
Courses for 16 to 18-year-olds


With hundreds of unique, exciting and inspiring programmes to choose from, everything you need to create your brighter future is waiting for you at Weston College.

From the minute you walk through the door, the experience and the environment that we create is all about maximising your potential. It’s about preparing and motivating you for a fresh and focused career pathway.

Every Weston College student becomes part of one of our exciting new Career Excellence Hubs. This means you will take part in a study programme with lots of career boosting benefits, all with the aim of help you to go further, giving you the opportunity to become career ready with the skills, knowledge and expertise you need to be successful in your next step and reach your ultimate goal - whatever that may be!

Whether you are looking for the next step after school or the next step in your career, we're bound to have a programme for you. Take a look below at the different types of qualifications available for school leavers and young people between 16 and 18 years old.

Did you know we also run English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)?

Start your brighter future by selecting a subject you're interested in below, and don't forget - you can apply online and it only takes 5 minutes!


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You can progress onto degrees and higher apprenticeships with UCW...

Qualifications Explained

At Weston College we know that everyone learns differently. That’s why we deliver a variety of different qualification types - to give you the chance to learn in the way that suits you the most.

A Levels

A Levels develop the knowledge, skills and study habits to excel at university, as well as the attributes recognised by employers. Your academic studies will be complemented with enrichment opportunities such as trips, mentoring and work experience, providing the perfect springboard for your future career. A Levels are assessed through exams at the end of two years of study. Most learners study three subjects - some choose four.


Check out A-Levels Here


With an apprenticeship you’ll go straight into the workplace and be shown clear routes to progress straight into employment within a specific occupation. You can achieve nationally recognised qualifications, earn a wage, and gain skills that will see you get ahead. On average you will spend 20% of your learning time in the college and 80% within the workplace..


Check out Apprenticeships Here

Professional and Technical Qualifications

Professional and technical qualifications are designed to provide you with the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to gain employment within specific industries or occupations. They provide a balance between theory and practical skills development. They are suited to those who want to get hands-on experience within a particular vocational area. These programmes include work placements. Assessment is more varied and will include exams, coursework and practical work.


Traineeships are a great way for 16 to 24-year-olds who haven’t yet gained the skills and experiences necessary to apply for jobs and apprenticeships. They are taught mostly in the workplace and include a mixture of personal and social development, and employability skills. The aim of a traineeship is to train you within a company so that you are more likely to be offered an apprenticeship or a job.


Check out Traineeships Here

T-Levels Logo

T Levels give you the chance to learn what a real career is like while you continue your studies. T Levels have been designed with leading businesses and employers to give you the knowledge and skills you need, including a minimum of 45 days on an industry placement – this means you will spend 80% of your learning time in College and 20% within the workplace.


Check out T-Levels Here


We are all about CAREERS NOT COURSES and pride ourselves on being able to offer a huge range of programmes to ensure you develop the skills and knowledge employers and universities are looking for. As the only education provider in North Somerset that enables you to work your way up from an entrylevel programme to a degree, we’re here to help you choose the right programme for you.

We can help you choose your study programme or apprenticeship by accessing the following support:

School Liaison Team

Working with local schools we help you find out about college life and programmes of study, and we provide you with advice and guidance about what programmes will best suit you. We will either visit your school, attend careers fairs and parents’ evenings or coordinate campus and virtual events such as our taster days, holiday workshops and tours.


We put on a number of events over the year, which will be a mixture of face-to-face and virtual events. These provide you and your family with the opportunity to explore our facilities, speak to our lecturers, find out about the support on offer and choose the right programme for you. Our events also give you the opportunity to engage with a number of employers to find out about careers in their industry and why they value the calibre of candidates that come from Weston College.


  • On our website you can access a wealth of career guidance, such as:
  •  All the programmes you can study.
  • What our alumni have gone on to achieve.
  • Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) that will help explain what relevant careers and jobs are available, including salaries.
  • NEW – Subject careers roadmaps, so you can map your journey with us and ensure it will get you into your chosen career. Also, check out Career Coach - this provides you with the opportunity to:
  • Take an assessment that matches you with careers.
  • Explore broad career pathways that match your strengths and interests.
  • Compare careers within a pathway - including salaries, required education and more.
  • Explore our programmes that will set you on the path to your desired career.
  • Take a career assessment - and receive an in-depth report that can help you identify the best programme and career path for you!

We’re here and happy to help – if you would like more advice and guidance, contact our school liaison team by emailing - they you can arrange a one-to-one careers appointment with our specialist staff.


