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Latest news and developments at Weston College

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Weston College is delighted to announce, that four learners have been shortlisted, for the national Association of Colleges’ (AoC), Student of the Year Awards.

Each year, the AoC Student of the Year awards celebrate truly unique students from colleges across England who deserve recognition and will go on to inspire others.

These awards are an opportunity to highlight outstanding and exceptional individuals and showcase their achievements, talents and successes. These students have gone above and beyond to give back and positively impact their college and community.

The four learners who have been shortlisted, are:

  • Jack – Apprentice of the Year
  • Teryena – Adult Student of the Year
  • Jack – Higher Education Student of the Year
  • Paige – Student Green Commitment Award

Sir Paul Phillips, Principal and Chief Executive of the Weston College Group, said: “I am so proud of the four learners that have been shortlisted for these prestigious awards.

“Each of the learners have gone above and beyond, not only in their studies, but also for their community, defying the odds and producing consistently fantastic results.

“I’d like to wish Jack, Teryena, Jack and Paige the best of luck, with the finalists due to be announced next month, at the AoC Annual Conference.”

The finalists for each of the awards will be announced in November, with the winners being crowned in Spring 2023.

Smiling man holding clipboard

Research by Forbes found that diverse teams delivered 60% better results and inclusive teams make better decisions 87% of the time. With impressive statistics like the ones above, it is becoming more and more apparent that taking inclusivity seriously is not only the right thing to do. but it also makes good business sense. As a result of this, a series of workshops entirely dedicated to ‘Become an Inclusive Employer’, are being launched.

To celebrate this launch we wanted to find out; what being an inclusive employer really means, what the workshops will involve, and what the impact will be. Lynsey McKinstry, our Business Partner Manager, and Nicola Lace, the Senior Operations Manager in the Faculty of Inclusive Practice (FIP), have had huge involvement with the workshops. Through them we got an insight into the mission of creating a network of champions of inclusivity.

Nicola has over fifteen years of celebrating neurodiversity, and with Weston college being one of only three SEND Centres for Excellence in the UK, this accolade showcases the serious approach to inclusivity that Weston takes. Lynsey works very closely with FIP, among many other faculties and employers, to create a seamless link between education and industry skills assisting in driving our region and workforce of the future forwards.

Both Lynsey and Nicola emphasised that these workshops are for anyone wanting to ensure inclusivity in business, ensuring staff, colleagues and customers are supported to access their products and services.

Being an ‘Inclusive Employer’ is highly important, as inclusion is for everyone, not just for those with visible needs; it ensures nobody is left behind. Furthermore, with mass resignations taking place across many businesses, the struggle to recruit is being felt across the country. Being an inclusive employer allows a much bigger talent pool to recruit from, allowing employers to access untapped talent and build effective teams with widening prospects. Long gone is the one model fits all approach, now employers need to open up working conditions, make reasonable adjustments and support employees. This will only benefit everyone! Lynsey also pointed out that this will make you stand out from your competitors, as you are taking steps to ensuring everyone is welcome.

So what do the workshops actually cover? Lynsey explains: “We start with some very interesting stats around neurodiversity, why some individuals are neurodiverse and what this can mean for your place of work. The workshop itself is actually really eye opening and positive with opportunity to talk to industry experts on taking the next steps into being more inclusive. The afternoon looks at effective and impactful ways you can put this into practice. The team will also be showing you some simple and interesting exercises that will make you really consider how people of different abilities perceive different tasks, and adapting them to play to everyone’s strengths.”

Both Lynsey and Nicola strongly encourage anyone to sign up and come along, Nicola even stating that “The sooner you do, the sooner you’ll be ahead of the change.”

Lynsey and Nicola conclude: “People deserve to be seen, heard and valued – we can all recall when we felt excluded or not welcome. We want to work with businesses and business leaders that want to change this! Working collaboratively and with mutual respect brings so many benefits; why wouldn’t you want to come along?”

For a small fee of just £99, you really can change the perception of your business, and create a positive impact, for both recruiting and retaining your workforce as well as creating an access to the purple pound and increasing your revenue. Find out when our upcoming dates are taking place, and how to book your place, here!

Aerial view of airport

Sustainability is a key driver within both GKN Aerospace and the entire aerospace sector and we are looking at ways in which we can make major changes to everything that we do, in order meet our commitments to the environment and therefore operate more sustainably.

Several months ago I was contacted by Weston College and asked if I would support the Engineering and Construction Sustainability Learner and Employer Conference that they were planning, as part of their event schedule for Great Big Green Week.

I was intrigued by this initiative and with the importance of the subject matter, so duly committed my support accordingly on behalf of GKN Aerospace.

I arrived to a packed-out Winter Gardens, and it was great to see so many learners of different stages in their development in attendance, all listening and working keenly to have a positive impact. The event was well structured with keynote speakers, a panel Q&A with likeminded organisations, followed by what was the main event - the Bridge Build Challenge.

Having participated, I have to say what a brilliant event, having the next generation of Engineering and Construction engineers in one place, for the day, was extremely powerful, and the conversations that ensued were a privilege to be part of.

I would recommend any employers who are asked to attend this event next year, or a similar event at the college to do so.

Although on the face of it and with time pressures which we are all under a day out of the business might appear a considerable commitment. Productivity can be directly related to Impact, so viewing it in this light this event was hugely impactful on every level, therefore a massively productive use of my time.

Should the event take place next year and I am invited, then I will be back!

Paul Ashbee, GKN

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One Message, Different Voices

Take a look at this powerful film made by the staff of Weston College to show how important it is for everyone from different backgrounds to be included. The film shares heartfelt stories and interviews with a diverse group of staff, showing how accepting different identities and backgrounds can make a big difference. Its purpose is to encourage viewers to think about their own biases and work towards making our community more welcoming to all. We invite everyone, regardless of their background, to join us and be a part of our journey toward a more inclusive future.

Halo workplace logo

Our workplace champions the right of staff to embrace all Afro-hairstyles. We acknowledge that Afro-textured hair is an important part of our Black employees’ racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious identities, and requires specific styling for hair health and maintenance. We celebrate Afro-textured hair worn in all styles including, but not limited to, afros, locs, twists, braids, cornrows, fades, hair straightened through the application of heat or chemicals, weaves, wigs, headscarves, and wraps. In this workplace, we recognise and celebrate our colleagues’ identities. We are a community built on an ethos of equality and respect where hair texture and style have no bearing on an employee's ability to succeed.