Programmes for School Leavers
Courses for 16 to 18-year-olds
With hundreds of unique, exciting and inspiring programmes to choose from, everything you need to create your brighter future is waiting for you at Weston College.
From the minute you walk through the door, the experience and the environment that we create is all about maximising your potential. It’s about preparing and motivating you for a fresh and focused career pathway.
Every Weston College student becomes part of one of our exciting new Career Excellence Hubs. This means you will take part in a study programme with lots of career boosting benefits, all with the aim of help you to go further, giving you the opportunity to become career ready with the skills, knowledge and expertise you need to be successful in your next step and reach your ultimate goal - whatever that may be!
Whether you are looking for the next step after school or the next step in your career, we're bound to have a programme for you. Take a look below at the different types of qualifications available for school leavers and young people between 16 and 18 years old.
Did you know we also run English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)?
Start your brighter future by selecting a subject you're interested in below, and don't forget - you can apply online and it only takes 5 minutes!
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Qualifications Explained
At Weston College we know that everyone learns differently. That’s why we deliver a variety of different qualification types - to give you the chance to learn in the way that suits you the most.
A Levels
A Levels develop the knowledge, skills and study habits to excel at university, as well as the attributes recognised by employers. Your academic studies will be complemented with enrichment opportunities such as trips, mentoring and work experience, providing the perfect springboard for your future career. A Levels are assessed through exams at the end of two years of study. Most learners study three subjects - some choose four.
With an apprenticeship you’ll go straight into the workplace and be shown clear routes to progress straight into employment within a specific occupation. You can achieve nationally recognised qualifications, earn a wage, and gain skills that will see you get ahead. On average you will spend 20% of your learning time in the college and 80% within the workplace..
Professional and Technical Qualifications
Professional and technical qualifications are designed to provide you with the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to gain employment within specific industries or occupations. They provide a balance between theory and practical skills development. They are suited to those who want to get hands-on experience within a particular vocational area. These programmes include work placements. Assessment is more varied and will include exams, coursework and practical work.
Traineeships are a great way for 16 to 24-year-olds who haven’t yet gained the skills and experiences necessary to apply for jobs and apprenticeships. They are taught mostly in the workplace and include a mixture of personal and social development, and employability skills. The aim of a traineeship is to train you within a company so that you are more likely to be offered an apprenticeship or a job.
T Levels give you the chance to learn what a real career is like while you continue your studies. T Levels have been designed with leading businesses and employers to give you the knowledge and skills you need, including a minimum of 45 days on an industry placement – this means you will spend 80% of your learning time in College and 20% within the workplace.
We are all about CAREERS NOT COURSES and pride ourselves on being able to offer a huge range of programmes to ensure you develop the skills and knowledge employers and universities are looking for. As the only education provider in North Somerset that enables you to work your way up from an entrylevel programme to a degree, we’re here to help you choose the right programme for you.
We can help you choose your study programme or apprenticeship by accessing the following support:
School Liaison Team
Working with local schools we help you find out about college life and programmes of study, and we provide you with advice and guidance about what programmes will best suit you. We will either visit your school, attend careers fairs and parents’ evenings or coordinate campus and virtual events such as our taster days, holiday workshops and tours.
We put on a number of events over the year, which will be a mixture of face-to-face and virtual events. These provide you and your family with the opportunity to explore our facilities, speak to our lecturers, find out about the support on offer and choose the right programme for you. Our events also give you the opportunity to engage with a number of employers to find out about careers in their industry and why they value the calibre of candidates that come from Weston College.
- On our website you can access a wealth of career guidance, such as:
- All the programmes you can study.
- What our alumni have gone on to achieve.
- Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) that will help explain what relevant careers and jobs are available, including salaries.
- NEW – Subject careers roadmaps, so you can map your journey with us and ensure it will get you into your chosen career. Also, check out Career Coach - this provides you with the opportunity to:
- Take an assessment that matches you with careers.
- Explore broad career pathways that match your strengths and interests.
- Compare careers within a pathway - including salaries, required education and more.
- Explore our programmes that will set you on the path to your desired career.
- Take a career assessment - and receive an in-depth report that can help you identify the best programme and career path for you!
