal tutor and will have a tutorial at least once-a-week but some students might need them more frequently. The tutorial time will be agreed between the student and tutors at the start of the course. Of course, if there is anything you need to urgently talk to your tutor about, they will be more than happy to see you at any time. The tutorial programme is an integral part of the students programme.

Based at Knightstone campus with use of specialist facilities across the Weston College campuses.

Moving onto Further Education is a big step for all young people, particularly for those with SEND. At Weston College, we arrange thorough and individualised programmes to ensure the transition is seamless. Our transition programmes could include meetings with the learner, parents, carers, school staff and external agencies, to establish a close liaison and a partnership approach:

- School or specialist provider observations
- Attending school review meetings and multi-agency meetings
- Planning a personalised transition programme with the learner
- Familiarisation days and taster sessions
- Collaboration with relevant agencies
- Access to Entry and Level 1 Link programmes as appropriate
- School visits
- Specialist support
- Initial Needs Assessments to gather full information
- Diagnostic assessments

Transition periods can last from a month to as much as a year. Each programme is arranged and agreed on an individual basis with each school, specialist provider, or external organisation. It is our experience that this planned transition into College plays a significant role in learners being able to access Weston College successfully.

Similarly, transition programmes support learners to transition out of College and into the next phase of their development - further training, higher education, supported or paid employment, and independent living.

Some learners may be entitled to free transport to College provided by the local authority, if they're under 19 years old and live more than three miles from Weston College.

For learners over 19 they can apply for the Vacant Seat Payment Scheme (VSPS) which provides access to this transport at a concessionary price. VSPS is not guaranteed and learners may have to be transported to a pick-up point. It costs around £450 a year.

Transport options are discussed during the application and interview process. Weston College liaises closely with the local authority and parents and carers are kept up to date with arrangements, priority learners commencing their course.

By bus - discounted bus travel

Learners who can travel independently can buy a bus pass (£70 a term) which allows them to travel five days a week, within North Somerset and Bristol.

Learners should bring a folder and stationery with them when they start college. Lockers are provided for files and equipment. They can buy drinks, snacks and hot meals from the College Bistro or alternatively bring a packed lunch.

Foundation Learning programmes encourage learners with SEND to take part in challenging sports events, overnight and week-long residential stays, educational visits, lunchtime activities, and end-of-year shows. Overnight stays cost between £35-£50, and summer residentials (3-4 nights) cost between £150-£300, depending on chosen activities.

These additional enrichment activities are real confidence boosters and, so far, every full-time learner has said they enjoyed their additional trips and residentials.

Learners can apply for the bursary to get help with costs, if their household income is below £32,000 a year. We can help your son or daughter apply for the bursary over the summer or in September when their course starts. If successful, they'll receive money once a term, and have their Spring and Summer term bus pass paid for. Learners from families with an income below £11,999 a year will also get help with buying lunch.

Your application will need to be accompanied by evidence of your household income (letters from the Inland Revenue, pay slips, or bank statements etc).

"Learners with learning or physical disabilities make outstanding progress and can live more independent and enriched lives through the support, education and training they receive at college."

"Learners with identified additional learning support needs are supported well through differentiated classroom activities"

Learners are invited to interview with one of the Foundation Learning team. Many learners who attend our Foundation Learning provision have an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) and we work with the Local Authority through a formal consultation process to ensure we have everything needed to help you succeed on a course.

We work with all learners to identify positive pathways into further educational programmes, work opportunities or into packages of support provided locally that will ensure you make a smooth transition into adult life.

Details of your son or daughter’s Personal Tutor will be given to you at the beginning of the year, along with their email address and telephone number. Our tutors do try to keep in regular contact with all parents as a matter of course and many parents like to use a communication book which the tutors can write in for the students to take home with them. Regular parent / carer meetings will take place throughout the year.


Learner holding poster for healthy relationships

<p>The student-organised Relationships Fayre at the Hans Price Conference Centre was a huge success, with over 200 students attending and engaging with highly important and thought-provoking topics. Information provided for the attendees included topics such as safe sex, period poverty, consent, relationships with others, and most importantly, safety.</p>

<p>The students displayed exemplar behaviour, showing sensitivity and a mature response to the personal subject matter.</p>

<p>Several external agencies joined the fayre, to ensure all information shared was appropriate and from a professional source.</p>

<p>Students felt this topic was important to bring light to learners with&nbsp;<a href="…; in particular, as young people with learning difficulties or disabilities have as much of a right as anyone else to engage in both healthy sexual and non-sexual relationships, so providing the information to emphasise this is highly beneficial to them.</p>

<p>Research indicates that for young people with SEND, incidences of abuse are four times more likely, and yet less likely to be reported. This further emphasises the importance of providing support in enabling independence and preparing for adulthood.</p>

<p>The Healthy Relationships Fayre turned out to be highly successful, in terms of attendance and helpfulness to the learners, so the students would be keen to continue this as a yearly fayre for students to come.</p>

Group of college students stood with the Mayor or Weston-super-Mare as she cuts the ribbon