Woman having her hair dried

<p>At Em2, we love welcoming learners into our salon for work experience, with the aim of assisting them as they progress and develop skills in hairdressing. When learners come to us, we expect them to be polite, professional and punctual, as well as an open mind for watching and learning new skills. We also expect them to support the team in any way they can, including keeping on top of cleaning jobs and getting clients refreshments.</p>

<p>Elise and Poppy are our two learners currently with us on work experience, who are studying <a href="… and Barbering</a> and are constantly working incredibly hard to support the team. They are consistently punctual and reliable, and always go the extra mile to work to improve on becoming a better hairdresser.</p>

<p>Both have learnt treatments they can offer to clients, as well as becoming educated on the products used, to correctly inform the customers on what they want to know. Since day one, they have always had the right attitude for wanting to improve.</p>

<p>We feel that work experience at our salon has been hugely beneficial to Elise and Poppy as it has allowed them to grow in confidence, by shadowing established hairdressers. The business’s connection with the Fellowship for British Hairdressing has also enabled them to learn valuable skills, and build up regular clients of their own.</p>

<p>Their progress in the work has been evident, but also the progress in themselves as people has also been clear. They each have acquired skills in many areas, both directly in the field as hairdressing, as well as confidence in welcoming and engaging in conversations with clients. I’m a very proud manager of both, and we love having them in with us.</p>

<p><em>Emma, Em2 Hair</em></p>

Male student radio host talking into microphone

<p paraeid="{c7b0445b-ed7a-442b-abfc-25e8f2b7cf1d}{174}" paraid="1704495375"><em><strong>Media learners are starting their very own radio station!&nbsp;</strong></em></p>

<p paraeid="{c7b0445b-ed7a-442b-abfc-25e8f2b7cf1d}{180}" paraid="1194436616"><a href="">Creative Media Production</a> doesn’t just mean making videos. As well as full-blown TV production, podcasts and all aspects of filmmaking, our Creative Media department also expands into radio production.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>

<p paraeid="{c7b0445b-ed7a-442b-abfc-25e8f2b7cf1d}{186}" paraid="1540703878">As a result, learners are excited to be launching their very own radio station: Weston Waves!&nbsp;</p>

<drupal-entity alt="&quot;Male student radio host talking into microphone&quot;" data-embed-button="file_browser" data-entity-embed-display="image:image" data-entity-embed-display-settings="{&quot;image_style&quot;:&quot;max_900x900&quot;,&quot;image_link&quot;:&quot;&quot;}" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="87549d42-632a-4691-b0a9-4a77cca3be4f" data-langcode="en"></drupal-entity>

<p paraeid="{c7b0445b-ed7a-442b-abfc-25e8f2b7cf1d}{192}" paraid="885212569">&nbsp;</p>

<p paraeid="{c7b0445b-ed7a-442b-abfc-25e8f2b7cf1d}{192}" paraid="885212569">From hosting shows/interviews and mixing music to elements of video and managing broadcast output, Media learners are developing a huge range of skills in order to manage all aspects of producing a professional show. Learners have access to industry standard equipment, enabling them to gain relevant and invaluable experience that will make them extremely employable on completion of their course.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>

<p paraeid="{c7b0445b-ed7a-442b-abfc-25e8f2b7cf1d}{192}" paraid="885212569">&nbsp;</p>

<drupal-entity alt="&quot;Mel Edmonds and Dr Paul Phillips with Media learners&quot;" data-embed-button="file_browser" data-entity-embed-display="image:image" data-entity-embed-display-settings="{&quot;image_style&quot;:&quot;max_900x900&quot;,&quot;image_link&quot;:&quot;&quot;}" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="b9852d8e-6e0b-4861-a4de-4189f087f8ee" data-langcode="en"></drupal-entity>

<p paraeid="{c7b0445b-ed7a-442b-abfc-25e8f2b7cf1d}{198}" paraid="1263051098">The station is being championed by Media lecturer Mel Edmonds, who has a huge range of skills and experience from a diverse background as a News Editor and Broadcast Journalist with 20 years of experience working in commercial radio newsrooms alongside training presenters and journalists.&nbsp;</p>

<p paraeid="{c7b0445b-ed7a-442b-abfc-25e8f2b7cf1d}{208}" paraid="2027098432">Mel’s industry background has not only brought years of knowledge for students to learn from but has also led to famous faces from high-profile stations sending in their words of wisdom and support for the Weston Waves team!&nbsp;<br />

<h2 paraeid="{c7b0445b-ed7a-442b-abfc-25e8f2b7cf1d}{208}" paraid="2027098432">INDUSTRY TESTIMONIALS</h2>

<p paraeid="{c7b0445b-ed7a-442b-abfc-25e8f2b7cf1d}{222}" paraid="795978074"><strong>Steve Parkinson from Bauer Media:</strong></p>

<p paraeid="{c7b0445b-ed7a-442b-abfc-25e8f2b7cf1d}{222}" paraid="795978074"><em>"Hi - I'm Steve Parkinson from Bauer Media and boss of KISS Kerrang! Absolute Radio and more fantastic radio stations. Radio and audio IS fantastic and so important to the creative arts. 9 out of 10 people listen to radio in the UK each week, and it’s the oldest medium still evolving and launching new services on a multitude of platforms. Radio and audio is visual now too which opens up even more opportunities career wise. So to you all at Weston College - good luck for a great launch of Weston Waves!"&nbsp;</em></p>