We’re here and happy to help – if you would like more advice and guidance, contact our school liaison team by emailing schoolteam@weston.ac.uk. - they you can arrange a one-to-one careers appointment with our specialist staff.

<p>Becoming a Police Officer can be a highly rewarding career choice if you’re interested in serving the community and upholding the law. It is a demanding and challenging job that requires dedication, skill, and a deep sense of commitment.</p><p>In this article, we will discuss why you would want to join the Police Force and how we can help you achieve it!</p><p>There are many reasons why someone may choose to become a Police Officer. For some, it is a lifelong dream that they have had since childhood. Others may be drawn to the job because of a desire to make a positive impact in their community or to help those in need. Whatever the reason, becoming a Police Officer is a noble profession that requires a high level of integrity, compassion, and bravery. <p.police a="" critical="" in="" officers="" play="" role="" society="">They also work closely with the community, building relationships with residents and businesses to help prevent crime and maintain a safe environment.</p.police></p><p>There are lots of job opportunities in the UK, with 45 different geographical forces.</p><p>You might now be wondering how to become a Police Officer, and how can Weston College help… we offer several courses, which can act as the starting point of your journey, or your next steps.</p><p>Our courses are part of our <a href="https://www.weston.ac.uk/career-excellence-hubs?utm_source=main-menu&am… Excellence Hubs</a>, which gives you unrivalled access to employers, whether that be for industry insight talks, work experience or trips.</p><p>Here are some of the courses we would recommend:</p><p><strong>Public Services Courses</strong></p><p>We offer several Public Services courses, across different levels, which will build your skills and knowledge, ready for a career in the Police Force.</p><p>Each course is slightly different, but they are all taught by people with industry experience and include regular talks from local Police Officers. <a href="https://www.weston.ac.uk/what-can-i-study/courses-16-18-year-olds/publi… courses are a great way to start your journey into the Police Force, click here to see our Public Services courses.</a></p><p><strong>A Levels</strong></p><p>A Levels are another route that you can take to join the Police Force, as once completed you can progress onto a degree. Courses such as Criminology, Law and Sociology are recommended, as they will give you a understanding of what the law is and also give you insight into the thoughts and behaviour of society.</p><p><a href="https://www.weston.ac.uk/what-can-i-study/courses-16-18-year-olds/level… here to see our A Level offer.</a></p><p><strong>Degrees</strong></p><p>University Centre Weston (UCW) offers a Level 6 in Uniformed and Public Services, which will give you specialised knowledge and skills in areas including organisational leadership, causes of crime and social conflict, partnership working and emergency planning, and prepare to progress to a range of roles within the uniformed and public services.</p><p><a href="https://www.ucw.ac.uk/courses/uniformed-and-public-services-ba-hons/">C… here to find out more about the course</a>.</p><p> </p><p>If you'd like to find out more about a career in the Police, <a href="https://www.weston.ac.uk/news-and-events/events?utm_source=main-menu&am… along to one of our open evenings</a> and chat to the team, they will be more than happy to help!</p>

<p>Tom Hook, a second year <a href="https://www.weston.ac.uk/what-can-i-study/courses-16-18-year-olds/level… Level</a> learner, held his very own fashion show to showcase his talent and vision in fashion design. 100 exclusive guests were invited to view his work, including Principal and CEO, Sir Paul Phillips, and the Chair of the Governors, Andrew Leighton-Price.</p><p>Tom, who studies <a href="https://www.weston.ac.uk/what-can-i-study/courses-16-18-year-olds/art-d… & Textiles A Level</a>, alongside <a href="https://www.weston.ac.uk/what-can-i-study/courses-16-18-year-olds/creat… Studies</a> at the college, explained the process and inspiration for the evening:</p><p>“My 2023 Evening Presentation was six months in the making; 183 days work. The process consisted of thorough research that was to eventually inform my designs. Each of my garments had to be produced under safe conditions (by myself), not comprised in quality of materials, nor manufacture. The mantra I decided upon in spite of a growing taste for cheap, on trend pieces was that ‘Classic endures: beautiful clothes need not to abide trends.”</p><p>The collection totalled 15 looks styled with accessories, the clothing itself being purposely simple in concept, yet up to date with current fashion trends including the Y2K parachute cargo pants and crop-top silhouette.</p><p>The models who exhibited Tom’s designs were all peer learners, as well as makeup artists and costume assistants who were also on hand throughout the evening to aid the smooth running of the event.