Programmes for School Leavers
Courses for 16 to 18-year-olds
With hundreds of unique, exciting and inspiring programmes to choose from, everything you need to create your brighter future is waiting for you at Weston College.
From the minute you walk through the door, the experience and the environment that we create is all about maximising your potential. It’s about preparing and motivating you for a fresh and focused career pathway.
Every Weston College student becomes part of one of our exciting new Career Excellence Hubs. This means you will take part in a study programme with lots of career boosting benefits, all with the aim of help you to go further, giving you the opportunity to become career ready with the skills, knowledge and expertise you need to be successful in your next step and reach your ultimate goal - whatever that may be!
Whether you are looking for the next step after school or the next step in your career, we're bound to have a programme for you. Take a look below at the different types of qualifications available for school leavers and young people between 16 and 18 years old.
Did you know we also run English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)?
Start your brighter future by selecting a subject you're interested in below, and don't forget - you can apply online and it only takes 5 minutes!
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Qualifications Explained
At Weston College we know that everyone learns differently. That’s why we deliver a variety of different qualification types - to give you the chance to learn in the way that suits you the most.
A Levels
A Levels develop the knowledge, skills and study habits to excel at university, as well as the attributes recognised by employers. Your academic studies will be complemented with enrichment opportunities such as trips, mentoring and work experience, providing the perfect springboard for your future career. A Levels are assessed through exams at the end of two years of study. Most learners study three subjects - some choose four.
With an apprenticeship you’ll go straight into the workplace and be shown clear routes to progress straight into employment within a specific occupation. You can achieve nationally recognised qualifications, earn a wage, and gain skills that will see you get ahead. On average you will spend 20% of your learning time in the college and 80% within the workplace..
Professional and Technical Qualifications
Professional and technical qualifications are designed to provide you with the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to gain employment within specific industries or occupations. They provide a balance between theory and practical skills development. They are suited to those who want to get hands-on experience within a particular vocational area. These programmes include work placements. Assessment is more varied and will include exams, coursework and practical work.
Traineeships are a great way for 16 to 24-year-olds who haven’t yet gained the skills and experiences necessary to apply for jobs and apprenticeships. They are taught mostly in the workplace and include a mixture of personal and social development, and employability skills. The aim of a traineeship is to train you within a company so that you are more likely to be offered an apprenticeship or a job.
T Levels give you the chance to learn what a real career is like while you continue your studies. T Levels have been designed with leading businesses and employers to give you the knowledge and skills you need, including a minimum of 45 days on an industry placement – this means you will spend 80% of your learning time in College and 20% within the workplace.
We are all about CAREERS NOT COURSES and pride ourselves on being able to offer a huge range of programmes to ensure you develop the skills and knowledge employers and universities are looking for. As the only education provider in North Somerset that enables you to work your way up from an entrylevel programme to a degree, we’re here to help you choose the right programme for you.
We can help you choose your study programme or apprenticeship by accessing the following support:
School Liaison Team
Working with local schools we help you find out about college life and programmes of study, and we provide you with advice and guidance about what programmes will best suit you. We will either visit your school, attend careers fairs and parents’ evenings or coordinate campus and virtual events such as our taster days, holiday workshops and tours.
We put on a number of events over the year, which will be a mixture of face-to-face and virtual events. These provide you and your family with the opportunity to explore our facilities, speak to our lecturers, find out about the support on offer and choose the right programme for you. Our events also give you the opportunity to engage with a number of employers to find out about careers in their industry and why they value the calibre of candidates that come from Weston College.
- On our website you can access a wealth of career guidance, such as:
- All the programmes you can study.
- What our alumni have gone on to achieve.
- Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) that will help explain what relevant careers and jobs are available, including salaries.
- NEW – Subject careers roadmaps, so you can map your journey with us and ensure it will get you into your chosen career. Also, check out Career Coach - this provides you with the opportunity to:
- Take an assessment that matches you with careers.
- Explore broad career pathways that match your strengths and interests.
- Compare careers within a pathway - including salaries, required education and more.
- Explore our programmes that will set you on the path to your desired career.
- Take a career assessment - and receive an in-depth report that can help you identify the best programme and career path for you!
We’re here and happy to help – if you would like more advice and guidance, contact our school liaison team by emailing schoolteam@weston.ac.uk. - they you can arrange a one-to-one careers appointment with our specialist staff.

