
Creating brighter futures

Weston College has a wide range of courses to suit all learning styles 

Weston College is an award-winning college of further and higher education in Weston-super-Mare. It provides education and vocational training to nearly 30,000 learners across the country. 

We put the learner first and are entrepreneurial in our approach and innovative in our thinking. As a college, we are ambitious and aspirational and are responsive to the needs of students, staff, businesses, and the community. 

We are Weston College. We are Creating Brighter Futures.


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Latest news and developments at Weston College

There is always so much going on across our various campuses and courses. Stay up to date on our latest news
A manager showing their placement student the equipment

As someone responsible for employer engagement at a large college, I'm often asked about how we’re addressing ‘skills gaps’.

I remember being in a senior leadership meeting back in 2022 and being asked by colleagues which industries are experiencing skills shortages and my answer was all sectors!

Despite inflation pressures, many businesses still see recruitment as a challenge, whether it’s growing teams to deliver customer contracts or succession planning. As a result, Weston College is seeing significant growth in employers offering apprenticeships and young people choosing this route.

I make the point daily to employers that working with Weston College can help solve skills gaps. We had 25,984 course enrolments in 2022/23, and 10,181 of these enrolments were young people aged 16-18 years old. Quite the pool of talent!

I’m often asked by employers how we are supporting our students at college after leaving school, those not yet employed as apprentices, to prepare for a career with employers.

What are T Level qualifications?

T Levels are a key part of our agenda to deliver ‘careers not courses’ to young people who trust us with their future when they enrol at Weston College. They were introduced in 2020, so still new. They’re designed to bridge the gap between classroom learning and practical workplace experience.

These two-year courses, which include a 45-day work placement with an employer, offer students a unique opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and skills that are directly relevant to their chosen industry.

At Weston College, we have 160 T Level students studying a range of courses from Digital, Engineering, Business Leadership & Management, Nursing, Construction Design & Surveying and Early Years Education.

Weston College is the largest provider of T Levels in the region, and on results day in August, an incredible 100% pass rate was achieved by our learners.

Student recruitment is looking positive for September 2024 supported by new T Levels courses being offered including a Legal Services T Level for school leavers.

The Industry Placement

One of the features of T Levels is the industry placement, which plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learner's understanding of the real-world workplace.

Approximately 100 employers are currently hosting our students on placement with some offering multiple placements.

There are a huge number of benefits of industry placements, and the results show a positive impact on the employers and their business. Employers can mentor the next generation of employees and many students are offered jobs and apprenticeships by businesses hosting placements.

We are also seeing the placement influence students deciding their next steps, with many choosing work and apprenticeships rather than going university, which is helping to retain talent in our region.

What is the impact?

I was speaking to a large national financial services business recently, they confirmed that after hosting five T Level students on placement last year, the had given four of those students a job offer upon completion of their T Level course before they had even finished their placement. That is proof that T Levels work.

Another employer, growing training business in Weston, told me that having two students on placements had enabled her to evolve processes, increase productivity and increase revenue as a result.

In addition to placements, employer interaction in the classroom is key. Students seeing the benefit of ‘real world learning’ with employers regularly visiting the College to be part of the curriculum.

Hannah, a recent Education T Level graduate said: “I have experience real nursery and school settings on placement, enabling me to be a better practitioner. I have also benefitted from guest lectures from nursery managers at college. All this has helped me secure a job in the industry.”

Recruiting and training new employees can be an expensive and time-consuming process. Engaging with students in education on courses like T Levels can deliver real benefits, such as employers are effectively getting to know potential future employees. T Level learners bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to businesses, as they are tasked to apply theory into practice and add value to a business.

Contact me at if you would like to engage with our T Level students, and access the future workforce here at Weston College.

Dave Crew, Head of Business Growth and Employer Partnership

the C.I.S team standing with their self made tinsel olympic rings

We are proud to announce the remarkable success of our recent RAG Week, where staff and students across all campuses united in a week-long effort to raise funds for charity. RAG Week, short for "raising and giving," saw an impressive total of £3,947.04 raised, thanks to those that kindly donated! 

During this week, participants engaged in a variety of activities and events aimed at supporting charitable causes. This year, we selected two charities to benefit from the funds raised: YoungMinds, a mental health support charity for young people and Weston Hospicecare, our local charity that cares for people with life-limiting illnesses.  

This year, nearly 100 Public Services learners and staff showcased their commitment to our charity week by organising and participating in a marathon run along the seafront. Collectively, they covered 26 miles while dressed up as Spartans and other fun clothing and raising an impressive £921.90 for charity! 