</p><p>The evening was described as ‘ravishing’, with nothing but positive feedback from both those involved and attendees. Nicola Stent, Tom’s fashion lecturer, commented: “It was a pleasure to see how impressed the audience were with his first collection, and I feel blessed to be part of his exciting journey.”</p><p>“My course has helped me in understanding the importance of research, has developed my sewing skills and techniques including corsetry construction present in my gold lamé finale dress. A Level Media helped me to be able to promote the event and in formatting the invitations, fashion programmes, and production set design.</p><p>“My lecturer Nicola Stent supported me a great deal in believing in my vision (even when I had doubts), and in arranging logistics. The staff at the college reinforce the organisation’s wider goal in ‘Creating Brighter Futures’, their facilities and resources unable to be faulted.”</p><p>Since the age of 14, Tom has aspired to attend Central Saint Martins or Glasgow School of Art, both internationally renowned for their fashion courses, with his dream being to walk the same corridors as McQueen and Galliano once had. In ten years' time, he hopes to be working within the fashion industry at some capacity, depending on the opportunities that come his way.</p><p>He concluded: “I would like to thank the college for its constant support and all that it does for its students as well as its contribution towards the wider local community.”</p>

<p>My name is Ben Hoskin, and I am the Chief Operating Officer of <a href="https://www.regencypurchasing.co.uk/">Regency Purchasing Group</a>. I’ve worked here since 2009, and was appointed into this role in 2022. I also lead the UK’s largest network of field-based procurement managers.</p><p>For 20 years, Regency Purchasing Group have been helping businesses across the UK reduce their costs by leveraging the value of their collective spend. We work with over 170 local and national suppliers to support more than 5,000 businesses delivering savings of between 8-14% across all buying categories. However, we do so much more than just saving businesses time and money…</p><p>As sustainability continues to grow in significance on the global agenda, we’re helping more and more organisations align their procurement to unlock supply chain sustainability benefits and reduce the impact on social, environment and economic factors.</p><p>We will be working with Weston College, in particular the <a href="https://www.weston.ac.uk/what-can-i-study/courses-16-18-year-olds/hospi… and Catering</a> department and the <a href="https://www.weston.ac.uk/grove">Grove</a>, to review their supply chain and identify ways in which the college can decrease emissions to achieve their ambition to become Net Zero.</p><p>We’ve already completed a full purchasing audit which has presented over 11% of cost savings, and next we’ll be reviewing waste and recycling processes and contracts.</p><p>We’ll also be introducing our market-leading technology solutions to provide the college with full control of their purchasing, as well as providing staff and students with access to MenuIQ, our menu, allergen and nutrition management system. The functionality within this system will allow students to effectively develop their menus, manage menu costs and understand the importance of allergen and ingredient management and compliance. The MenuIQ platform has been built by an in-house team of software specialists and as part of the partnership with the college, we intend to invite students to provide user feedback which will be considered for future development and new feature releases.</p><p>For the college, there are multiple drivers for why this is will create a positive impact, including cost reduction through reduced energy costs, reduced over-specification, reduced consumption, reduced wastage as well as reduced social and environmental compliance costs.</p><p>Sustainability also comes with risk reduction benefits – it reduces the potential negative financial impact on brand value from using unsustainable products or working with suppliers using unsustainable practices, as well as non-compliance with environmental regulations.</p><p>There will also be opportunity for the college to increase revenue by charging more for eco-friendly products, as well as possible income streams from incentivised recycling and waste management programmes.</p><p>Net zero is the best way we can tackle climate change; the actions we take in the next 10 years to limit emissions will be critical to the future of the planet, so it’s hugely important that businesses and individuals work together to reduce the carbon we produce.</p><p>As a national business with roots in Weston-super-Mare, we’re delighted to be supporting such a progressive local business. I am confident that our partnership will go from strength to strength, leaving no stone unturned.</p><p><em>- Ben Hoskin, Regency Purchasing Group</em></p>