<p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{6cfc4a22-34c7-4f07-bf99-603d0ecc0ad7}{39}" paraid="206371707" xml:lang="EN-GB">Last month saw the Education and Early Years, Hair and Beauty, and the Hospitality and Catering students celebrating their achievements this year.</p><p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{6cfc4a22-34c7-4f07-bf99-603d0ecc0ad7}{39}" paraid="206371707" xml:lang="EN-GB">The End of Year Celebrations showcased the learners incredible work and skills. The theme of this year's event was ‘WESTONBURY’ - Weston College’s very own festival! </p><p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{881830c6-3017-403d-8e8d-5477020c71d7}{124}" paraid="629137896" xml:lang="EN-GB">To kick off the evening, guests were greeted with mocktails and welcomed with amazing stalls displaying learners work, hair braiding, festival food stalls and glitter face painting! </p><p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{881830c6-3017-403d-8e8d-5477020c71d7}{132}" paraid="830618206" xml:lang="EN-GB">The food stalls were run by Hospitality and Catering students and served up incredible food to the guests which was a wonderful opportunity for learners to gain some real-life experience. </p><p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{e2fdc2ac-68d1-4c66-96ce-f96a5ed2239e}{135}" paraid="1731836185" xml:lang="EN-GB">Our Education and Early Years learners presented a video of what they get up to in classes and students Bethany, Hannah and Rachel got up on stage to discuss what they enjoy about their courses! </p><p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{33e6f624-53e5-4558-ba1b-444c3d0cd9d6}{111}" paraid="1971324658" xml:lang="EN-GB">The Hair and Beauty learners displayed their skills with a catwalk, demonstrating the technical skills they have gained over the last year. To open the catwalk, a group of learners gaining their Level 2 Hairdressing qualification prepared a dance – these students have played a significant role in the World Skills competence to excellence which enables them to be challenged to work outside their comfort zones, resilience in challenging situations, problem solve to prepare them for the world of work. <br> </p><p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{6cfc4a22-34c7-4f07-bf99-603d0ecc0ad7}{88}" paraid="996526653" xml:lang="EN-GB">Sandra Bull, Dean of the Service Sector says: "<em>Following the challenges of the last academic year it was lovely to be able to celebrate once again in person the progression and journey of our learners in Service Sectors." </em> </p><p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{6cfc4a22-34c7-4f07-bf99-603d0ecc0ad7}{96}" paraid="68993663" xml:lang="EN-GB"><strong>Congratulations to all our award winners and a huge thank you to our staff! </strong></p><p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{6cfc4a22-34c7-4f07-bf99-603d0ecc0ad7}{96}" paraid="68993663" xml:lang="EN-GB"> </p><p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{6cfc4a22-34c7-4f07-bf99-603d0ecc0ad7}{96}" paraid="68993663" xml:lang="EN-GB"> </p><ul role="list"><li aria-setsize="-1" data-aria-level="1" data-aria-posinset="1" data-font="Symbol" data-leveltext="" data-list-defn-props="{"335552541":1,"335559683":0,"335559684":-2,"335559685":720,"335559991":360,"469769226":"Symbol","469769242":[8226],"469777803":"left","469777804":"","469777815":"hybridMultilevel"}" data-listid="2" role="listitem"><p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{6cfc4a22-34c7-4f07-bf99-603d0ecc0ad7}{103}" paraid="559152118" xml:lang="EN-GB"><a href="https://www.weston.ac.uk/what-can-i-study/courses-16-18-year-olds/hair-…; rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">Find out more about our Hair and Beauty courses here.</a> </p></li><li aria-setsize="-1" data-aria-level="1" data-aria-posinset="2" data-font="Symbol" data-leveltext="" data-list-defn-props="{"335552541":1,"335559683":0,"335559684":-2,"335559685":720,"335559991":360,"469769226":"Symbol","469769242":[8226],"469777803":"left","469777804":"","469777815":"hybridMultilevel"}" data-listid="2" role="listitem"><p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{6cfc4a22-34c7-4f07-bf99-603d0ecc0ad7}{121}" paraid="2080517146" xml:lang="EN-GB"><a href="https://www.weston.ac.uk/what-can-i-study/courses-16-18-year-olds/hospi…; rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">Find out more about our Hospitality and Catering courses here.</a> </p></li><li aria-setsize="-1" data-aria-level="1" data-aria-posinset="3" data-font="Symbol" data-leveltext="" data-list-defn-props="{"335552541":1,"335559683":0,"335559684":-2,"335559685":720,"335559991":360,"469769226":"Symbol","469769242":[8226],"469777803":"left","469777804":"","469777815":"hybridMultilevel"}" data-listid="2" role="listitem"><p lang="EN-GB" paraeid="{6cfc4a22-34c7-4f07-bf99-603d0ecc0ad7}{133}" paraid="1932880819" xml:lang="EN-GB"><a href="https://www.weston.ac.uk/what-can-i-study/courses-16-18-year-olds/educa…; rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">Find out more about our Education and Early Years courses here.</a> </p></li></ul>

<p>We really feel accountancy is a great career path for a huge range of people, but many won’t give it the time of day!</p>
<p>Read our top ten reasons why being an accountant could be the perfect aspiration for you:</p>
<p><strong>1. A Job That Is In-Demand:</strong> Accountants are a highly in-demand job, so you could walk straight into a job after gaining the relevant qualifications. As technology revolutionises, more jobs will be created than destroyed.</p>
<p><strong>2. Job Security:</strong> There will therefore be job security in the field, meaning you won’t have to worry about losing and finding a new job. This could be because…</p>
