
T Levels


T Levels have been designed with leading businesses and employers to give you the knowledge and skills you need. More than 200 businesses – including Fujitsu and Skanska – have been involved so you can be confident your T Level will move you to the next level.


T Levels give you the chance to learn what a real career is like while you continue your studies. Your industry placement will last for at least 45 days.


When you pass your T Level, you will get a nationally recognised certificate showing the overall grade you achieved - pass, merit, distinction or distinction*. It will also give details of what you learned on the course to help you move into skilled employment or a higher apprenticeship.


Your T Level will be worth UCAS points – a T Level Distinction* is worth the same as 3 A Levels at A* – and will be recognised by universities and other education providers so you can choose to continue studying if you wish.


T Levels involve more classroom study than apprenticeships, which means you can experience an industry while you continue your studies. Like A Levels, there are no tuition fees to study a T Level if you start before you are 19.

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Level 3

Animal Care and Management, T Level

2 Years
Sep 2024
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The Animal Care and Management T Level is a vocational qualification created to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary for a career in the animal care industry. The course involves a significant amount of theory and science. Our experienced tutors are dedicated to teaching you the necessary theory to complement your practical...

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Level 3

Business, Management and Leadership, T Level

2 Years
Sep 2024
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This course provides a solid foundation for a successful career in business management and leadership, equipping you with the knowledge and skills necessary to lead teams, make informed business decisions, and drive organisational success. The T Level offers a practical and hands-on approach to various subjects including strategic planning, te...

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Level 3

Construction: Design, Surveying and Planning, T Level

2 Years
Sep 2024
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T Levels are designed with leading businesses to deliver world-class technical qualifications. They are designed to give students the workplace skills they need to succeed and are supported by employers of all sizes. This course is suitable for anyone wanting a career in construction, specifically in surveying and design, civil engineering, bu...

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Level 3

Digital: Production Design and Development, T Level

2 Years
Sep 2024
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Digital Production Design and Development is an exciting and rapidly changing field that involves creating digital content. With technology advancing quickly, there is a growing demand for professionals who can design and develop engaging digital experiences. Whether it's making beautiful websites, creating virtual reality experiences, or deve...

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Level 3

Digital: Support Services, T Level

2 Years
Sep 2024
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In an increasingly technological world, there is a growing demand for professionals who can provide technical support, fix software and hardware problems, and ensure smooth digital operations, whether assisting users with complex systems, managing computer networks, or ensuring cybersecurity. The Digital Support Services T Level provides you w...

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Level 3

Education: Assisting Teaching, T Level

2 Years
Sep 2024
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The Assisting Teaching T Level is a comprehensive and industry-focused programme that equips aspiring early years educators with the knowledge, skills, and practical experience necessary to excel in the field. Designed in collaboration with employers to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving sector, this T Level provides a unique opportunity t...

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Level 3

Education: Early Years Educator, T Level

2 Years
Sep 2024
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The Early Years Educator T Level is a comprehensive and industry-focused programme that equips aspiring early years educators with the knowledge, skills, and practical experience necessary to excel in the field. Designed in collaboration with employers to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving sector, this T Level provides a unique opportunity...

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Level 3

Engineering and Manufacturing, T Level

2 Years
Sep 2024
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The Engineering T Level offers aspiring engineers a comprehensive and dynamic pathway to embark on a rewarding career in the field. Designed to bridge the gap between education and industry, this innovative programme combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills, ensuring you are well-prepared for the challenges of the engineering secto...

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Level 3

Health: Supporting Adult Nurse Team, T Level

2 Years
Sep 2024
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The Health: Supporting Adult Nurse Team, T Level programme is an ideal choice if you are looking for a rewarding career in the healthcare sector. This dynamic programme combines theoretical knowledge with practical experience, providing you with a holistic understanding of the healthcare industry. Through a blend of classroom learning, simulat...

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Level 3

Legal Services, T Level

2 Years
Sep 2024
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The Legal Services T Level provides a specialised educational pathway for individuals aspiring to build a successful career in the legal field. This comprehensive course covers a diverse range of topics, including criminal law, civil law, legal procedures, and legal research skills. Through practical application and real-world experiences, you...

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A group of students at work placement


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Yes you do, the table below shows how many points you will be awarded based on your final T-Level grade.

UCAS Tariff points T Level overall grade Equivalent in A Level
168 Distinction* A*A*A*
144 Distinction AAA
120 Merit BBB
96 Pass (C or above on the core) CCC
72 Pass (D or above on the core) DDD
T-Level logo - the next level qualifications



T Levels are new courses launching in September 2020 for 16-19 year olds who have completed their GCSEs. Equivalent to three A Levels, the two-year courses have been developed in collaboration with employers and businesses, including Amazon, KPMG, Fujitsu, Skanska, NHS and GlaxoSmithKline, so that the content meets the needs of industry and prepares students for work.