Public services students posing on the seafront just before setting off on their run

In addition, the Student Experience Team at Weston College had an extraordinary initiative for this year's RAG Week - to host the Olympics! Transforming the campus reception with vibrant decorations reflecting the spirit of the Olympics. Everyone was greeted with a delightful array of cakes and cookies, sold to support charitable causes. Adding to the festive atmosphere, members of the team were dressed in sportswear attire! 

the C.I.S team standing with their self made tinsel olympic rings

Eve Tullett, Weston College's Student Participation Officer, played a pivotal role in organising RAG Week, ensuring its smooth execution. Eve has expressed her gratitude for the overwhelming support from staff and students, emphasising the impact of their collective efforts. "As my first year organising this cross-college event, it was really heart-warming to see learners and staff coming together to put on a vast range of events and activities in aid of charity”. 

"There were lots of innovative ideas, it was incredible to see so many learners and staff taking time out of their days to participate in activities which benefit the wider community”. 

Eve and the Student Executives gained insight into the impact of our fundraising during RAG week by visiting to Weston Hospicecare. They got to see how the funds raised are used within the hospice. Aleksandar, President of the Students' Union says “I found the visit to Weston Hospicecare very insightful, and I learnt a lot. It was nice to see where the money we raised during RAG goes to”.  

Vice President Izabella similarly explains “I entered the hospice with a huge stigma in my head and worries that it would be similar to a hospital, however I left feeling assured, knowing those accessing the hospice are surrounded by love”. Their reflections highlight the importance of community engagement and supporting organisations like Weston Hospicecare. Read more into the Student Union at Weston College here. 

Firstly, we want to thank Eve for her hard work and dedication in managing RAG Week – it has been truly outstanding. Thank you for your tireless efforts in making this event a success! 

And a massive thank you goes to all the staff and students for their generosity and dedication to raise such an incredible amount for spectacular causes! 


Please see below the list of winners for the RAG Week Awards 2024:


Best Dressed: 

Knightstone College Information Services (CIS) - in their own time, the staff even made their own costumes and props! 

Most Innovative Fundraising Idea: 

Early Years and Education – the Task Master style event 

Best Team Event: 

Carpentry – learners and staff excelled in their own idea to make benches from scratch for Ashcombe School! 

Best Team Player: 

Anne Draper (Social Action Apprentice) dedicated her time to commit to the ESOL penalty shootout and Early Years activities. 

Outstanding Contribution: 

Liz Greaves (Health and Safety) for her continuous effort to attend every RAG Week event and give generous donations. 

Most Funds Raised: 

Public Services – staff and learners raised an incredible £921.90 running 26 miles along the seafront! 

Students visiting a Berlin kindergarten

Early Years and Education students recently had the opportunity to go to Berlin! Students immersed themselves in new educational settings and cultural experiences. The trip was an exciting adventure filled with new friendships, personal growth, and profound insights into alternative educational approaches. 

The trip offered students the opportunity to explore early years and primary settings vastly different from their own, visiting both the Kita Perelplatz kindergarten and Fichtelgebirger Primary school. Led by dedicated lecturers, the group delved into the heart of Berlin’s educational landscape, at an early years setting catering to children aged 2-6 and a primary setting for children aged 6-11. Both environments embraced an ‘open work’ approach, prioritising choice, independence, and freedom for the children — a stark contrast to traditional educational paradigms.   


Students in Berlin


Going abroad was a big step for students, but it was all worth it! One student said: “This is so out of my comfort zone, but I am so glad I had the courage to come.” Another student said: “This has been an amazing experience and I want to go on the trip next year.”  

Beyond the educational immersion, students relished the opportunity to explore the vibrant city of Berlin. From its rich history to its modern cultural offerings, Berlin captivated the hearts and minds of the students. Students were able to visit the Berlin Wall as well as the famous TV tower!  


Students in Berlin at the TV Tower


Early Years lecturer Stacey commented on the trip saying: “Everyone wants to make education and the care of young children the best it can be, and the reflective conversations that followed our visit to the German educational settings highlighted our shared vision for the children in our care and the difference each one of us can make to a child’s life.” 


Students in Berlin


If you are passionate about education and are looking for an opportunity to join the staff team at a leading college, then look at the latest job vacancies available at Weston College here. You can find all the latest job opportunities that Weston College has to offer, with a commitment to providing quality education for learners and a focus on continuous professional development for staff, Weston College is an excellent place to work and grow in your career.


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The Queen's Anniversary Prizes
Beacon Award Winner 2018/2019
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European Union Social Fund
Disability confident employer
Committed to Care Leavers
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Apprenticeships partner
Authorised Training Centre - Education
Microsoft IT Academy Program Member
100 best not for profit organisations to work for 2019
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