<p>Students with Autism studying with Weston College’s residential training facility "Weston Bay" have just completed the annual Community Project.</p>

<p>They organised an enterprise project to fundraise the budget needed to renovate and re-decorate Mead Vale Community Hall.</p>

<p paraeid="{ae4ec57d-ae3e-46dc-997f-65fb4d2a42cb}{161}" paraid="389159023">Two weeks were then spent onsite, painting, gardening, upcycling planters using old tyres and improving a well-used site within our local community. All students showed great determination, selflessness and community spirit, putting into practice all of the teamwork, independence and social skills they have learned throughout the year.</p>

<p paraeid="{ae4ec57d-ae3e-46dc-997f-65fb4d2a42cb}{185}" paraid="249625394">Weston College is one of three Centres for Excellence in Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). As a Centre of Excellence, the College will become a national leader in SEND learning.&nbsp;Weston Bay is a residential training centre for students on the autism spectrum, specialising in providing support to aid learners with independent living, employability and accessing the community.</p>

<p paraeid="{ae4ec57d-ae3e-46dc-997f-65fb4d2a42cb}{197}" paraid="334020076"><a href="; rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">Mead Vale Community Hall</a> is a hub for local residents to come together for various clubs and activities, from Scout meetings and dance practice to Yoga and craft classes. A well-loved staple of the community, the hall was simply in need of some TLC, and that’s where our learners came in.</p>

<p paraeid="{ae4ec57d-ae3e-46dc-997f-65fb4d2a42cb}{220}" paraid="210177960">We caught up with learner, Chloe Turnbull-Yeo, who gave an expert and confidently delivered speech at the opening event.</p>

<p paraeid="{ae4ec57d-ae3e-46dc-997f-65fb4d2a42cb}{226}" paraid="2029654891">Chloe told us that, in order to start working on the hall in May, the students involved took part in various fundraising activities. She&nbsp;went on to explain how they all went about the huge task of beginning the restoration project, telling us that, together they truly developed their teamwork skills.&nbsp;</p>

<p paraeid="{ae4ec57d-ae3e-46dc-997f-65fb4d2a42cb}{246}" paraid="1116307232">The opening itself consisted of a grand tour, a buffet of food made by learners and, very excitingly, a visit from The Mayor of Weston-super-Mare, Councillor Sonia Russé to cut the ribbon and officiate the occasion.</p>

<p paraeid="{785e61f7-234b-4342-863e-297838318620}{26}" paraid="232645691">Just before cutting the ribbon, The Mayor of Weston-super-Mare, Councillor Sonia Russé had this to say: “It’s a real privilege for me to be here and open this facility, which is so needed. The work that has been done here is phenomenal. There is no ceiling to what any of you can achieve”.</p>

<p paraeid="{785e61f7-234b-4342-863e-297838318620}{60}" paraid="1494849352">Heidi, Lead Practitioner at Weston Bay from the faculty in Inclusive Practice, went on to say “the tenacity, problem-solving and teamwork has been absolutely incredible.”</p>

<p paraeid="{785e61f7-234b-4342-863e-297838318620}{60}" paraid="1494849352">Well done to all of the hard-working students for making the project such a great success.</p>

<p paraeid="{785e61f7-234b-4342-863e-297838318620}{98}" paraid="1260587566">To find out more about Weston Bay, <a href="…; rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">click here</a>.</p>

<p paraeid="{785e61f7-234b-4342-863e-297838318620}{109}" paraid="893271989">To find out what’s on and follow Mead Vale Community Hall on Facebook, <a href="…; rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">click here</a>.</p>

Group of learners on walk

<p>85 learners from <a href="… Learning</a> have participated in the Bronze, Silver, and Gold Duke of Edinburgh award. Each award has three aspects: volunteering, learning a new skill, and sport activities - as well as a hiking expedition in teams.</p>

<p>The Duke of Edinburgh was particularly popular this year, as it allowed learners to get active outdoors with their friends – something they missed during the pandemic.</p>

<p>19 DofE expeditions have run from May till June, involving the learners undertaking the award. These expeditions consisted of walking 6 hours, and up to 10 miles a day over the Mendip hills.</p>

<p>It wasn’t an easy expedition either, with constantly changing conditions, which included braving extreme heart and rain to complete the hike, but found music, singing, and general high spirits were the keys to keeping the enthusiasm high.</p>

<p>All the learners completed the expedition with smiles on their faces and great comradery, each demonstrating great pride in achieving the widely recognised award.</p>

<p>We asked some of the young people who took part in the expedition. One learner said:</p>

<p>“The expedition has been so fun, and challenging at times. On the first day I struggled with my health, but other than that it’s been great fun. we played uno, and roasted marshmallows which was fun for everyone.”</p>

<p>Another learner commented:</p>

<p>“I’ve found the expedition challenging because of the heat and the distance on day 2. What has been good in the expedition was being able to have breaks on the long distance walks and having music on the walks and being with the team and getting through it together”</p>

<p>We’re so proud of all our learners who completed the Duke of Edinburgh award, and we hope you find the skills you developed highly beneficial to your future.</p>

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