T Levels will offer students a mixture of classroom learning and ‘on-the-job’ training during an industry placement of at least 45 days (315 hours). They will provide the knowledge and experience needed to open doors into a skilled job, higher apprenticeship or university.

here will be 25 T Levels in total which are being phased in over the next four years. Students will be able to study a T Level in the following subjects:

• Accountancy
• Agriculture, land management and production
• Animal care and management
• Building services engineering
• Catering
• Craft and design
• Cultural heritage and visitor attractions
• Design, development and control
• Design, surveying and planning
• Digital business services
• Digital production, design and development
• Digital support and services
• Education
• Financial
• Air, beauty and aesthetics
• Health
• Healthcare science
• Human resources
• Legal
• Maintenance, installation and repair
• Management and administration
• Manufacturing and process
• Media, broadcast and production
• Onsite construction
• Science

The first three T Levels, Digital, Construction and Education & Childcare, will be offered at selected colleges, schools and further education providers across England in September 2020. This means that students in Year 11 are the first to be eligible to take a T Level.

We will be launching in September 2020 Digital: Digital Production, Design and Development T Level, as well as the Education and Childcare: Education T Level transition course.

T Levels will become another option for students looking to continue studies after GCSE alongside apprenticeships and A Levels. As part of our wider reforms we are also reviewing qualifications at Level 3 and below to help streamline qualifications available to students at post 16.

A T Level qualification is a two-year course, including the industry placement. This is a significant increase on most current technical education courses, ensuring that students gain as much experience as possible while undertaking the qualification and are well prepared for the workplace.

T Levels will be based on the same high standards as apprenticeships, designed by employers and approved by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education.

Apprenticeships are different in that they are typically 80% on-the-job training and 20% in the classroom learning, and are more suited to students who know what occupation they see themselves working in, want to earn a wage, learn at the same time and are ready to enter the workforce at age 16.

Students who successfully complete a T Level will receive an overall grade of pass, merit, distinction or distinction*, along with a nationally recognised certificate to show their overall grade and a breakdown of their results.

A T Level entails the following, which students must complete to achieve a grade:

• A technical qualification, which will cover:
o Core theory, concepts and skills for the student’s chosen industry area
o A specialist skills and knowledge for an occupation or career relevant to the student’s interest
• Direct, hands-on experience in an industry placement with an employer in a relevant field
• A minimum standard in maths and English (if students have not already achieved them)

Yes, to help students get into higher education, UCAS tariff points will be allocated to T Levels, in the same way they are with A Levels. This means they will be just as academically stretching and offer students the options of progressing to a job, higher technical training, a degree or an apprenticeship.

UCAS points will only be allocated to the overall T Level grade. Students must achieve at least an overall pass grade to receive UCAS points.

Each overall T Level grade equates to the following amount of UCAS tariff points:

168 UCAS Tariff Points - Distinction* T Level overall grade
144 UCAS Tariff Points - Distinction T Level overall grade
120 UCAS Tariff Points - Merit T Level overall grade
96 UCAS Tariff Points - Pass (C) T Level overall grade
72 UCAS Tariff Points - Pass (D or E) T Level overall grade

Government will have committed half a billion pounds to delivering T Levels once they are fully rolled out. This includes the recent announcement that the further education sector will receive an additional £400m. This includes funding earmarked specifically to support workforce development and to build capacity on industry placements.

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T Level learners visiting Ashcombe School Construction site

<p>Last week twelve first year T Level learners, studying Design, Surveying and Planning for Construction, went on a site visit to the Ashcombe Primary School Construction project, which is being built by John Perkins Construction Limited.</p>

<p>Before entering the site, learners were issued with all the correct Personal Protective Equipment and given a Health and Safety Site Induction by Richard Mann, the Site Manager for John Perkins Construction.</p>

<p>Once ready to enter the site, learners were then treated to a comprehensive site tour from Richard, which included visiting the new classrooms, reception area, school hall and other back-up facilities.</p>

<p>Throughout the tour Richard explained what materials were used and methods of construction. It was a fantastic interactive session, where learners asked multiple questions, allowing them to delve deeper into the techniques used, in more detail.</p>

<p>At the end of the tour, Richard kindly offered to host the T Level learners on site again in Spring next year, to see the progress on the build and experience the internal fit-out works of the project.</p>

<p>Daniel Comerford, Lecturer in Construction Professions at Weston College, said: “I would like to say a big thank you to everyone that made our recent possible – our learners found the site visit extremely beneficial.</p>