<p><strong>3. Everyone Needs An Accountant! </strong>There is a huge variety of sectors and industries you can work in as an accountant, including entertainment, business, STEM, and many other fields</p>
<p><strong>4. Be Your Own Boss:</strong> Alternatively, you could decide to set up your own accountancy business, and be your own boss, spend the days doing what you love, off your own accord.</p>
<p><strong>5. Love To Travel?</strong> Accountancy even includes the chance to travel! The opportunities will be endless when you’re fully qualified!</p>
<p><strong>6. Accountancy Is Great For Any Age!</strong> From starting training at 16-18, or gaining your qualifications as an adult, we offer the course for you! 16-18s will benefit hugely from the <a href="https://www.weston.ac.uk/what-can-i-study/courses-16-18-year-olds/busin… T Level</a>, with industry placements throughout, and meeting employers and providers to help prepare you for the world of work. Alternatively, 16-18s could choose to learn in the workplace on an <a href="https://www.weston.ac.uk/what-can-i-study/courses-adults/business-and-m…;, giving the opportunity to earn a wage while learning.</p>
<p><a href="https://www.weston.ac.uk/what-can-i-study/courses-adults/course-finder?… courses</a> are a great option for over 19s, with a choice of 6 courses in accounting so you can choose the perfect level for you, all including the opportunity to gain valuable workplace skills.</p>
<p><strong>7. Varied Responsibilities:</strong> Accountants have many different responsibilities, not just crunching numbers, so your days will be varied and you can guarantee you won’t get bored on the job! Roles may involve dealing with important financial reports, create solutions to financial issues, help organisations run smoothly, and how to effectively manage their money.</p>
<p><strong>8. Development Of Skills:</strong> You will also acquire and develop great personal skills that can be transferred to other contexts outside the workplace, and can be carried with you for life – these can include good communication, solid advisory and guidance skills.</p>
<p><strong>9. Financial Benefits:</strong> Alongside great skills for both in and out the workplace, accountancy also has huge financial benefits. According to the <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/sites/default/files/documents_not_indexed/20… Accounting and Finance Salary Guide compiled by Robert Half,</a> accountants with one to three years of experience can earn between $51,500 (£43,516) and $96,500 (£81,541) annually. Those with five or more years of experience can earn as much as $129,250 (£109,214) per year.</p>
<p><strong>10. Make A Real Difference:</strong> Accountants are huge assets to businesses and are extremely helpful when monitoring important aspects of businesses, including cash flow and taxes. Your work will be highly valued, and you’ll be a crucial member of the team.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Check out our different accountancy courses (<a href="https://www.weston.ac.uk/what-can-i-study/courses-16-18-year-olds/busin… Levels </a>and <a href="https://www.weston.ac.uk/what-can-i-study/courses-adults/course-finder?… Courses</a>) if this is the perfect role for you!</p>

<p>Hi, I’m Alisha and I’ve just finished studying the <a href="https://www.weston.ac.uk/what-can-i-study/courses-16-18-year-olds/compu… Production, Design and Development T Level.</a></p>
<p>I was part of the first ever cohort of learners to study <a href="https://www.weston.ac.uk/what-can-i-study/courses-16-18-year-olds/t-lev… Levels</a>, not only at Weston College, but in the UK.</p>
<p>The course has honestly been excellent, and I am so glad that I decided to go down the T Level route. It has helped me to develop a range of skills, from soft to hard skills – as well as developing my technical skills which I can already tell are going to benefit me in the future.</p>
<p>One of the benefits of studying a T Level, is having the opportunity to gain work experience through an industry placement – something which I enjoyed!</p>
<p>I completed my placement at a company called Next Theme where I focussed on web development. I experienced creating a website for a company and used languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP.</p>
<p>I particularly enjoyed having the opportunity to put the theory I’d learnt in the classroom into practice, by experiencing a real working environment. I also had the opportunity to develop new skills, such as PHP, which shows the benefit of industry placements.</p>
<p>During my placement, I wasn’t just seen as a ‘placement student’, my role was Junior Developer, and through this I have completed tasks related to websites and marketing, which helped me to understand how businesses can expand and build their digital presence.</p>
<p>My skills have been put to the test, especially in terms of HTML and CSS skills, but thanks to the support I have received at college, I have been able to handle the challenges that have come my way.</p>
<p>My industry placement employer has also been supportive, which has been a huge help. They have guided me through the transition to work and helped me gain even more knowledge.</p>
<p>I am so proud to have worked for Next Theme, the experience has improved my confidence and communication, as well getting a clearer understanding of what it is like to work in a professional environment.</p>
<p>Now that I have completed my T Level, I am planning to go to university to study computing, as I would like to develop my skills even further to become a web developer.</p>
<p>If you are reading this and thinking of studying a T Level at Weston College, then I say go for it! You will learn so many skills on your course, the staff are incredibly supportive, and the industry placement takes the course to the next level!</p>
<p><em>Alisha, Digital T Level Learner at Weston College</em></p>