<p paraeid="{c7b0445b-ed7a-442b-abfc-25e8f2b7cf1d}{244}" paraid="2085094686">&nbsp;</p>

<p paraeid="{c7b0445b-ed7a-442b-abfc-25e8f2b7cf1d}{248}" paraid="667647211"><strong>Voice Over Artist Sally Bailey (who has recorded the jingles for Weston Waves):</strong><br />
<br />
<em>"Media students have also played a big part in marketing the station. From designing the logo, posters and banners, to sourcing a professional voice over artist”</em></p>

<p paraeid="{c7b0445b-ed7a-442b-abfc-25e8f2b7cf1d}{248}" paraid="667647211">&nbsp;</p>

<p paraeid="{c7b0445b-ed7a-442b-abfc-25e8f2b7cf1d}{254}" paraid="1780365486"><strong>Video form Virgin Radio's Mike Cass:</strong></p>

<p><iframe allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="913" src="; title="YouTube video player" width="514"></iframe></p>

<p paraeid="{b26e4d07-3824-46c8-b9cd-90f27f980b30}{5}" paraid="276680980">&nbsp;</p>

<p paraeid="{b26e4d07-3824-46c8-b9cd-90f27f980b30}{15}" paraid="1890310781">Weston College’s Creative Arts department increases career-boosting benefits through the creation of the Creative Arts Career Excellence Hub. These innovative subject specific hubs allow for students at Weston College to have access to exclusive opportunities such as these close connections with big industry names. Endorsed by employers, this enables for better integration with the sector to make sure class content is relative and opens doors for learners, so they leave college with more than just a qualification.&nbsp;</p>

<p paraeid="{b26e4d07-3824-46c8-b9cd-90f27f980b30}{25}" paraid="577266287">Weston Waves is set to debut at the college’s <a href="">Creative Arts Summer Festival</a> – a phenomenal showcase of performances and art from across all our creative courses. This festival style event for all the family is running 16th – 18th June at Loxton Campus.&nbsp;</p>

<p paraeid="{b26e4d07-3824-46c8-b9cd-90f27f980b30}{39}" paraid="687829946">In preparation, learners were visited by Weston College Group Principal and Chief Executive Dr Paul Phillips CBE, who is to <a href="">… a Knighthood</a> from the Queen for outstanding contributions in his field. The talented team were able to talk with the “Sir” to be, talk about Creative Arts at Weston College and also got the Principal to request 3 songs top play!&nbsp;</p>

<drupal-entity alt="&quot;​Dr Paul Phillips being interviewed by students&quot;" data-embed-button="file_browser" data-entity-embed-display="image:image" data-entity-embed-display-settings="{&quot;image_style&quot;:&quot;max_900x900&quot;,&quot;image_link&quot;:&quot;&quot;}" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="a8007dad-af39-45f5-881f-e92dee4f79f5" data-langcode="en"></drupal-entity>

<p paraeid="{b26e4d07-3824-46c8-b9cd-90f27f980b30}{65}" paraid="1103862404">From September, it will broadcast to all campuses via Teams every lunchtime and late opening hours.&nbsp;</p>

Young children in a classroom, one boy putting his hand up

<p>I began the <a href="…; Level 3 course at Weston College straight after finishing school. Many placements were offered throughout the course to help give an insight into what working in this field would be like, including the responsibilities and daily tasks of the nursery practitioners.</p>

<p>My first placement on the course with Weston College was at Little Bears Day Nursery, which then allowed me to return to work there full-time after I qualified. I have now been there for almost 5 years. Throughout that time, I have been able to progress from room support to Key Worker, and then again to Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo).</p>

<p>I think work experience benefits the learning experience at Weston College hugely, as it helped me understand how much more goes into being a practitioner in a nursery, including the impact and responsibility you have for the children that we look after. Placements at Little Bears hugely benefit the learners as they can see how we work with the children, and help gain confidence to achieve good communication with the parents and other practitioners.</p>

<p>In order to enhance their college journey, a learner can experience a more hands-on and practical experience in a work environment, whilst learning and doing the job. It can show them how to work as part of a team and building good relationships with colleagues and professionals. In this field in particular, it allows the learner to deeper understand many aspects including the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), taking good quality observations, and working with children of all ages and developmental needs.</p>

<p>As a local employer and a <a href="">Career Excellence Hub</a> endorser, I would expect learners to be enthusiastic and have a positive attitude when coming into this workplace, with a passion to work with children and eager to learn new things. I very much look forward to taking on new learners on placement and hopefully, in the future, taking them on as employees!</p>

<p><em>Kayleigh and Kim, Little Bears Nursery</em></p>

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