<p>“On the back of the visit, learners are writing up a technical report, which includes items such as health and safety, timber frames and foundation details.</p>

<p>“We look forward to working closely with John Perkins Construction Limited over the coming academic year.”</p>

<p>This employer project forms part of the subject <a href="">Careers Excellence Hub</a>; Weston College is committed to preparing learners for success in a rapidly evolving job market which is reflected in our offer via our bespoke Career Excellence Hubs, which form an integral part of all college programmes. In a world where professional networks and industry-specific skills are integral to landing employment, these hubs provide a unique solution to bridge the gap between education and industry demands.</p>

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<p class="MsoNormal" style="border:none;mso-border-bottom-alt:solid windowtext 1.5pt;
padding:0cm;mso-padding-alt:0cm 0cm 1.0pt 0cm"><a href="… you would like to find out more about our Construction T Level courses, please click here.</a></p>

Hannah, T Level learner standing in the Early Years Centre

<p>In a resounding testament to educational excellence, Weston College's <a href="… Level</a> learners have achieved an extraordinary 100% pass rate this year – outshining the national pass rate of 90.5%.</p>

<p>T Levels, introduced as a new technical qualification pathway, emphasise a blend of classroom learning and practical experience, making Weston College's achievement even more noteworthy.</p>

<p>The achievement of a flawless pass rate is a reflection of the dedication put forth by students and the unwavering support provided by staff at Weston College.</p>

<p>Sandra Bull, Assistant Principal of Curriculum and Cross College T Level Lead, at Weston College, said: “We are so proud of our T Level learners, and the amazing results that they have achieved – bucking the national trend!</p>

<p>“The results demonstrate the hard work and commitment of our students, staff and also the employer partners who play such an important role in the T Level journey for our learners.</p>

<p>“Our learners are now progressing onto their next stage, which looks different for each learner, with some progressing to university, some going on to complete degree apprenticeships and others going straight into their chosen industry.</p>

<p>“These results, and the feedback we are receiving, demonstrate the impact that T Levels can have and is having on creating the next generation of skilled employees for the evolving demands of the modern workforce.”</p>

<p>One of the driving forces behind this remarkable success is the college's emphasis on putting the learner first. Weston College is renowned for its student-centred approach, ensuring that each individual's unique strengths are harnessed and that support is on hand to support learners in any way that is needed. The dedicated teaching staff, equipped with a wealth of expertise, have played a pivotal role in shaping students into confident, knowledgeable professionals ready to make a meaningful impact.</p>

<p>Hear from some of the learners, and the impact T Levels has had on them, below.</p>

Sam smiling whilst outside

<p>My name is Sam Matthews and I’m an Accounts manager at Brooking Ruse. My role consists of running my own client portfolio which includes a wide range of businesses, as well as assisting the directors with their more complex clients. I also line manage our accounting apprentices.<img alt="Sam smiling at camera outside" data-align="right" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="64556280-0558-4b5d-904d-b43fee6ab2c9" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/Sam%20Smaller.jpg" /></p>

<p>I decided to become an accountant during my second year at university. I had visited Brooking Ruse on work experience whilst at school, which evolved into some paid seasonal work during the summer holidays – so it was a no-brainer when I was offered a graduate trainee role.</p>

<p>Accountancy involves a lot of maths, and this wasn’t something that I was initially interested in, or considered pursuing until I sat my GCSESs when I surprised myself with good grades! My interest in maths certainly developed over time after that.</p>

<p>Being an accountant is challenging but rewarding.</p>

<p>Becoming an accountant gives you access to a wide range of industry sectors and job roles. I knew that if I didn’t enjoy working in general practice then I could look to move into industry as a management accountant. I could also have chosen to specialise within a particular area such as audit, tax, or insolvency, etc.</p>

<p>Once you’ve done your bit it’s then time to communicate with the client. This can be a great opportunity to build professional relationships and meet people you’d have otherwise never met.</p>

<p>There are lots of great things about the job – I really enjoy meeting with clients to understand their goals and working with them to ensure they’re achieved. I’ve taken on a couple of clients recently who found themselves in a spot of bother – seeing the relief on their faces when the matters were resolved was a great feeling.</p>

<p>If you’re thinking of becoming an accountant, my advice is to go for it!</p>

<p>Accountancy qualifications are a passport to anywhere – every business needs someone financially-minded so there are infinite possibilities.</p>

<p>I also think there’s a myth that you need A Level or degree standard maths skills; you really don’t. What’s more important is being able to approach problems with logical and structured thinking…. our calculators do the sums for us!</p>

<p><a href="… like Sam you’d like to become an accountant, you can start your journey with our T Level in accountancy, click here to find out more.</a></p>


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